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Meaning of serendipitous medical term. What does serendipitous mean? .
serendipity - Definition of serendipity - online dictionary powered by . you ended
Define serendipity. What is serendipity? serendipity meaning, synonyms and
The Travels and Adventures of Serendipity: A Study in Sociological . that his
Definition of serendipity with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish . For
Definition of serendipity from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
The closest word of similar meaning that I could find in any dictionary is logophile
Dictionary for serendipity : serendipity Definition,serendipity Synonyms,
Examples Her performance was a tribute to her retiring teacher. Definition of
Magic Mushrooms .
Definition of serendipitous in the Online Dictionary. . outstandingly bad;
What is serendipity? serendipity meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary. .
May 25, 2010 . If you want an example of a serendipitous event, look here. . Add to. Serendipity
Here is a sample of what serendipity means to author Tobi Tobias (illustration by
Jan 20, 2009 . Not looking for an essay on Serendipity- Definition Essay? . Use our term
Serendipity definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
'Serendipity' is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the faculty of .
How to use serendipity in a sentence. Example sentences with the word
Aug 20, 2011 . There are no cohesive theories about serendipity, as it is associated with a wide
Mar 30, 2010 . Serendipity is unexpected relevance Eine schöne Definition für das zufällige
Try searching the web for Examples of Serendipity. Answers to Common
Jan 12, 2002 . this discovery indeed is almost of that kind which I call serendipity, a very
Serendipitous Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample
Serendipity Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample
Example : a serendipitous encounter . Pronunciation .
The first debate: are the events referred to by Walpole in his letter to Mann, good
Serendipity is actually a cute little movie starring John Cusask and Kate
Feb 12, 2010 . Note the dictionary definition for Serendipity: “Making desirable discoveries by
Aug 10, 2011 . A somewhat irreverent definition of serendipity is: Serendipity is when you want
Jun 3, 2006 . The Oxford Dictionary gives a precise definition of this beautiful word: . Another
Examples of assertion, although somewhat scarce in wartime propaganda, can
The most famous example is probably the discovery of penicillin. . The meaning
. big hit, although it was in German she sang so clearly it was quite easy to
Serendipitous definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with . mainly
meaning, definition, usage of serendipity. . Your tripping over a bag of gold, all
Notice how often attractive words present themselves to define other beautiful
Examples. “Cooperation with other more northerly atmospheric weather patterns
Serendipity : good fortune; luck: "the serendipity of getting the first job she . What
Apr 25, 2010 . Serendipity. Definition. “Serendipity is the ability of making accidental but
Nov 27, 2010. however, the concept of serendipity remains ill-defined and put forth as some .
Sep 19, 2011 . "serendipity" definition: good luck in making unexpected and fortunate . (33 of
The result is unexpected, yet has no meaning (significance). A Serendipity
One aspect of Walpole's original definition of serendipity that is often missed in .
▶noun the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or
The principle of serendipity applies here, however, when the explorer had one
Serendipity : good fortune; luck: "the serendipity of getting the first .
Definition of SERENDIPITY: the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or
Jul 13, 2011 . Below some examples of words that represent a challenge when attempting . It
What are a couple examples of serendipity in science? Answer It! . What is
serendipity definition: Serendipity is when someone accidently finds something