May 18, 12
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  • Anyway, and tips on rigging, bait, or technique for spotted gar would be greatly
  • . Gar, Alligator, Gar, Florida, Gar, longnose, Gar, shortnose, Gar, spotted .
  • Bait and Hook Guide Service. ►►►►. Catching the "LONGEST FISH" Caught
  • Spotted Gar ,Freshwater and saltwater fish identification center. . Select Where
  • White, Bass, Smallmouth Bufalo, Comon Carp, Blue Catfish, Channel Catfish,
  • I target Longnose Gar. I rig a 7/0 Gamakatsu "Big River Bait" hook on a 12" wire
  • What is the best longnose gar bait? ChaCha Answer: For Longnose Gar, large
  • Gar, Longnose, 22.05lb, Ohio River (Massac Co), 05/06/2006, Nathan . I
  • If you look closely you will see that it is no an Alligator Gar but a Spotted Gar! . It
  • These Rope lures are made to catch Longnose Gar. The sizes they come in are 1
  • Mar 22, 2012 . Plastic or cork bobber (float), capable of keeping your bait and rig . any legal
  • Sep 11, 2004 . I live in Alabama and I'm having trouble catching spotted gar. There is a . Fresh,
  • Answers to Common Questions. What bait is good for alligator gar fishing? If
  • Longnose and Spotted gar provide exciting fights on medium tackle and are
  • These three gar, shortnose, spotted, and Florida, are relatively easy to catch. .
  • Near where I live is a private pond that has longnose gar in it. . They have a
  • Longnose Gar are the most exciting big-game fish on West Point Lake, bar none!
  • Gar Bait & Setup- any suggestions? . its likely not connected t oa river system. ..
  • Mar 23, 2010 . 7 inches of 1/2 inch frayed nylon rope, get twisted in their teeth. I've caught em
  • Jul 22, 2007 . Either when he starts moving again or when you think he's swallowed the bait,
  • Spotted gar caught on catfish jug baited with live, 3. . Spotted gar caught on
  • I landed two more bowfin on cut bait as well as a turtle that weighed around 15
  • The longnose gar will take the bait of an angler seeking other fish species as they
  • Any person, group or business that sells live bait, as defined in 3 CSR 10-6.605
  • Attracting a Longnose Gar with a hooked bait/lure will not usually result in a catch
  • What kind of bait would you use to catch a spotted gar? ChaCha Answer: Rope
  • These fish are caught by slowly moving the boat down the creek looking for
  • He nose more blunt and considerably shorter than the longnose gar. . Live
  • An open-faced reel is also a must. 2. Use live bait, a four- to six-inch shiny
  • Shad, shiners, small carp and sunfish are best for Gar. Use them alive. ChaCha
  • Jun 6, 2005 . The longnose gar's ability to take and artificial lure or natural bait without getting
  • Spotted Gar Fish species information for fishing. . A smallmouth bass in
  • If you are fishing the bait on the bottom (I dont normally do that for longnose gar)
  • Spotted Gar - Spotted Gar Info - Best Spotted Gar Baits - Best Spotted Gar lures -
  • Select Where To Search, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, Baits / Lures, Rods, Reels
  • How to Fish for Longnose Gar With Cut Bait. Longnose gar pose a unique
  • Jun 16, 2011 . When pole fishing for Spotted Gar, and using bait, many anglers have had good
  • Fishing Techniques and Information. Live bait such as small fish, and crayfish will
  • Jul 19, 2011 . Likewise, the longnose gar's long, stiff body is ill-suited to the pursuit of quick-
  • Spotted gar: Wheeler Dam AL 7-4-11. . I tossed another piece of bait in, dragged
  • Redhorse, River. 4/27/12. Gary. Gigantic Longnose Gar . Subject: Bluegill, Bass,
  • May 12, 2011 . Its cousins, such as the Longnose and Spotted Gar, do not grow as large .
  • May 3, 2003 . We had 76 pounds of fish, mostly longnose gar, during the 6-hour allotted time
  • The most common methods are the nylon rope lure and live baiting. Gar . This is
  • Longnose Gar caught on live bait Shared by floridasport

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