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May 31, 2011 . The San Francisco Chronicle has released an iPad app that brings the full .
Merl Reagle's Sunday crosswords are self-syndicated in the Washington Post,
Apps for sf chronicle Compatible with iPhone and iPad touch . appfinder.lisisoft.com/ipad-iphone-apps/sf-chronicle.html?cat. - Cached - SimilarWordsmith crafts clever puzzlesFeb 22, 2012 . Instead of scratching your head over your crossword puzzle, simply . also
Feb 26, 2012 . skip to main | skip to sidebar. The New York Times Crossword in Gothic . The
See American Crossword Puzzle Tournament Latest News, Photos, Biography,
Apr 15, 2012 . Ben met his first wife Sandra (Feinstein) in San Francisco. . words in many
Merl Reagle's Sunday Crosswords. . The Washington Post The San Francisco
Daily newspaper for the greater San Francisco area. Includes global news,
The San Francisco Chronicle carries Sudoku by the comics, but it turns out that it
sfchronicle.us - Reviews, Site Info, Traffic Stats and Related Links from Alexa. .
Third Annual Bay Area Crossword Puzzle Tournament - Sept 11, 2010. Third
Tulsa World [United Feature], Flash, .pdf, paper: Ashland Daily Tidings; SF
You Are What You Buy · New! Improved! And Still 100 Percent Fake · Wired · My
January 5, 1950, Audubon, New Jersey) is an American crossword constructor. .
Constructors, editors, bloggers and solvers of American crosswords . Sunday for
Jan 31, 2012 . University of California, San Francisco|; About UCSF|; Search UCSF| . Times
Feb 15, 2012 . can a computer beat the world's quickest minds in crosswords, a game .
The San Francisco Chronicle Magazine is a Sunday magazine published on the
Self-syndicates his crossword puzzles, which appear in 12 papers, including The
Home · Location · Amenities · Accommodation · Dining · Meetings · Offers ·
. has been known to berate the condition of San Francisco: a city besieged by
Feb 16, 2012 . Crosswords are challenging for computers to play since they involve . Read
Sep 2, 2010 . They say it always begins with something innocent, like a San Francisco
Emily is also an obsessed golfer and crossword puzzle/sudoku fanatic. . news
. some of the wordplay you might encounter in a Merl Reagle crossword puzzle.
“Long overdue but well worth the wait, this is the only crossword dictionary you'
you have 40 different locations tucked throughout San Francisco. . Crosswords
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Hi, I just finished this morning's crossword puzzle. It was in the SF Chronicle, The
“Long overdue but well worth the wait, this is the only crossword dictionary you'
SF CHRONICLE CROSSWORD - Page 7. Sf. IT Departments worldwide are
Merl Reagle is one of the biggest names in the crossword construction industry.
Dec 6, 2010 . I have been asked what I thought of the crossword puzzles that appear in the
. is the daughter of the late Maynard Nichols, the renowned crossword puzzle .
What are possible solutions for the crossword clue 'Chronicle'? also Chronicler .
by Allison Shultes [The Phoenix, February 16, 2012]. Crossword contest new
Crossword puzzles, Jumble, Sudoku and video game news on Philly.com. . Los
Feb 15, 2012 . "Jeopardy!" was elementary for Watson, IBM's multimillion-dollar artificial
Dec 24, 2010 . She loved to read, do the daily S.F. Chronicle crossword puzzle, play cards, work
Apr 17, 2012 . Diamond Crosswords, "the crossword with the twist" has been released for free
Oct 8, 2011 . San Francisco Chronicle. November 16-18, 2001. More Harry Potter ephemera .
Welcome to Merl Reagle's Sunday Crosswords . California man proposed to his
Read the latest San Francisco crosswords news and view San . www.examiner.com/crosswords-in-san-francisco - Cached - SimilarCrossword Puzzles by Ray HamelNews Articles.www.primate.wisc.edu/people/hamel/cpnews.html - Cached - SimilarTopic: crosswords News | San Francisco ExaminerMar 31, 2011 . One wonders if Giants closer Brian Wilson, who's reportedly started taking hacks
. Sally Milner Publishing · San Francisco Chronicle · Saunders/Silver Pixel . "D"
Well, OK, fine, we're being backhanded, but crosswords are still an important part
Play online puzzles and games featuring Daily Crossword, Hitori, Jumble Jong
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