Other articles:
www.michigan.gov/. /0,4612,7-132-2941_4871_45835---,00.htmlCachedSimilarMichigan Department of Community Health | MDCH - Reports, Statistics, Data,
www.ofm.wa.gov/sac/nchip/substance.pdfCachedSimilarmay lead to higher rates of alcohol and drug abuse and addiction, although other
phpartners.org/health_stats.htmlCachedSimilar(National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)). Quick
www.ci.valparaiso.in.us/index.aspx?NID=131CachedSimilarMayor's Initiatives for Substance Abuse Prevention. Statistics In the first nine
www.samhsa.gov/data/NSDUH/. /Index.aspxCachedSimilarOct 2, 2013 . Both the report and detailed tables present national estimates of rates of use,
www.downstate.edu/bhr/reports/Substance-Abuse-Report.pdfCachedSimilarour city's schools reported smoking, drinking, and using drugs less often than .
www.unodc.org/documents/wdr/. /2.0_Drug_statistics_and_Trends.pdfSimilarSource: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis- tration . Drug
www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/. /state_profile_-_florida.pdfCachedSimilarThe rate of drug-induced deaths in Florida is higher than the national average. .
www.hhs.gov/ash/oah/adolescent-health-topics/substance-abuse/CachedSimilarAlcohol is the substance abused most frequently by adolescents, followed by .
www.in.gov/library/2409.htmCachedSimilarFor economic and demographic data for Indiana, counties, and cities and towns,
healthyamericans.org/reports/drugabuse2013/release.php?stateid. CachedSimilarThe number of drug overdose deaths - a majority of which are from prescription
www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/od-deaths-jump-city-article-1.1920080Aug 28, 2014 . Driven by a rise in heroin and prescription drug abuse, the drug overdose death
www.bhsbaltimore.org/publications/. /statistics-about-baltimore/CachedSimilarThis section provides information about some key statistics about the substance
www.bls.gov/. /substance-abuse-and-behavioral-disorder-counselors.htmCachedSimilarSubstance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors advise people who suffer
www.forbes.com/. /narcotics-heroin-cocaine-biz-beltway-cz_nv_ 0121drugcities.htmlCachedSimilarJan 21, 2009 . Persistent narcotics problems continue to plague American cities both . the
drugrecognition.com/Use%20Statistics.htmCachedSimilarThe highest age percentage for illicit drug use is 18 to 21. . The most abused
ok.gov/odmhsas/Additional. /Statistics_and. /Statistics/index.htmlCachedSimilarJan 28, 2014 . Mental Health Centers by City . Department of Mental Health and Substance
https://www.ncjrs.gov/htm/chapter2.htmCachedSimilarIn 1995, the prevalence of current use of other illicit drugs, including . . Heroin-
dsamh.utah.gov/CachedSimilarSeptember is Recovery Month. Join the Voices for Recovery in Salt Lake City!
www.crchealth.com/. substance-abuse/. substance-abuse/state-stats/CachedSimilarThis report on substance use among youths is the second presenting State
www.citytowninfo.com/employment/substance-abuse-counselorsCachedSimilarBrowse all of the tabs below for info about Substance Abuse and Behavioral .
www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/druguse.htmCachedSimilarInformation on the use and abuse of illegal drugs in the United States. Provided
www.health.ny.gov/. and_substance_abuse/substance_abuse.htmCachedSimilarBased on the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse . By
www.unc.edu/~gsmunc/JoanMcCord/InnerCityDrugUse.pdfCachedSimilarAlthough scientific and policy statements regarding drugs often suggest that there
www.samhsa.gov/data/CachedSimilarBehavioral Health Prevalence Data (NSDUH) Emergency Room Data (DAWN)
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20232511Similar[Prevalence of psychosis/substance abuse comorbidity. Clinical-epidemiological
www.lanecounty.org/departments/hhs/. /2011_tx_effectiveness.pdfCachedOregon has a growing substance abuse problem: Oregon ranks . For the
www.nationalhomeless.org/factsheets/addiction.pdfCachedSimilaris that a high percentage of homeless people do struggle with substance abuse,
www.state.nj.us/humanservices/. /Substance%20Overview/Cam-11.pdfCachedSimilarThis Substance Abuse Overview provides statistics on substance abuse .
adaa.dhmh.maryland.gov/. /BaltimoreCityLDAAC/ BaltimoreCityJurisdictionalPlanUpdateReportFINAL02_07_11_1.do. CachedSimilarThe Baltimore City Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council (Local Council), . suffer the
www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/groups/disabilities/. /dhs16_157630.pdfCachedSimilarthe Twin Cities in 2010, while the indicators related to the abuse of cocaine
www.nytimes.com/1987/08/. /rich-vs-poor-drug-patterns-are-diverging.htmlSimilarAug 30, 1987 . . drug abuse, according to Government statistics and interviews with drug . ''In
www.ci.medford.or.us/Page.asp?NavID=1728CachedJackson County Drug/Alcohol Statistics. The Oregon Department of Human
www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/. /abuse-international-statistics.htmlCachedSimilarPrescription drug abuse causes the largest percentage of deaths from drug . In
www.bjs.gov/content/dcf/du.cfmCachedSimilarThe Monitoring the Future Study asked high school seniors, "On how many
adai.uw.edu/WAstate/CachedSimilarWashington State Substance Use Data & Resources. The Alcohol & Drug Abuse
www.justice.gov/dea/resource-center/statistics.shtmlCachedSimilarDEA Fact Sheet – March 2014 · 2013 Successes in the Fight Against Drugs ·
www.mass.gov/eohhs/. /substance-abuse/. /treatment-statistics.htmlCachedSimilarPlease find some Substance Abuse Treatment Statistics below. If additional
www.city-data.com/. /1003109-drug-use-statistics-city-reliable-straight.htmlCachedSimilarI have noticed on some cities they do list the number of residence in . DEA Briefs
www.projectknow.com/research/alcohol-and-drugs/CachedSimilarArticle SummaryPrint; Alcohol and Drug Abuse Statistics; Alcohol and Drug
www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/pdf/. /survey-2009drugod.pdfCachedSimilarOther drugs used in the city include pain relievers such . Health & Mental
www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/trends-statisticsCachedSimilarBrief Description There are a variety of sources of information NIDA uses to
dmh.mo.gov/ada/rpts/CachedSimilarReports and Statistics . Report Metro Brief: Substance Use and Mental
www.businessinsider.com/15-maps-that-show-how-americans-use-drugs- 2013-9CachedSimilarSep 26, 2013 . The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has data .
www.hazelden.org/web/public/. /bcrup_attorneyssubstanceabuse.pdfCachedSimilarQuestion: are attorneys at a heightened risk to develop alcohol/drug problems?
baltimorecity.md.networkofcare.org/mh/library/article.aspx?id=393CachedSimilarFacts and figures * It is estimated that the total economic cost of alcohol and drug
patch.com/. /20-towns-with-the-most-heroin-abuse-toms-river-on-listCachedFeb 7, 2014 . We wanted to take a look at how the drug has not only infested New Jersey's .
www.journeycenters.com/. /drug-abuse-salt-lake-city-statistical-breakdown/CachedApr 22, 2014 . Illegal drug use in Salt Lake City represents a significant challenge to the city's
drugabusedialogues.com/drug_abuse_trends. /2013_June_.pdfCachedThe Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area includes Minnesota's largest city, .
money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/substance-abuse-counselorCachedSimilarWith a projected 31 percent employment growth rate, substance abuse and