May 15, 12
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  • LABEL - pdf_icon.jpg MSDS. Snake-A-Way is the world's only EPA registered,
  • The first line of defense for keeping snakes away is to use a snake repellent. .
  • Egg shells, lime or moth balls do not keep snakes away from your yard. Examine
  • If additional or other products are used, a current specimen label and MSDS for .
  • In order for a product to be EPA registered, third party testing must be submitted
  • snakes. Common naphthalene containing products for use around the home . It
  • Dr. T's Snake Away snake repellent is the ideal choice for getting rid of snakes
  • Snake A Way label. Repels rattlesnakes and checkered garter snakes from areas
  • Naphthalene:…………… 7.0% Sulfur: ………………… 28.0% EPA Reg. No.
  • Snake-A-Way is a granular repellent that is applied around the perimeter of the
  • Product Name: Dr. t's snake-a-way snake repelling granules . product
  • ONLY AS DIRECTED ON LABEL. . snakes are believed to be already present
  • May 12, 2011 . Get Snake Away snake repellent and drive snakes away from homes, . or other
  • Dr.T Snake Away snake repellent is available in 4 lb. and 28 lb. buckets. . The
  • Snake A Way label. Repels rattlesnakes and checkered garter snakes from areas
  • DescriptionCustomers Reviews(14)Questions & Answers(1) ../PDF/PDF.gif Dr,T
  • Snake Away is a dry granular mixture that easy to apply around homes, trailers,
  • Snake Away Repellant. 4 lb Container $24.90. Snake.jpg (5838 bytes). Repels
  • DescriptionCustomers Reviews(16)Questions & Answers(2) ../PDF/PDF.gif Dr,T
  • Specializing in snake control and repelling snakes with Snake Away, Do It
  • Snakes, such as garter snakes, are often found slithering in gardens. . Apply the
  • Repel snakes with Snake-A-Way snake repellent . A dry granular mixture which
  • I had looked at the label on that "Snake A-Way" product at Lowes, but it states
  • Bonide® SNAKE STOPPER™ Snake. Repellent does not harm snakes, it drives
  • University tested. EPA Registered and a patented product. snake do it yourself
  • In order for a product to be EPA registered, third party testing must be submitted
  • Sprinkle a granular snake repellent, such as Snake-Away, around your trees.
  • Advance Dual Choice Ant Bait Stations, click to download product label · click .
  • Dr.T's Snake Away Snake repellent is the only EPA approved, university .
  • Sanke Away snake repelling granules are used to deter snakes from entering .
  • Product Not Found. My Wishlist · Login · Create Account · Professional Pest
  • Trusted by homeowners for decades, Dr. T's Nature Products® Snake-A-Way® is
  • Mar 7, 2011 . Snakes are generally shy animals who want nothing to do with people. . find
  • Snake-A-Way Snake Repellent Granules work on poisonous . Keep every
  • Dr.T's Snake-A-Way - Keep Snakes Away From Areas Where They Are Not
  • In order for a product to be EPA registered, third party testing must be submitted
  • May 5, 2012 . Snake A Way label. Repels rattlesnakes and checkered garter snakes from areas
  • Products & Equipment Quickfind > Snakes - Snake Away 4lb or 28lb . Dr. T's
  • DrT's Snake-A-Way - 4 lbs. Natural and Non-Poison pest control products Dr. T's
  • Snake control,control procedures,snake repellent,snake traps, snakes,snake
  • May 3, 2012 . Snake A Way label. Ingredients. T's Nature Products is exclusively a
  • Dr.T's Snake-A-Way Repellent is an expert advice and more for doing it your self
  • Snake Granular Logo. | Product Information | Mix Application Rates | MSDS /
  • Snake Repellent to get rid of snakes and keep them away. Creates a repellent
  • - Cached - SimilarMATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETProduct Name: Snake-A-Way. Synonyms: . . Container: Since emptied
  • Snake A Way label. Repels rattlesnakes and checkered garter snakes from areas
  • Mar 20, 2012 . The sight of a snake in your backyard or garden can be really terrifying. . They
  • If these wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label instructions, . In

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