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Comprehensive list of synonyms for To move or to move something slowly,
great bodies move slowly synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English
Synonyms for slow at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
Find the synonym of slow using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of
slow synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition, see
Enter Word: 'slowly' is hyphenated as: 'slowly' Word stem for 'slowly': slow;
Synonyms for vanish at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, .
What is a synonym for slowly? In: Synonyms and Antonyms [Edit categories].
Definition of slowly in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of slowly. Pronunciation of
The synonym slowly synonymous definition words: gradually, casually,
Define slow down using this online dictionary of free definitions.www.synonym.com/definition/slow%20down/ - Cached - SimilarDefinition of slow | Synonym.comDefine slow using this online dictionary of free definitions.www.synonym.com/definition/slow/ - Cached - Similarslowly synonym | English synonyms dictionary | Reverso Collinsslowly synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition, see
amble, claudicate, crawl, creep, crowd, dogtrot, drag, drag along, drag out, drive
What word means walk very slowly? In: Synonyms and Antonyms, Word Games [
With reference to kissing, I would use the adverb "languorously." Or "languidly."
Definitions of slowly, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of slowly, analogical
Dictionary Results for slow. 1. slow - verb. · lose velocity; move more slowly; "The
at a pace that is less than usual, desirable, or expected <walked slowly toward
Synonym of Slow: Slow Synonyme from Moby Thesaurus Moby Thesaurus slow
find that time passes slowly synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English
more slowly synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English . dictionary.reverso.net/english-synonyms/more%20slowly - Cached - Similarmove slowly synonym - 0 synonyms for move slowly - thesaurasizeWe have 0 synonyms for move slowly. Find the perfect synonym of move slowly
Top questions and answers about Synonym for Slowly. Find 7 questions and
slow - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. . English
All synonyms for slowly - english synonyms database.cricr.org/?word=slowly - Cached - Similarslow - Wordsmyth - The Premier Educational Dictionary - Thesauruspart of speech: adverb. definition: in a slow manner (often used in combination).a
How to say . ? Synonyms, dictionaries - translations . Direct hits to slowly: .
Boeotian, Micawberish, after time, almost unheard-of, ambling, apathetic, arid,
slowly synonym free Download - windows software at . freedownload123.com/s/slowly-synonym - Cached - SimilarCorrect spelling of Slowly at Spellweb.comSpellweb is your one-stop resource for definitions, synonyms and correct spelling
Synonyms for slow. Other words for slow. Different words for slow. Antonyms of
Synonyms for slowly at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
Comprehensive list of synonyms for To happen or to pass by slowly, related
moving or proceeding at less than the normal, desirable, or required speed <
Find the synonym of slowly using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of
Synonym of Slowly: Slowly Synonyme from Moby Thesaurus Moby Thesaurus
Feb 13, 2012 . "easy" (slowly) definition: without speed. Synonyms: adagio [music], lento [music],
Feb 13, 2012 . "lento" (slowly) definition: without speed. Synonyms: adagio [music], slowly,
Synonyms for dilly-dally at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, . and haw,
Synonyms for drawl at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
advance, drag (walk slowly), or shuffle, or maybe stroll, or parade (is like walking
Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word slow.
Comprehensive list of synonyms for To do something slowly, related words for To
slowly has got 2 meanings and 11 synonyms. Look up English within synonym
advanced slowly yavaşça ilerledi, yavaş tempoyla yol aldı, yavaş yavaş yürüdü.
Other Words for Slow: Reluctant, Not Quick, Unwilling, Hesitant, Disinclined,
Synonyms 1, 2. unhurried. Slow, deliberate, gradual, leisurely mean unhurried
Synonym for SLOWLY. Find another name for Slowly at Thesaurus.net.www.thesaurus.net/slowly - Cached - Similarslow Synonym(adj) slow not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time. Synonyms: