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Other topics include- where in oceans skates and rays live- the differences
The major difference between rays and skates is in their reproductive . www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/education/questions/raybasics.html - Cached - SimilarDifference Between Skates and Rays - North Carolina Aquariumswww.ncaquariums.com/askaquarium/rays.htm - SimilarDifference between skates and rays explained | StarNewsOnline.comApr 8, 2010 . Skates and rays also differ in how they give birth. Skates lay leathery egg cases,
SHARKS, TORPEDOES, SKATES, AND RAYS. . from the other by the following
I have asked all over, including marine bio people and people at the Monterey
Both are cartilaginous fishes that look like flattened sharks. Rays usually have a
It's the case enclosing the eggs laid by a skate. Often it can be found at the high
Examine potential factors explaining differences observed in the stress .
Another difference lies in the fact that sharks, skates, and rays lack a bony
Learn about basking manta rays, electric rays, skates and more. . Skates & Rays
covers). Spiny dogfish. Big skate. Big skates egg case. Though sharks, skates
Name two differences between skates and rays (2 pts). SKATE TAILS HAVE TWO
Skates and rays, who are related to sharks, usually differ in they are flattened or
of the fish resources. However, previous species identification in skates and rays
The difference between a ray and a skate is that their reproductive stratigies are
Jan 11, 2012 . Rostral stiffness and pectoral fin insertion onto the rostrum differ between skates
Cartilaginous fish include sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras. There are . The
What are the differences between Skates and Rays? Both are flat (with a few
. fishes, and includes the Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates and rays) and the .
Rays and skates also differ from sharks. They have blunt rather than sharp teeth,
Oct 27, 2011 . In terms of comparison in size, rays are considered larger than skates. Teeth are
Benthic rays, such as the Atlantic stingray pictured above, are often found buried
or shown as skate/ray. There are other differences between skates and rays –
The major difference between skates and rays (which are placed in different
There are big differences in how much different skates and rays weigh. The
Although sharks, skates and rays are all closely related, there are a number of
All sharks, skates, and rays (e.g., the southern stingray) are cartilaginous fish. .
Skates and rays can be difficult to differentiate. Both are flat and (with a few
The difference between a ray and a skate is that their reproductive stratigies are
Apr 22, 2008 . There are several types of fish that are collectively called skates and rays. Learn
Sharks, rays, and skates form a group of boneless fishes called the .
One of the most frequently asked questions about skates and rays, especially
This class includes fish such as the sharks, skates and rays. You'll . These
UVB rays burn the topmost layer of skin, causing sunburn and cell damage that
Many people have limited knowledge of skates, and those who know what one is
Apr 16, 2012 . Sharks skates and rays — Presentation Transcript . of cartilage & connective
The main difference between sharks, rays, and skates and their cousins, the
Skates and rays are related to sharks. Unlike flounders . Before you go messing
What Is the Difference Between Roller Skates & Quad Skates? . Although skates
How are rays and skates different ?(the fish)? ChaCha Answer: The major
Nov 2, 2009 . The differences do not stop their as unlike many bony fish the skates and rays do
bullshit-bullsharks: “ What are the differences between Skates and Rays? Both
ways that Sharks, skates, rays and Marine mammals reproduce. 3. Differences. •
Other topics include: where in oceans skates and rays live; the differences
Aug 12, 2008 . What Is the Difference Between Skates and Rays? If you are like me, you haven't
Sharks, skates, rays (differences? Number of species? major morphological/
While the basic plan of the skates and rays is similar to sharks, there are some
These pages show some of the similarities and differences between skates and