Jan 17, 12
Other articles:
  • Shepherds Chapel? Cult? Posted in the Portsmouth Forum. Share. Read. 113
  • Jul 2, 2011 . The article goes on to say: 'Tony Pierce, another counter-cult researcher, had
  • Dr. Ken Johnson teaches on Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray.
  • Shepherd's Chapel From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia. " I'm so
  • On this teaching alone they are considered a cult because it denies one on the
  • Arnold Murray is the pastor of this church, though I would call it a cult. . One of
  • Even though the Shepherd's Chapel is considered to be a non-Christian cult by
  • Cultblunders and Shepherdbs Chapel . Cult Leader Arnold Murray Racist No
  • Despite all of the libel and blackmail attempts his Cult Defenders use to silence
  • Jun 23, 2009 . those halfwits who call the Shepherds Chapel a cult fail to recognize that the term
  • In my own search for information about Arnold Murray and Shepherd's Chapel I
  • Arnold Murray is the "pastor" of a church called the Shepherd's Chapel which is
  • What is the Shepherd's Chapel? Written by: Slick, Matthew J. Posted on: 06/20/
  • The Watchman Fellowship, a supposed Christian counter-cult research center on
  • Cults & World Religions discuss Shepherd's Chapel in the Apologetics Forum
  • Do not be deceived by Shepherds Chapel! It has all the signs of a dangerous
  • You want to know what is the biggest cult? ORGANIZED RELIGION is the biggest
  • Barnett, Donald and Community Chapel . Shepherd's Chapel and . Cult of the
  • . checking him out! Only a cult wants to tell you what you should believe. . You
  • These positions are often attacked by liberal denominations and the cults, . .
  • On this teaching alone they are considered a cult because it denies one on the
  • Read The Shepherds Chapel ministry described as a cult & my e-mails to Mike
  • Sep 1, 2011 . A look at the beliefs and teachings of Andrew Murray and The Shepherd's
  • Apr 10, 2011 . This is a non-Christian cult that many have been deceived into. . Apologist Matt
  • And I have a duty to the truth and to the students of the Shepherd's Chapel, so I .
  • The article in the January issue of MacGregor Ministries was about Arnold Murray
  • Is Shepards Chapel a cult? . .. I believe that Shepherd's Chapel pays pretty good
  • Sep 25, 2011 . Finally, A Rational Discussion about Shepherd's Chapel! . .. who now are
  • Even though the Shepherd's Chapel is considered to be a non-Christian cult by
  • He is pastor of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California. . . men, under his wing,
  • It's simple and to the point (The Shepherd's Chapel Question and Answers . All
  • The Shepherd's Chapel is at best a very aberrant Christian church and, at worst,
  • Based on "The Shepherd's Chapel" TV programs - this is Pastor Arnold Murray
  • Factnet Forum > Religions, Religious Sub Sects and Religious or Spiritual Cults
  • Just for your information, you might like to have the following information on a
  • Shepherd's Chapel is a 'Christian Identity' (white supremicist) cult. :(: . That is
  • Ohhhh do I ever know a lot about shepherd's chapel! This is a really dangerous
  • Shepherd's Chapel from Gravette, AR General Baptist Discussions. . to it's
  • Official Publication: The Shepherd's Chapel, a daily television program . source
  • Jul 21, 2011 . Shepherd's Chapel is a cult and has exhibited extreme mind control over people
  • Jun 5, 2010 . Shepherd's Chapel is a cult thar borrows most of its cultic beliefs from
  • A: Not all cult observers regard The Shepherds' Chapel as a cult, but Arnold
  • Even though the Shepherd's Chapel is considered to be a non-Christian cult by
  • Aug 27, 2007 . Arnold Murray, leader of the Shepherd's Chapel, is a “Dangerous Duck”. . .. You
  • The Shepherd's Chapel by Arnold Murray is a false cult located in Arkansas that
  • One of the key tenets of the Latter Rain cult is the concept of a “NEW BREED” .
  • Results 1 - 16 . shepherds chapel on comcast shepherds chapel bible shepherds chapel .
  • Oct 21, 2010 . Arnold Murray and Shepherd's Chapel – False Teaching . Over the last few
  • Find 14 questions and answers about Shepherds Chapel at Read more.

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