Jan 4, 12
Other articles:
  • Apr 22, 2010 . POP3 PORT: 110. SMTP PORT: 25. GOOGLE - Gmail. POP3:,
  • Mar 7, 2006 . 3.1 SMTP over SSL port 465. 4 Eudora and Zimbra . Note: ZCS 4.5.5 and after
  • Here are the settings: POP server:, Port: 995 (SSL) SMTP: smtp.
  • May 9, 2011 . If you see something that needs to be corrected please contact us. AOL: IMAP:
  • Aug 14, 2008 . Change the default port numbers and the status of the TCP/IP and SSL ports to
  • Table of Ports for Internet Services; Official TCP/IP Port List .
  • Feb 21, 2007 . Description: SMTP over SSL. TCP port 465 is reserved by common industry
  • Jan 24, 2011 . Secure SMTP - port 587 (can also use the legacy port 465 - this may solve
  • Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0B. You
  • You can configure your email client or server to send all authenticated SMTP
  • Oct 10, 2011 . Incoming Mail (POP3) Server - requires SSL: Use SSL: Yes Port:
  • I've got POP3 working over an SSL connection to port 995, but I can't seem to get
  • Under "Outgoing mail server (SMTP)," check the box next to "This server requires
  • Mar 28, 2010 . Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server requires TLS or SSL: (use
  • Inbound port settings affect how other SMTP hosts connect to Domino. For
  • Sep 21, 2011 . Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server - requires SSL: Use SSL: Yes Port:
  • Just continue to use the regular POP3 port (110) and regular SMTP port (25),
  • Support for TLS (Transport Layer Security), formerly known as SSL (Secure
  • Yahoo Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - (SSL enabled, port
  • If you are on campus, you can continue to use port 25 and (
  • Check "Requires encrypted connection (SSL) for Outgoing Server (SMTP); -
  • Pretty easy - ones you understand why your message is not getting to
  • The default port for SSL with SMTP is 465. However, most e-mail reader
  • 'The server does not support a SSL connection. Account;
  • Server:; Port: 587 (preferred) or 25 or 26 including
  • SSL over SMTP using port 465 doesn't work Exchange 2000 / 2003.
  • Find the MobileMe Mail SMTP server settings here for sending mail through a .
  • to set the mail.smtp.port property, which is of type int. Note that if you're using the
  • 25, TCP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)—used for e-mail routing . .
  • May 30, 2008 . If you open a DOS prompt and telnet to an SMTP server (typically port 25 for non-
  • SMTP AUTH: Port 25 or 587 (some ISPs are blocking port 25) .
  • Nov 23, 2011 . Select "Override default SMTP port" and change the port number from . both of
  • Normally, Eudora will use SSL on the standard port for that service (110 for POP3
  • Apr 28, 2009 . POP3-over-SSL Server:; POP3-over-SSL Port: 995; SMTP-
  • If port is omitted, the standard SMTP-over-SSL port (465) is used. keyfile and
  • MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 25 (
  • AuthSMTP - Apple iPad (Default SMTP Port) . If you do need or wish to use SSL
  • Dec 5, 2011 . Incoming Mail Server: (Use port 143 for standard or 993 for SSL
  • port,, and SSL connection. (SMTP Server Authentication) when
  • The protocol for new submissions is effectively the same as SMTP, but it uses
  • Hello, Do you get an error like the following when trying to send an e-mail with
  • SMTPs – secure SMTP, 465, Port 465 shows up Appendix A of the 1996 non-
  • Mail was unable to connect to server "" using SSL on port 25.
  • In the Outgoing Mail Server box, type Type 587 for the
  • In the Server Port Numbers section, modify "Outgoing mail (SMTP):" to "587". .
  • Using the available options in this service, the administrator can control the
  • Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop.
  • Jan 8, 2009 . TCP port 465 is reserved by common industry practice for secure SMTP
  • POP3 - port 110. IMAP - port 143. SMTP - port 25. HTTP - port 80. Secure SMTP (
  • Dec 19, 2011 . Check Your Port Settings. Without SSL. Incoming Port. IMAP - 143. POP - 110.

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