Other articles:
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aom.org/. /Academy-of-Management-Learning---Education.aspxCachedSimilarThe journal's emphasis is on the study of management learning and education in
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www.misq.org/skin/frontend/default/misq/pdf/. /ImpactFactors.pdfCachedSimilar9.821. 5.041. 9.208. 4.485. 5.183. 6. Strategic Management Journal. 6.393. 3.367
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generalimpactfactor.com/jdetails.php?. International%20Journal%20of%20Strategic%20ManagementCachedSimilarThe aim of IJSM is to provide original research articles related to key concepts
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citec.repec.org/s/2015/blastratm.htmlCachedSimilarAIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y. IF5: Impact . . (1996).
www.ipmj.net/Cached2016 Impact Factor: 1.723. Ranking: 15/47 in Public Administration. Free Access
journals.sagepub.com/page/orm/collections/virtual. /strategic-managementFor example, Strategic Management Journal is the fifth most commonly cited
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https://www.iprjb.org/. /european-journal-business-strategic-management/CachedEuropean Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM) is a peer
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smqnet.com/CachedSimilarStrategic Management Quarterly is a peer reviewed international academic
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https://www.timeshighereducation.com/. journals/2018722.articleCachedSimilarFeb 25, 2015 . World's elite: 4* journals in the ABS Academic Journal Guide 2015 . Strategic
https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jhsem. 5. /jhsem.2008.5.1.1372.xmlFeb 7, 2008 . IMPACT FACTOR increased in 2015: 0.466 5-year IMPACT FACTOR: 0.760.
www.hec.edu/. /Strategic-Management-Journal-for-a-special-issue-Strategy- Processes-and-Practices-Dialogue-and-IntersectionsCachedSimilarAug 3, 2015 . Submitted papers should adhere to the format requirements of the Strategic
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globalimpactfactor.com/journal-of-global-strategic-management/CachedSimilarJournal of Global Strategic Management. ISSN, 1307-6205. Country, Turkey.
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