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Mar 10, 2011 . A buy stop order is entered at a stop price above the current market price.
Limit. Stop. Stop Limit. Trailing Stop. Trailing Stop Limit. OCO (One Cancels Other
Market; Limit; Stop-Loss; Stop-Limit; Market on Close; All or None. Order types
A trailing stop limit order is designed to allow an investor to specify a limit on the
2) If issuing a Stop-Limit on the TSX, will the order be sent to the . 3) Your stop-
FXCompany - EURUSD spread 0.8 pips, stop-limit order distance - 3 pips.
Buy stops, designed to limit losses on short positions, are placed above current
I got killed in AIG last Thu. The stock dropped about .31 in 15 minutes. Talk about
Oct 23, 2006 . The Motley Fool - You have more choices than just saying "Buy" or "Sell."
Stop Limit. A stop limit order is basically the same as a stop loss. However, when
An order placed with a broker to sell a security when it reaches a certain price. A
This is an important difference between stop-loss orders and stop-limit orders.
You want to sell those 200 shares but you want to limit your loss to $190.00, so
Trailing stop loss orders can be used as a disciplined approach to manage your
These orders are most commonly used to protect a profit or limit a loss, which is
Call: (702) 490 – 5317. UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE. Understanding
Market orders; Limit orders; Stop and stop limit orders; Hidden stop orders . or
Most basic orders are the limit order and the stop order.
Entry Orders can be used to place stops and limits as they provide the ability to
Nov 11, 2004 . The Motley Fool - You may be surprised what your broker will do for you.
Sell Stop Order - this kind of order is used by investors to limit a loss, or protect a
Stop-Limit Order - Definition of Stop-Limit Order on Investopedia - An order .
Are limit and stop orders guaranteed? What are stop orders? How are stop limit
Limit stops, also known as Stop Limit Order, activates a limit order to sell when
I am trying to figure out how a "Trailing Stop Loss" is different from a "Stop-Limit"?
Understanding how to use Stop Orders at the market and StopLimit orders. By the
A stop limit order is a limit order that is triggered when a price falls or rises below
But make sure you know the difference between a STOP and STOP LIMIT order.
Limit Orders and Stop Orders may be placed online or over the telephone and
Right click on the individual ticket and select Stop/Limit from the drop-down . .. b)
The market moves 15 pips up to 104.45 so now the stop loss moved up to .
Also known as a "stop-loss order", this allows you to limit your losses. However,
Investors generally use a buy stop order to limit a loss or to protect a profit on a
Aug 22, 2008 . In the world of currency investing, the three terms stop loss, take profit and . stop
Jul 12, 2010 . Stop: After price trigger reached, becomes market. Sto. . Stop Losses and Limit
To limit your maximum loss, you set a stop-loss order at 1.2200. This means if
Stop Limit Orders (STOP LOSS). "Protect against Big Losses". With Stop Limit
Trailing Stop Loss in dollars; Trailing Stop Loss in a percentage; Trailing Stop
Definition of Stop-Limit Order in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English
I am wanting to put some kind of stop on my stock …
Perhaps the most common of all orders, and the one most familiar to new traders
This article is about stop limit loss - The Reasons For Using A Stop Limit Loss
Minimizing Losses And Protecting Gains Through Stop Losses. . A "Stop Limit"
Stop Order and Stop Limit Orders. Stop Limit Stock Trading. A sell stop order
Apr 14, 2008 . SHORT ANSWER Stop Order A stop order is a conditional order to your broker to
Buy stop loss and buy stop limit orders must be entered at a price which is above
Discussion of whether stop loss orders should be market or limit orders, with an
Hi, This is my first post. I did look around to check if this was already answered
A stop limit is either a mental or automatic (placed with a broker) sell order placed