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Little Hell debuted at #1 on the Top 200 SoundScan Chart in Canada, garnering
SoundScan is the sales source for the Billboard music charts, making it the
Sep 4, 1998 . Entertainment and Showbiz from a Canadian angle.
Aug 8, 2011 . an incredible #1 on the Top 200 Soundscan chart (Canada), and Old Crows /
Nielsen SoundScan is the sales source for the Billboard music charts. . Nielsen
Feb 5, 2003 . Shania Twain's latest album, Up!, has secured the #1 spot on Canada's Nielsen
Nov 9, 2010 . Note that Nielsen SoundScan data published in this profile may vary . by
Charts & Ratings - Top Best World Music Charts, box office charts, and tv .
Music Charts; USA | USA Raido Charts | Online Music Shop Charts; Other Charts
Nov 16, 2011 . According to one of my sources, The Time Machine concert video will debut at #1
Aug 8, 2011 . Crisis debuted at an incredible #1 on the Top 200 Soundscan chart (Canada),
Dec 22, 2011 . Metallica EP Cracks US Charts . the US it landed at number 32 on the Billboard
A sale with a US billing address will scan to the US Soundscan charts, and a sale
Nielsen Soundscan collects UPC sales data from over 10000 outlets in the U.S.
Monitored: Chart / New & Active / Most Added / Most Increased .
Jan 6, 2011 . Nielsen SoundScan, the entertainment industry's data information . of the
Feb 8, 2010 . TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nielsen SoundScan Canada, the . charts -
http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/2781/soundscanmichaeljackson.png http://
http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/2781/soundscanmichaeljackson.png http://
However, because of the reduced singles market in Canada, only the top 10
Apr 5, 2000 . *Nsync still tops on SoundScan Charts . the SoundScan Canada album charts,
Dept. of Transportation and Works live Highway Cams. Canadian Soundscan
The chart's launch comes a year and a week after Nielsen SoundScan Canada
Sep 26, 2011 . Little Hell debuted at #1 on the Top 200 SoundScan Chart in Canada, garnering
SoundScan is the sales source for the Billboard music charts, making it the
1 1 on SoundScan's Canadian album chart and has sold 145000 units to date in
Jul 5, 2010 . canadian music, muchmusic tv, factor, television, bbc, mtv, canada hip . canada
Nov 17, 2011 . Sophomore Platinum-seller BMYL debuted at #2 on the Top 200 Soundscan
Canada Singles Charts. . Current Radio Station Charts .
Nielsen Sound Scan Music Charts. soundscanlogo.gif. The top selling albums in
Little Hell debuted at #1 on the Top 200 SoundScan Chart in Canada, garnering
Oct 10, 2007 . NIGHTWISH's new album Dark Passion Play, has entered the Canadian
Jammed with Englands' “The Answer” in London; Hits #1 three times with Debut
Entertainment and Showbiz from a Canadian angle.
was provided by nielsen soundsCan Canada. The CharTs are based on sales in.
. CANADIAN CHARTS :: 2008 CANADIAN Nielsen/SoundScan Report . is a
Charts & Ratings - Top Best World Music Charts, box office charts, and tv .
Aug 22, 2011 . In Canada, the album debuted at #4 on the Nielsen Soundscan Top Hard Albums
Little Hell debuted at #1 on the Top 200 SoundScan Chart in Canada, garnering
The top selling albums in Canada compiled from a national sample of retail store
charts. Canadian Hot 100 | Billboard.com. charts. Check out Billboard's top music
Jun 16, 2011. has debuted at #1 on the Top 200 SoundScan Chart in Canada, the . Nielsen
Jul 6, 2011 . It's a Country Boy's World on SoundScan Charts This Week . . taking home the
Feb 9, 2010 . The Nielsen Company and Billboard's 2009 Canadian Industry Report http://www
Jam! is currently the only media outlet that publishes a comprehensive collection
charts. Canadian Albums | Billboard.com. charts. Check out Billboard's top music
Nielsen SoundScan Charts . The Hits charts (radio airplay) . The top selling
Within 4 months, the album was certified gold and reached #1 & #5 on the iTunes
Nielsen provides charts and insights for both music broadcast and sales. . radio,