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Editor's Foreward. This version of the Cajori's important book “The Slide Rule”
Dec 15, 2009 . This is sort of a slide rule historical society, devoted to the exchange of
Slide rule model information, pictures, and history from all over the world, Sphere
Nov 22, 2011 . History and Terminology . More complicated slide rules also allow the extraction
Model Numbers: There were four different number series in the history of the
The Oughtred Society was founded in 1991 by a group of slide rule collectors
Oughtred is best known for his invention of an early form of the slide rule.
Review. A must-have reference book. -- The Gristmill A valuable contribution to
Rechnerlexikon, a German website on mechanical computing describes it in an
The World's Slide Rule Records. 20 feet long overall weighing 110 lbs.
The slide rule appeared around 1625, soon after the propagation of the
The slide rule (often nicknamed a "slipstick") was developed by William Oughtred
offer a more attractive field for historical study than the slide rule. Its development
The Oughtred Society finally has a website. This is sort of a slide rule historical
Slide rule resources and links. . Incidentally, all the sources for the historical
The »E-6B« ( and its modifications ) are still in use today in pilot schools and by
Around 1622, the circular and rectangular slide rule was invented by
History. William Oughtred (1575–1660), inventor of the circular slide rule. The
Before modern calculators and computers, the slide rule was the calculating tool
The Fuller and Thacher's slide rules had their own serial number systems. Model
The introduction in late 1929 of the K&E 4093-3 Log Log Vector slide rule with
Links, A list of links: slide rule collectors and interesting sites. Finder, A tool for . ..
Slide Ruler History of the Slide Ruler Before we had calculators we had slide
Mike Konshak, ISRM Curator presented a symposium on slide rule history,
Sep 7, 2011 . Slide Rule Resource Centre. Introduction to the Slide Rule. Background on
Slide rules have a long history that began in the 15th century. At that time,
Basic facts involving the development of the slide rule. Includes diagrams and
Slide Rules used in modern history to advance technology in .
Apr 4, 2000 . Stephen White's 'A Brief History of Computing' - Timeline.
SLIDE RULE History, Models, and Makers - New Book in Collectibles , Science
William Oughtred invented the slide rule in the 17th Century .
The amazing thing is that these instructions are one of my most frequent
Probably only the VSWR Calculator from M/A-COM can be considered Click to
A History Of The Slide Rule. In 1614, John Napier discovered the logarithm which
His book describes the history of the slide rule from its invention .
The CONCISE Circular Slide Rules have been standing far above the average in
Jan 19, 2001 . History. Until about 1980, the engineering student could be recognized by the
History of the Slide Rule The slide rule is based upon the principle of logarithms
2010 - Ashley Freiberg - Skip Barber Regional Championship Series Champion -
The slide rule is a mechanical analog computer, consisting of calibrated strips,
History of the Slide Rule. Posted on May 30, 2011 by Deskarati. The slide rule,
History. A brief overview of slide rule history is useful at this point. Slide rules go
Shop Android Market on the web. Purchase and enjoy instantly on your Android
Sep 16, 2007 . Slide Rule History Prologue. In the 16th Century, engineering design as we know
I collect slide rules and other historical computing artifacts. Most of these have
Slide rules: their history, models, and makers. Front Cover. Peter M. Hopp · 0
File:Slide Rule-Karoly Szabo.jpg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to
Breitling Chronomat A short history to aid identification Part 1: The "slide-rule"
The slide rule, also known colloquially as a slipstick,[1] is a mechanical analog
Phd Candidate Creates Slide Rule Exhibit. During 2009-2010, Gary Cameron,