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May 31, 2003 . My wife asked, out of the blue, "What does 'it stands to reason' mean? . a
. more relevant visitors, it stands to reason that you'll improve your conversion
The shrill formula 'It stands to reason' is one of the worst offenders. Originally
Dec 6, 2011 . So does the older phrase “stands to reason”. The latter is a very old use of “stand
Reason definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
to stand in good stead, ser útil. to stand on ceremony, ser muy ceremonioso. to
Definition of It stands to reason in the Idioms Dictionary. It stands to reason
Phrase stands to reason (1620) is from earlier stands (is constant) with reason.
List of Latin Phrases. US Law . argumentum a fortiori = even more so; from the
Shoes Question: What Is Meant By The Phrase; 'To Stand In One's Shoes'? . the
It stands to reason definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
In addition to the idioms beginning with stand, also see can't stand the sight of;
stand meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see .
English Club English Reference: (it) stands to reason - English vocabulary,
Stand to his Guns (To). Standing Dish (A). . Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.
reason meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see .
This leaves our second option -- and there is no reason why Jesus could not
Translations of stand to reason. stand to reason synonyms, stand to reason .
Search Stand to Reason. This Week's Broadcast · Stand to Reason's Blog . Just
stand to reason definition: Be logical or rational, as in It stands to reason that if
"I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands: one . . from
Ultimately "silly moo" became a comic catchphrase. Another Garnett phrase was "
a great many mentions of the phrase “death tax” by. Republican members, and
What is stand? stand meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary. . about
phrase and sentence structure, it stands to reason that the component of the
In fact, the French are quite famous for their amorous love phrases. . Therefore,
indicated by the phrase, “It stands to reason, then,…” 3. The general claim that
Phrase it stands to reason is from 1630s. Age of Reason "the Enlightenment" is
it stands to reason definition: It's reasonable or to be expected. For example, It
THey sustain this nation and i will stand by it all my life. . The phrase, "Under
To be consistent; be in accordance; agree: followed by with, except in the
Information about it stands to reason in the free online English dictionary and .
For example, an advertisement may use a weasel phrase such as "up to 50% off
If solid prospects are constantly flowing through your pipeline, it stands to reason
Phrase stands to reason (1620) is from earlier stands (is constant) with reason.
Note: Use a comma after an introductory phrase such as "Ernest Becker writes."
. others- the fact that they were the people who created the phrase "to make
What is stand? stand meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary. . liquid stays
Definition of stand to reason in the Idioms Dictionary. stand to reason phrase.
per quod, "by reason of which", In a UK legal context: "by reason of which" (as . ..
Equivocation occurs when a single word or phrase is used differently in at least .
Oct 23, 2011 . THEME: "Take It From The Top" — Familiar phrases beginning with "IT" . . I liked
Standing on the shoulders of giants - the meaning and origin of this saying.
Jun 24, 2010 . e.g., since there are dark clouds in the sky today, it stands to reason that it may
Therefore, it stands to reason there must be some extremely important patterns .
By HTTP/1.1 RFC, the Reason-Phrase is unbound, it might have any content .
Add quotes around a phrase to match the exact phrase. . Classical Apologetics:
reason definition: see by reason of; in reason; it stands to reason; listen to reason
Phrase stands to reason (1620) is from earlier stands (is constant) with reason.
stand to reason definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'it