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www.informationr.net/ir/21-4/paper725.htmlCachedDec 4, 2016 . Winston also suggests that existing businesses will attempt to suppress the
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I describe the operation of these brakes as the "law" of the suppression of radical
. mode of the Unknowable ' potential energy,' and say that one changes into the
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A radical operation is not necessarily a radical cure, but recurrence is raré. . by
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www.nytimes.com/1986/11/30/books/everything-is-under-control.htmlSimilarNov 30, 1986 . MISUNDERSTANDING MEDIA By Brian Winston. . Mr. Winston, dean of the School of Communications at Pennsylvania State University, argues that the development of technologies follows a deep and consistent pattern. Inevitably, every technology is prey to what he calls ''the 'law' of the suppression of radical potential.''
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Director of Research of the National Survey of Potential Products Capacity, a
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. of the Unknowable ' potential energy,' and say that one changes into the other.
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