Other articles:
Oct 3, 2008 . Igor Vaynberg wrote: > actually that someone has also created a jira project: >
In this example, the SIMILE project's Timeline JavaScript is used to display the
Enter your event information in the fields below and click "Generate Event XML."
. General Forum · Commit Changes. This is some of the supporting infrastructure
NPR Timeline. Build your Query of NPR.org using the form to the right; Click on
Using the extraordinary Exhibit and Timeline scripts written by MIT's SIMILE
Nov 6, 2007 . Update: 5/24/2009 If you're using a newer version of Simile's Timeline, 2.3.1 as of
Theming a Simile Timeline. When my employer asked that I investigate how to
JavaScript library for web-based interactive timelines.packages.debian.org/sid/libjs-simile-timeline - CachedSimile Timeline - MindTouch Community PortalContribution. Timeline-sample.jpg. This is a simple template for showing Simile's
May 4, 2012 . share [g+] share [fb] share [tw]. National Science Foundation installed v.2.3.1 of
Oct 16, 2006 . This plugin integrates the SIMILE Timeline with WordPress. It displays posts from
Dec 12, 2011 . This plugin integrates the SIMILE Timeline into WordPress and provides an
This page serves as an entry point to the documentation of the Simile Widgets
[See All Tags]. home » org.wicketstuff » simile-timeline. Simile Timeline. Simile
Aug 10, 2006 . The SIMILE Timeline (and Ajax) libraries can be used from the SIMILE server or
May 3, 2012 . share [g+] share [fb] share [tw]. National Science Foundation installed v.2.3.1 of
Jun 28, 2007 . Introducing SIMILE Timeline's documentation A few months ago, I began to use
Dec 1, 2009 . The Simile Timeline allows you to make beautiful, interactive timelines for web
So I have been having lots of fun playing with SIMILE Timeline, but . Check out
1 day ago . up vote 0 down vote favorite. share [g+] share [fb] share [tw]. i was looking at
I appreciate Bethany's mentioning my timeline tutorial. I need to update it a bit,
Jan 20, 2012 . The Simile Project, of which timeline is just a part, is an MIT initiative aimed at
May 21, 2012 . The Simile Timeline plugin was developed as part of the JISC Funded World War
Feb 19, 2009 . SIMILE Timeline tool general info: . Though creating the timeline does require
Mudanças finais no simile timeline para adequar visualmente ao proposto.vimeo.com/29854050 - CachedEmbedding a SIMILE Timeline in Wordpress « Quædam cuiusdamMar 28, 2010 . I wanted to embed a SIMILE Timeline into a WordPress posting, and it took
. and reuse digital assets. Learn more about the SIMILE project. . A DHTML
Oct 25, 2008 . Want to integrate NPR stories into your mashup? There's code here that you can
Timeline Documentation. Getting Started. The basics, briefly how timelines work;
simile-timeline - Unofficial SIMILE Timeline project cloned primarily to work as
The Life of Monet: a simple timeline showing the life of Monet. JFK Assassination
Sep 11, 2007 . Recently, we have added a timeline component, a DHTML-AJAX based widget
Sep 9, 2008 . This page will be the entry point to the documentation of the Timeline project. For
Feb 17, 2007 . Heh, probably a side-effect of the language, right? Anyway, the API for the
Oct 24, 2008 . (Source: Timeline Issue Tracker - Item #96). <script type="text/javascript" src="http
Demonstrates: Events are not laid out automatically. Instead, they are placed into
Timemap.js is a Javascript library to help use online maps, including Google,
With this widget, you can make beautiful interactive timelines like the one below.
The NPR SIMILE TimelineIntroductionThe NPR SIMILE Timeline (Beta) allows
Dec 30, 2011 . Getting a Simile Timeline to Work in WordPress. The first step is to get it working
Date Tuesday, December 11, 2007 at 10:17PM Tagged as Tag blogging, Tag c#,
Re: New filter - SIMILE Timeline Widget. by Veronica Brandt - Friday, 20 April
JavaScript library for web-based interactive timelines.packages.ubuntu.com/natty/libjs-simile-timeline - CachedSEASR » Date Entities to Simile TimelineJun 5, 2011 . Information extraction is used to extract date entities that can be displayed on a
Mar 8, 2012 . The next day I got a message from Bill that had a link to a tutorial for making your
Simile Timeline. http://www.tiddlywiki.com/. /*** Place your custom CSS here ***/ [
Reference Documentation for Timeline . 1 Timeline Documentation . The www.simile-widgets.org/wiki/Reference. SIMILE WidgetsThis is an open-source “spin-off” from the SIMILE project at MIT. Here we offer .
Timeline is open-source software developed by MIT's SIMILE Project to create
The NPR SIMILE Timeline (Beta) allows you to display a listing of NPR stories on