Dec 7, 11
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  • 2 days ago . South African surfers talk funny – mostly because they're surfers, but also . Our
  • . Natural Language, Find single term, Find any term, Find exact phrase . U.S.
  • A dirty, often dredlocked person, who resembles a hippie, skater punk or
  • Dec 13, 2005 . Global collection of links to Australian English slang-related sites. Slang
  • 60's slang page from . And now we have Surfer Slang too. . .
  • Surf Lingo. Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to help you more . in this
  • Feb 5, 2002 . So a lot of (American) surfers would say the phrase `the ocean is producing large
  • Hebrew Surf Lingo. If you plan on going surfing in Israel, you might as well know
  • Many phrases and elements of Valleyspeak, along with surfer slang and
  • 60's slang page from the Early 60's Hawthorne California Homepage. . all of the
  • . Canadian slang, lingo, colloquialisms, dialect samples, words, phrases, slang
  • Cheater Five: Five toes on the nose - keep your weight back on the board to
  • Featuring information on Maui Surf Lingo, Maui Surfing .
  • Jun 18, 2011 . Surf Lingo. Alowha — to laugh quietly. ARGLURGARG — phrase used by
  • Word the invitations in a creative way to incorporate surfing phrases or lingo. For
  • Jun 19, 2008 . Though for a brief period a national fad, many phrases and elements of Valspeak
  • 4.1 Beach/Surf Slang; 4.2 Valspeak; 4.3 Hip Hop; 4.4 Hippie influence . For
  • Below you can find some Brazilian slang and colloquial .
  • Surfology - Glossary of surf slang, terms and sayings.
  • aerial - Part of a maneuver where the surfer and his/her board leaves the water.
  • South African slang, reflects many different linguistic traditions found in South .
  • Some of the more common slang words and phrases are listed below. . . fair
  • A list of popular surfing terms, expressions and slang for the letters N through to Z
  • May 17, 2005 . Surfers utilize a highly stylish and descriptive array of words and phrases in their
  • Australian slang, also known as Strine, is our special way of speaking. Words
  • SURFER SAYINGS Words and Lines from Surfers These sayings are not all
  • Gold Star Surfing Slang Gold Star Surfer Lingo Gold Star Surfing Terms Gold Star
  • TUBULAR has been uttered since the 70's in the surf world. . of the San
  • Look up Surf slang in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. . .. The phrase "surfing the
  • The term "California slang" comes from words or phrases heard from people .
  • The Like Totally 80s Totally Tubular Slang List . Radical 80s Slang Phrases:
  • Never (Reading this word or phrase today is the first or maybe . I want to figure
  • Jun 2, 2011 . Surf Lingo Lexicon . discussing the surf conditions when the idea came to mind
  • Slang term for a man's penis. The "tunnel" refers to a woman's vagina. Generally
  • Learn these Australian slang words and phrases and you'll feel at home on your
  • Surf Lingo Dictionary: Dude, like, umm, learn to, umm, speak, like a, umm, dude.
  • Surf Lingo, the universal and regional slang or language surfers use. . "Pearl".
  • This page describes terms, jargon and slang related to surfing and surf culture.
  • Learn surf slang definitions and usage of common words .
  • Mostly used by stoner and surfer stereotypes. . The first time I heard this phrase
  • From the Valley Girl to famous slang phrases from the big screen, 80s slang was
  • Below is a short video showing a young teenage surfer using some common
  • Slang and Terms of the 70s, words and phrases that helped define the . The
  • 24 Hour Shipping on most orders. Customizable slang lingo phrase sayings funny
  • Apr 22, 2003 . Amped: Overdoing it; excited; stoked. Anglin': Turning left and/or right on a wave.
  • Mar 29, 2005 . “Otherwise, you'd be stuck with these long descriptive sentences. . “It sounds
  • Though for a brief period a national fad, many phrases and elements of Valspeak
  • If talking the talk is important to you apres surf then this list of surfing terms . such
  • Jun 4, 2011 . The webs most comprehensive and top rated surf lingo resource. From past to
  • Slang and expressions from Clueless . 16. surf the crimson wave = . (i.e. '

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