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Jan 22, 2012 . What is the British slang word for jail? ChaCha Answer: The British slandg word
Feb 20, 2011 . Jails British slang / SUN 2-20-11 / Astrologer to rich famous / Band 1998 song
. slang for Jail. Tweet Follow @CockneyRabbit. More slang for jail ». More
Throughout the history of the United States there have been many slang words
Jan 8, 2011 . 1960s Lesbian Jail Slang: A Bulldiker: Usually heavy set, very masculine, butch
Synonyms: bastille, big house [slang], bridewell, brig, calaboose, can, clink .
2. Slang A jail. . hoosegow, hoosgow - slang for a jail. house of correction - (
The following is a list of Chicano slang words and expressions, known as CalГі,
Feb 22, 2009 . Dear Word Detective: Where did the words “hoos-cow” and “pokey” originate as
? Gaol (doing) porridge Chokey (although this is old fashioned). (doing) bird (in
Login; Sign Up. Add Question. What are all the nicknames and slang for jail /
Things seem to be getting boring and tense, so there's this: What's your favorite
Jan 29, 2012 . I am wondering today where the term “kite” came from. Everybody who works in
This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of TWITTER
Hundreds of Australian Slang Words and Sayings. . Aussie Slang - A . in jail. in
SPANISH SLANG ECUADOR. Clearly, one of the most enjoying aspects of
PRISON SLANG affiliated: member of a gang. A&P: inmate store, commissary
In English, we have words such as "the slammer," "jail house," but the . is older
US a slang word for jail. [from Mexican Spanish jusgado prison, from Spanish:
A slang term for Jail. It's usually used with a humorous tint or in writing or speech
What is British slang for jail. Gaol (doing) porridge Chokey (although this is old
In: Urban Slang, Jail Incarceration, Vintage Slang [Edit categories]. Answer:
(of a place) small and cramped: a poky little room. 3. (of dress) dowdy. noun. 4.
Hi everybody. I have a question about translation of one word. This word is used
Oct 1, 2011 . Definition of jail from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio .
Central Lock / Central Locking – Knock-knees or Kiss madolo (Sent in by Ofentse
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of bing is. The slang
(US) a slang word for jail. [C20: from Mexican Spanish jusgado prison, from
jail. , gaol. 1 n borstal, brig (chiefly U.S.) calaboose (U.S. informal) can (slang)
Top questions and answers about Slang for Jail. Find 20 questions and answers
clink 2 (kl ngk). n. Slang. A prison or a prison cell; a jail: spent the night in the
This is a follow-up question to What are all the nicknames and slang . the pokey;
A list of slang words for jail (related to). Find words with this meaning on The
stir, crowbar hotel, big house, up the river, chill factory, the joint, pen, freezer,
Jailbait or Johnny bait is slang for a person who is younger than the legal age of
This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of jail bait is. The slang
Feb 11, 2012 . A-town is an endearing slang term for Atlanta, a city that some consider to be a
an underage slurpee is like a ninja or second term for jail bait.. adults use it so
Jan 3, 2012 . Original Rap Over Big L. Ebonics Instrumental + Video. WilldaBeast Jail house
A slammer is the jail, also known as the pen or the can . it's a slang used by
Dec 11, 2009 . Collected slang words and phrases of the Old West, extracted from period
What are some slang terms for jail? In: Idioms and Slang, Jail Incarceration [Edit
Jun 15, 2005 . This site has a Huge List of Prison Slang definitions. . . Sprung : Getting out of jail
Can --- Jail. Cans --- Headphones. That last take was really kickin', put on the "
Inmate (jail slang) In the US penitentiary slang, just another prisoner. It may be a
CABBAGING - a slang term for stealing. CHIN MUSIC - slang term for
Feb 11, 2012 . Tags: colloquialisms in jail, FROG GRAVY, jail art, jail situations, jail slang,
Top questions and answers about Slang Terms for Jail. Find 4189 questions and
Apr 20, 2010 . Ice : Diamonds; In stir: In jail; Ing-bing, as in to throw an: A fit; Iron: A car. J. Jack:
GANGSTER SLANG: "You dumb mug, get your mitts off the marbles before I stuff