Other articles:
Apr 9, 2012 . You can import from popular code hosting sites like GitHub or SourceForge, or
Nov 9, 2010 . SourceForge.net hosted application for aria2. Skip to content . I'm considering to
Dec 2, 2007 . git svn init -t tags -b branches -T trunk https://avogadro.svn.sourceforge.net/
May 11, 2011 . Switch from SourceForge svn to Github git repository. Hello, Tomorrow afternoon
Dec 6, 2009 . Re: svn svn returning 'fatal: Not a valid object name' on sourceforge . to clone
Jan 16, 2009 . http://alleg.sourceforge.net/files/git/allegro-git-20090117.tar.bz2 · http://alleg.
By the way, last night I also switched off the Sourceforge svn and git repositories.
How can I migrate a project (guiguts) from subversion to git? Am I right that a
As of 0.43, the core of Pd-extended is also hosted on the SourceForge git, while
Aug 30, 2011 . SourceForge recommends that projects do not use CVS, since they prefer more
Dec 8, 2011 . This HOWTO will only cover the basic Git commands to perform the actions
Apr 13, 2008 . Previously I'd been using Subversion for about 4 years, and CVS for 1 . The next
Jun 3, 2011 . git svn clone -s --prefix=svn/ https://amanda.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/amanda/
Update build scripts that retrieve svn info to retrieve the current git status. Update
Migrating a SourceForge project from Subversion to Git. Submitted by Daniel.
Now the SourceForge usage policies for SVN disk space usage are pretty . (and
Jan 11, 2007 . Importing SourceForge Subversion Projects into Git. At least for the initial import it
Feb 3, 2012 . git clone ssh://user@opennms.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/opennms/opennms . $
Description: SourceForge.net svn repo to github git repo import script. Public
Dec 12, 2008 . Backup a SourceForge hosted SVN repository – sf-svn-backup . away from
Ext2Fsd Git repository is hosted by SourceForge. The default read-only .
But the latest up-to-date source code is stored in SourceForge's Git repository. .
Sourceforge also supports git as a project's source control system, they have for 2
Jan 18, 2011 . Migrate source code from SourceForge subversion repository to GitHub. Since
Nov 11, 2010 . Migrating a SourceForge Subversion Repository to GitHub . It's all down to Git of
Mar 22, 2012 . Release files from web site; Release files from SourceForge; Packages from our
<project identifier>-<name of choice>@lists.sourceforge.net. The name of the
Sep 14, 2009 . http://sourceforge.net/projects/gitextensions . We've recently done the big switch
it isn't there forever, I'll try to update it for several next months, no guarantee it will
Here is the output from git svn info: $:~/dmtcp> git svn info. Path: . URL: https://
git svn init or git svn clone are intended to connect to an existing SVN repo, so I'd
Feb 20, 2010 . 1 Getting Started with Git Development; 2 SiT v3; 3 SVN; 4 Your . away; local-
How to migrate from sourceforge to github ? More generally, you should be able
VIM 7 plugin useful for manipulating files controlled by CVS, SVN, SVK, git, bzr,
Sep 10, 2008 . I've just started a project in Sourceforge and found out that they only support CVS
Dec 28, 2007 . Permalink | Tags: git, googlecode, howto, sourceforge, svn, tech . With the help
SVN browse code, statistics, last commit on 2012-05-15 svn co https://openfoam-
Tweet hello guys, can you suggest or provide me with your own opinion for which
Okay, I want to use SourceForge to host my source for a program, . . How to
Apr 5, 2012 . Filter my big SourceForge SVN into separate Github projects. Public Clone URL:
Switch from SourceForge svn to Github git repository. Hello, Tomorrow afternoon
May 6, 2009 . Ok, so after posting last week about how to move from CVS to GIT in sourceforge.
Apr 23, 2009 . Migrating Bricolage Subversion to Git. Following up on last week's post on
May 12, 2011 . To: debian-med@lists.debian.org; Subject: [scott@scottcain.net: [Gmod-gbrowse]
Jul 18, 2008 . I use git-svn to interoperate with out Subversion repository at Sourceforge. I did
Mar 5, 2010 . Git Gains Advantage over Subversion. . For SourceForge, by default, a project
Jan 4, 2012 . mkdir mifos-1.5.x && cd mifos-1.5.x git svn init https://mifos.svn.sourceforge.net/
Jan 28, 2012 . Subversion is exhaustively documented in the Subversion Book (svnbook) .
I am trying to convert a sourceforge project from svn to git. According to some