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The new child of the publishing house in 1951 was SILVAE GENETICA. Forestry
Metadata: Silvae Genetica. Data Source: SUB .
i. L. Silvae Genetiggaw. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Diagnosis of interspecific
Adams, W.T. and Joyce, D.G. 1990. Comparison of selection methods for
Silvae Genetica. Cloutier, D.; Povoa, J.S.R.; Procopio, L.C.; Leao, N.V.M.; Wadt,
Silvae Genetica v. 57 (2008) 1, p. 41-44. Short Note: Development of
Mar 1, 2006 . I consider Silvae Genetica a second tier journal from a researcher point of view,
SILVAE GENETICA Impact Factor. . Journal Abbreviation: SILVAE GENET.
Silvae Genetica 51:225-232. Modrzynsky, J. and Eriksson, G. 2002. Response of
Silvae Genetica [Peer Reviewed] .
Danusevičius D & Lindgren D 2002. Efficiency of Selection Based on Phenotype,
Silvae Genetica, 13, 17o-7. 'owler, D.P. (1965a). Effects of . Silvae Genetica, 14.
May 18, 2010 . Silvae Genetica. Iason GI, O'Reilly-Wapstra JM, Brewer M, Summers RW, Moore
Silvae Genetica - Volume 57 (2008). Issue 1: pp. 1-44 Issue 2: .
Silvae Genetica 29(l): l8 22. Rockwood, DL, LF . Silvae Genetica 29(3 4): l4l l5l.
Venue: SILVAE GENETICA . journal = {SILVAE GENETICA}, year = {1991},
"Silvae Genetica" is an international peer reviewed journal with more than a 50
silvae-genetica-48 top 64 positions in Google, Yahoo, Bing; language: en.
Sep 6, 2007 . Description, Silvae Genetica is an international peer reviewed journal with more
A A Tolun, E Velioglu, B Cengel, Z Kaya in Silvae Genetica (2000). Save
May 12, 2011 . Embrapa Florestas e Revisor de periódico of Silvae Genetica. Has experience in
Bibliographic Information for : SILVAE GENETICA, 2 Volume(s). Name : SILVAE
Sep 21, 2011 . Silvae Genetica 51 (2-3), 115-122. Wu, H. X., Matheson, A.C. and Abarquez, A..
Silvae Genetica is edited by the. Bnndesforschungsanstalt for Forst- und.
Jan 31, 2004 . (Contents database of Foreign magazines). Silvae Genetica. ISSN:00375349. list
Silvae Genetica is an international peer reviewed journal with more than a 50 .
Silvae Genetica 11:130142. Lines, Roger. 1979. Natural variation within and
Silvae Genetica 27, 223-225. Cahalan, C.M., Plowman, M.R., Baker, C.A. and
Oct 10, 2011 . Silvae Genetica. Page T., Tate H., Cornelius J.P. Reproductive biology of
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie · Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung · Silvae
Silvae Genetica is an international journal, published six times per year by
Others: Silvae Genetica is an international peer reviewed journal with more than
Silvae Genetica. Tables of Contents + Abstracts Full Text (pdf). Abstracts (free),
Silvae Genetica, 50 (3-4): 167-175. . . Efficiency of selection based on phenotype
Feb 8, 2011 . Silvae Genetica is the leading scientific publication of forest genetics. A DNA
Silvae Genetica. INHALTSVERZEICHNIS. Genetic Structure and Variation in
Sonderdruckaus: Silvae Genetica it!L J. D. Sauerltinder's Verlag, Frankfurt a. M
Silvae Genetica, 2001; Vol (3-4): 117 - 122. Liu Gui-feng; Dong Jing-xiang; Jiang
Oct 10, 2011 . Silvae Genetica 54: 160-166 (PDF 386 KB). [24] Potts, B.M., Vaillancourt, R.E.,
SILVAE GENETICA. Zeitschrift für Forstgenetik Mit der Zeitschrift SILVAE
Electronic Resources from Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Title: Silvae
Silvae Genetica, 25, 29–34. Comps, B, Letouzey, J, . Silvae Genetica, 34, 193–
Silvae Genetica 41, 4-5, 1992, pp. 242-248*. Carter et al. Symptoms and Causes
Jan 14, 2011 . Silvae Genetica 41, 6: 339-342 (1992). 4. Panetsos, K.P., Scaltsoyiannes, A. and
Genetic variation of physical and chemical wood properties (with Luis A. Apiolaza
Silvae Genetica. Country: Germany. Subject Area: Agricultural and Biological
Silvae Genetica (In press). Mahmood, T., Rahman, MH, . Silvae Genetica 52:52-
Silvae Genetica 59(1): 29-39. Jayawickrama KJS. 2009. Northwest Tree