Jun 2, 12
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  • Alphabetically ordered by nature, and perfect IV stats in parenthesis. Moves .
  • Pokémon also have likes and dislikes depending on their nature. Here's a list of
  • If you want to check your Poke'mons Iv's, try using's IV calculator. .
  • i have a dragonite with serious nature. according to shining leafs for .
  • Dec 3, 2007 . Natures- Natures are decided the same way IV's are (see above). Certain natures
  • SEREBII.NET NATURES. Maximum ivs in the free software download by .
  • just keep looking, there will be a pkmn with an adamant nature alternatively, u
  • Mar 23, 2007 . Basically, Natures like ADAMANT gives 10% more ATTACK and 10% . Read
  • Serebii Gen V POTW Collaboration - Hitmonlee Hitmonlee, another Pokémon
  • EVs and Nature: EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk).
  • Ok, so I got the pass for Victini, and looking on serebii I saw that all it's base .
  • Number two, can someone tell me whats are the best nature for each role? .
  • May 23, 2012 . Natures (Japanese: せいかく Personality) are the Pokémon analogue of
  • Serebii natures - check this search query . . 40, 2, 2533925, 2011-12-23.
  • Each Nature (except 5) Have a Taste They Like more than normal and a taste
  • . for further info check out serebii in the pokedex to know what pokemon gives
  • It has a savage nature. . Assuming an Adamant nature, a Band-boosted Quick
  • May 18, 2011 . Heracross nature Adamant or Jolly? Fire Red & Leaf Green Nature - Serebii.Net ForumsMay 29, 2007 . I'm trying to breed an adamant nature onto a Gible from an adamant ditto and a
  • On Serebii natures are split into three types, Benficial,Neutral and . im guessing
  • Adamant nature - check this search query . . 3, 85615, 2012-01-05., /
  • Apr 26, 2007 . If you want lists of what Pokémon give off what EV, is your . . day care
  • Jul 21, 2007 . Natures For +Atk Adamant -Sp.Atk Lonely -Def Naughty -Sp.Def . . You can use
  • Serebii Wont Work: Aquaeus' Blind Pokemon Alternate Evolutions . Type 2: http:/
  • Add in IVs and Natures, and you've used your Pokemon to its fullest battling . .
  • For the Pokeblocks that raises more than one condition, like Purple Pokeblocks,
  • Ok, say that we have 2 Caterpie with the same natures. . Ok first, I need to catch
  • Out of the 25 Natures, there are 5 neutral ones that have no special effects or
  • Apr 7, 2004 . Purifying Shadow Pokemon V. Natures VI. . and their Male/Female frequency
  • Mar 29, 2011 . I recommend checking out's pokedex if you want to know what . ..
  • Are serebii,dual type of justification to beneficial, topics,pokemon natures
  • Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Heavy Bomber (
  • Its nature determines the type of berries and Pokeblocks it may like to eat. A
  • If you know of the neutral natures that give no bonus whatsoever, its because one
  • . then you will do almost no damage because adamant nature raises attack and
  • Jun 23, 2008 . I got a modest charmander. i was wandering if that is the best nature for it. I also
  • SEREBII NATURES - Page 5 . are hindering nature Satk spd adamant nature
  • Pokémon Platinum is the third game in the Diamond & Pearl series. It is for the
  • I Was On Serebii, looking at some pokemons stats at lvl 50 and 100, and they .
  • Take modest for serebii natures Atdec , type category Serebii Depending on the
  • Combining natures and IVs for the best results. 4. Breeding . To decide between
  • Hopefully you will get a few Adamant and a few that are random natures. If you're
  • Adamant, Impish, Mild, Modest, Rash, Relaxed, Quiet, Timid Dream World .
  • . for In-Game. . . Poster above is
  •'s Official Advent Wallpapers - pokemon wallpaper . Emerald : At the
  • Here let me grab something from here . Beldum benefits from an
  • May 20, 2009 . Those base stats can be seen on some pokedexes, like one in .
  • Add in IVs and Natures, and you've used your Pokemon to its fullest battling . .
  • PS adamant porygon2?? doesnt it lower sp atk for atk? it can use zap . Here is
  • Adamant is the recommended nature as it allows you to nab the listed OHKOs

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