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Genre: (0) Bitrate: 256000. Frequency: 44100. File Extension: .mp3. Domain: .
Jan 22, 2012 . Tested with Killzone 3, BF3 (Dolby Headphone 7.1, GstAudio.SoundSystemSize
Oct 25, 2011 . StereoMode 0. You might also want to try to change GstAudio.YourSoundSystem
Nov 9, 2011 . CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
Dec 9, 2011 . CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
Mar 11, 2010. 2 320gb Western Digital Caviar Blues running in RAID(0) (totalling 600gb+ .
CarRadio 0 YourSoundSystem 0 MusicVolume 0.700000 SoundSystemSize 20
Feb 9, 2010 . Copied. MusicVolume=0.000000. VoipPushkey=1. SoundSystemSize=4.
MusicVolume=0.220000 VoipPushkey=1 SoundSystemSize=2
CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
Mar 24, 2012 . StereoMode 1 to GstAudio.StereoMode 0 and change GstAudio.
this has nothing to do with using an XFi or hardware acceleration
CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.
Feb 21, 2012 . StereoMode 0. You might also want to try to change GstAudio.YourSoundSystem
Nov 18, 2011 . CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
If you are having problems with surround, edit your config file with these changes:
SoundSystemSize=1 –ranges from headphones to wartapes. Change in-game is
GstAudio.CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.
2011年10月31日 . CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
As for SoundSystemSize, here's all I can find on it: SoundSystemSize=0 is small
GstAudio.SoundSystemSize 51 GstAudio.StereoMode 0. and then change your
May 9, 2012 . CarRadio 0. GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000. GstAudio.MusicVolume
block 012. zsuki: Hide video. a legszebb himnusz, amit hot hatchnek írtak a
AudioQuality 0 GstAudio.CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.500000
GstAudio.CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.
album: Radio Bemba Sound System size: 6.44 Mb duration: 00:03:26 . 79鑝e
Oct 28, 2011 . BF3 --> user.cfg in root folder. Add the following lines: GstAudio.
CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
Mar 5, 2012 . StereoMode 1 to GstAudio.StereoMode 0 and change GstAudio.
CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
AudioQuality 0 GstAudio.CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000
. VoipPushkey=1 SoundSystemSize=1 VOLanguage=0 Volume=0.670000 . [
Hard Disk: WD Raptor 2 x 150GB RAID 0, Hitachi Deskstar 400 GB. Optical Drive
CarRadio. ..0. . . DialogueVolume. ..0.700000. . . YourSoundSystem. ..2. . .
. 0.1.0 Description: Audio playback module This module provides a polling-, call
As for SoundSystemSize, here's all I can find on it: SoundSystemSize=0 is small
CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 1.000000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
SoundSystemSize=2. Fixed. When changing that number, it looks like it was
CarRadio=0 VoipEnable=0 OriginalVOForEnemyTeam=1 MusicVolume=
StereoMode 0. You might also want to try to change GstAudio.YourSoundSystem
Results 1 - 10 of 15 . Album: 009 Sound System, Size: 0.46 MB, Type: mp3. Artist: 009 Sound System. [
SoundSystemSize=0 is small speakers SoundSystemSize=1 is hi-fi speakers
+ 27 (0) 72 557 5339 . numerous amplifiers and speakers, 16kW sound system (
. 16kW sound system (size adjusted according to function), lights (scanners, par
SoundSystemSize 51 GstAudio.StereoMode 0. Source: http://au.gamespot.com/
CarRadio 0 GstAudio.DialogueVolume 0.700000 GstAudio.MusicVolume
Total Posts : 3589; Reward points : 0; Joined: 11/8/2008. BF3 voices low volume?
GameSettings.ini: DialogueVolume is 0.0 with SoundSystemSize=0 and last one