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serendipity serendipity Definition, Dictionary, Synonyms, Origin, Thesaurus,
Ulysses sequence Decision-making A complication of false-positive diagnostic
Definition of SERENDIPITY. : the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or
One aspect of Walpole's original definition of serendipity that is often missed in . .
American HeritageŽ Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. n. . .
Dictionary-Meaning-of-Serendipity - What Does Serendipity Mean? : Serendipity
serendipity - Definition of serendipity - online dictionary powered by
Etymology: Serendip, author Horace Walpole's mythic land of pleasant surprises.
definition of serendipity - good luck in making unexpected and fortunate
Define serendipitous. What is serendipitous? serendipitous meaning and more
One aspect of Walpole's original definition of serendipity that is often missed in
Definition of SERENDIPITOUS. : obtained or characterized by serendipity <
▶noun the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or
Word Origin. C18: coined by Horace Walpole, from the Persian fairytale The
Definition of serendipity from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary
serˇenˇdipˇiˇty (s r n-d p -t ). n. pl. serˇenˇdipˇiˇties. 1. The faculty of making
Serendipity Meaning and Example Sentence: Meaning, definition, sample
Dictionary Definition of Serendipity - News, Videos, Pictures, social network
Definition of serendipity with German, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish
Definition of serendipity (noun) good luck in making unexpected and fortunate
Sep 24, 2004 . Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.
What does serendipity - definition of serendipity mean? serendipity - definition of
luck luck Definition, Dictionary, Synonyms, Origin, Thesaurus, Examples ,
Define; Relate; List; Discuss; See; Hear; Love. Log in or sign up to show '
Serendipitous definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
serˇenˇdipˇiˇty (s r n-d p -t ). n. pl. serˇenˇdipˇiˇties. 1. The faculty of making
Dec 24, 2006 . In general, serendipity is the act of finding something valuable or delightful when
Serendipity is when someone accidently finds something good. (noun). An
serendipity sentence examples. Listen See in Dictionary. Serendipity involved in
Feb 28, 2011 . Home · Home > CAT Word List > Meaning and usage of serendipity . If our
What is the definition of "serendipitous?"? . http://www.macmillandictionary.com/
Dictionary for serendipity : serendipity Definition,serendipity Synonyms,
MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of serendipity and a memory aid (called
Bonus Question. Similar questions: meaning word serendipity . not in quest of. .
Serendipity definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
For example if you look up the definition for expenditure in British English, then
Define serendipity. What is serendipity? serendipity meaning, synonyms and
serendipity - Definition of serendipity. Find the meaning of serendipity.
Dictionary meaning. From the turn of the twentieth century serendipity gained
serendipity definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'serenity','
A very good coincidence, often leading to something really awesome.
Serenity definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
Definition of serendipity in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of
noun. a seeming gift for finding something good accidentally; luck, or good
Define serendipity. What is serendipity? serendipity meaning and more by
An archive of the meanings and origins of thousands of phrases, sayings, idioms
serendipity meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'serenity','
Serendipity definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
serendipity - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words,
The faculty of making Serendipity definition at Dictionary.com, a free online