Other articles:
Note: Some correlations are negative because a high score on the FAI indicates
Sickness Impact Profile Score Vs Msf-36 for Functional Outcome Assessment;
Overall score, 2 domain scores, and 12 category scores; items are weighted
sures of visual acuity or the Sickness Impact Profile score. The VF-14 score is
treatment, a patient's score was 12 and, at the conclusion of treatment, her score
Oct 30, 2010 . To score the scale, weights are applied to marked items, summed for each . "A
The sickness impact profile score (SIP) is a sensitive, behaviorally based
Jan 8, 2001 . Problems with the Sickness Impact Profile: a theoretically based analysis and a
Assessment by Sickness Impact Profile. . Orthotopic neobladder demonstrated a
Which Quality of Life Score is Best for Glaucoma Patients and Why?: The
. domains and both physical and mental summary scores are also obtained.5 As
An extended Rasch-model weighted SIP-82 sum score S can be computed .
Table 3. Comparison of the American and Chinese versions of the Sickness
The Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) is a measure of sickness-related behavioral .
pain experience.29 A composite total score, known as the pain rating index, was
Aug 1, 2008 . The median Sickness Impact Profile scores were 15.2 and 6.0 points at six and
THE SICKNESS IMPACT PROFILE. Validity was examined by analyzing the
However, the psychosocial dimension scores were not significantly different
Mar 7, 2010 . SF36; Sickness impact profile (SIP) . This site provides automated scoring that is
Problems with the sickness impact profile: a theoretically based analysis and a
Jan 27, 2011 . Rehab Measures: Sickness Impact Profile . Scoring is determined by adding the
This investigation examines the utility of the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) for
. criteria for CFS, a score of ≥40 on the fatigue severity subscale of the checklist
cability of the sickness impact profile (SIP) in ex-ICU pa- tients. For this study 221
Source: Skinner A. The Sickness Impact Profile Scoring Manual. Medical
The mean Sickness Impact Profile score for patients completing questionnaires
Pearson Correlation Coefficients Between Neuropsychological Measures and
Jul 15, 2011 . Skeletal and Soft Tissue Injury; Limb Ischemia (this score is doubled for ischemia
. Health Survey) Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) . The computerized scoring
Rating Scale score; FVC forced vital capacity; MQOL-SIS. McGill Quality of Life
Sickness Impact Profile Score versus a modified short- form survey for functional
When compared to the corresponding index ratings, Sickness Impact Profile
(HAD) (14)and the Sickness Impact Profile. (SIP). The HAD provides separate
order to validate the use of the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) in psoriasis and
A score of 0 is equivalent to death and 1 .0 is equivalent to full health. . If both
The Sickness Impact Profile: development and final revision of a health status .
Sickness Impact Profile Score versus a Modified Short-Form Survey for
J Trauma. 2000 Oct;49(4):737-43. Sickness Impact Profile Score versus a
TABLE 1-Categories and Selected Items of the Sickness Impact Profile . .
Sickness Impact Profile. TABLE 1. Correlations Between Summary Scores for the
The final development of the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), a behaviorally based
Results—The psychosocial dimension scores of both SIP versions remained .
Impact Profile (SIP) [6]. The main aim of the SIP (The Sickness Impact Profile)
Test: Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) . Scoring/Interpretation: Scores can be
The Sickness Impact Profile (SIP), a measure of health status, is being . tions
Dec 12, 2002 . The principal outcome measure was the Sickness Impact Profile, a
The use of a surrogate Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) score was investigated in a
The inherent variability of the Sickness Impact Profile score was estimated using
May 6, 2010 . Outcome Measures > Quality of Life > The Sickness Impact Profile . How scored:
The range of scores obtained was less skewed for the Rand measures than for