Mar 22, 12
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  • May 31, 2003 . My wife asked, out of the blue, "What does 'it stands to reason' mean? . a
  • . more relevant visitors, it stands to reason that you'll improve your conversion
  • The shrill formula 'It stands to reason' is one of the worst offenders. Originally
  • Dec 6, 2011 . So does the older phrase “stands to reason”. The latter is a very old use of “stand
  • Reason definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
  • to stand in good stead, ser útil. to stand on ceremony, ser muy ceremonioso. to
  • Definition of It stands to reason in the Idioms Dictionary. It stands to reason
  • Phrase stands to reason (1620) is from earlier stands (is constant) with reason.
  • List of Latin Phrases. US Law . argumentum a fortiori = even more so; from the
  • Shoes Question: What Is Meant By The Phrase; 'To Stand In One's Shoes'? . the
  • It stands to reason definition at, a free online dictionary with
  • In addition to the idioms beginning with stand, also see can't stand the sight of;
  • stand meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see .
  • English Club English Reference: (it) stands to reason - English vocabulary,
  • Stand to his Guns (To). Standing Dish (A). . Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.
  • reason meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see .
  • This leaves our second option -- and there is no reason why Jesus could not
  • Translations of stand to reason. stand to reason synonyms, stand to reason .
  • Search Stand to Reason. This Week's Broadcast · Stand to Reason's Blog . Just
  • stand to reason definition: Be logical or rational, as in It stands to reason that if
  • "I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands: one . . from
  • Ultimately "silly moo" became a comic catchphrase. Another Garnett phrase was "
  • a great many mentions of the phrase “death tax” by. Republican members, and
  • What is stand? stand meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary. . about
  • phrase and sentence structure, it stands to reason that the component of the
  • In fact, the French are quite famous for their amorous love phrases. . Therefore,
  • indicated by the phrase, “It stands to reason, then,…” 3. The general claim that
  • Phrase it stands to reason is from 1630s. Age of Reason "the Enlightenment" is
  • it stands to reason definition: It's reasonable or to be expected. For example, It
  • THey sustain this nation and i will stand by it all my life. . The phrase, "Under
  • To be consistent; be in accordance; agree: followed by with, except in the
  • Information about it stands to reason in the free online English dictionary and .
  • For example, an advertisement may use a weasel phrase such as "up to 50% off
  • If solid prospects are constantly flowing through your pipeline, it stands to reason
  • Phrase stands to reason (1620) is from earlier stands (is constant) with reason.
  • Note: Use a comma after an introductory phrase such as "Ernest Becker writes."
  • . others- the fact that they were the people who created the phrase "to make
  • What is stand? stand meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary. . liquid stays
  • Definition of stand to reason in the Idioms Dictionary. stand to reason phrase.
  • per quod, "by reason of which", In a UK legal context: "by reason of which" (as . ..
  • Equivocation occurs when a single word or phrase is used differently in at least .
  • Oct 23, 2011 . THEME: "Take It From The Top" — Familiar phrases beginning with "IT" . . I liked
  • Standing on the shoulders of giants - the meaning and origin of this saying.
  • Jun 24, 2010 . e.g., since there are dark clouds in the sky today, it stands to reason that it may
  • Therefore, it stands to reason there must be some extremely important patterns .
  • By HTTP/1.1 RFC, the Reason-Phrase is unbound, it might have any content .
  • Add quotes around a phrase to match the exact phrase. . Classical Apologetics:
  • reason definition: see by reason of; in reason; it stands to reason; listen to reason
  • Phrase stands to reason (1620) is from earlier stands (is constant) with reason.
  • stand to reason definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'it

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