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Where can I get a slow loris? I live in London in a rented house and I'd like to
For years we had slow lorises for pets. They were free in our house and usually
Apr 3, 2011 . As it turns out, the slow loris is an endangered animal that's one of the biggest
They have also been popularized as pets in viral videos on YouTube. Slow
While the web watched, Sonya the slow loris simply looked loveable. . “Our
Jan 27, 2012 . Like hundreds of thousands of other people, my first encounter with a slow loris
Jun 1, 2011 . Their cuteness has led to slow lorises being plucked from their natural habitats in
Is slow loris legal in the US as pets? no it was banned in 2007. Is it legal to have
Feb 4, 2012 . Aww!!! Watch these two adorable slow lorises cuddle! . Too cute for extinction -
Apr 3, 2012 . 'Cute-and-cuddly' primates from Indonesia sold illegally as pets. TRAFFIC. This
Or maybe post a link to another video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Apr 24, 2009 . The slow loris is without question one of the world's most adorable animals, but
Loris may move slowly or creep although they can move quickly to grab prey with
Apr 4, 2012 . The slow loris pet trade has exploded since YouTube videos . However,
I am attempting to write this while an insistent orphaned baby slow loris . .
Mar 1, 2012 . As you may or may not know, these animals are endangered. Slow Loris' are wild
The slow loris in Indonesia is under serious threat of extinction as a result of
Join the fight against the illegal slow loris trade (3287 signatures on petition)www.thepetitionsite.com/. /--if-gte-mso-9xml-wworddocument- wviewnormalwview-wzoom0wzoom-wpunctuationkerning/ - CachedSlow Lorises Are Not Pets - MillionTalksattachment=16627:slow-lorises-arent-pets.jpg] You might have seen some
Threats to the slow loris. Currently, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
The Slow Loris: The World's only Venomous Primate and how its existance is
Slow lorises have their teeth cut or pulled out for the pet trade, and often die from
Raise awareness for the plight of the loris and how 'cute' pet videos contribute to
Defying Indonesian law, slow lorises are being sold openly in Jakarta markets for
May 11, 2011 . As so often happens when "cute" videos come out, somebody insists they want to
Mar 20, 2012 . A new campaign by The Body Shop West Malaysia and TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
Thanks to the popularity of the slow loris as a pet, traders have reduced their
I agree with debbie. PLEASE DON'T BUY ONE They are an endangered species
Feb 24, 2009 . Despite the fact that owning a slow loris as a pet or trading it is illegal in all .
Apr 3, 2012 . The slow loris pet trade has exploded since YouTube videos . However,
May 9, 2012 . These real-life gremlins are some killer cuties — and are paying the price for it.
Slow lorises are sold locally at street markets, but are also sold internationally
slow loris can not be kept as pets in the uk. They have a vary bad bit and their
Jan 30, 2012 . “Videos portraying the slow loris as a cute, furry pet increase the demand for slow
Jun 8, 2007 . Efforts are made to get greater protection for the slow loris, a primate which has
So you've heard or seen someone who has a Slow Loris Pet, and now you also
Mar 21, 2012 . A new campaign by The Body Shop West Malaysia and TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
Top questions and answers about Slow Loris as a Pet. Find 100 questions and
Saving the slow loris via ecology, education, empowerment. Search . The truth
Endangered Slow Loris, a BBC documentary exposed plight of world's only
Jan 3, 2012 . How is slow loris as a pet? Is it legal to have a slow loris as a pet? If you have
Feb 7, 2012 . A recent BBC documentary, "Jungle Gremlins of Java," exposed the cruel