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https://www.trulia.com/. /TX-Porter/Sorters_Mill_Elementary_School/CachedSorters Mill Elementary School . See parent ratings and reviews, state test scores
public-schools.startclass.com/l/89385/Sorters-Mill-ElementaryCachedExplore facts about Sorters Mill Elementary in Porter, Texas. See details on
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https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerry-hamilton-70502746Porter, Texas - Principal at Elementary School #10 - NCISD - Elementary School #10 - NCISDCurrent. Elementary School #10 - NCISD,; Sorters Mill Elementary - New Caney
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https://www.redfin.com/school/. /TX/. /Porter-Elementary-SchoolCachedPorter Elementary School. Preschool - 5 (Public). 22256 Ford Rd. Porter . Porter
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www.k12academics.com/national-directories/school. /new-caney-isdCachedAddress: 21580 Loop 494 New Caney, TX 77357 . New Caney Elementary
www.b2byellowpages.com/. /311118147-sorters-mill-elementary-school. htmlCachedSorters Mill Elementary School is one of 13 Schools Academic Secondary &
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https://k12jobspot.com/Job/Search?DistrictId=16771CachedResults 1 - 20 of 236 . New Caney Independent School District Porter, TX 77365. 2 Days . Sorters Mill
https://www.facebook.com/SortersMillElem/Cached Rating: 4.8 - 4 votesSorters Mill Elementary School, Porter, Texas. 168 likes. The Official New Caney
www.ratemyteachers.com/christina-hunter-mangold/4436021-tCachedChristina Hunter Mangold is a teacher at Sorters Mill Elementary School in Porter
https://www.schooldigger.com/go/TX/schools/. /school.aspxCached Rating: 1 - Review by SchoolDigger.comSorters Mill Elementary school profile, performance trends and TX state ranking.
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https://projects.propublica.org/schools/schools/483240011455CachedSorters Mill Elementary School, part of the New Caney ISD, is located in Porter,