Other articles:
Oct 7, 2010 . /scripts/makecpphp . It's easy to configure a cron job in cpanel, in order to run a
What is the actual error message that you see when you run /scripts/makecpphp?
Jan 23, 2012 . You need to recompile cPanelPHP by executing /scripts/makecpphp <br />';.
Jan 29, 2011 . 3)You may also want to rebuild cpanel's php with /scripts/makecpphp 4)Lastly try
/scripts/makecpphp /scripts/easyapache /scripts/updatenow /scripts/mysqlup --
I need to execute: /scripts/makecpphp So I have tried "run /scripts/makecpphp"
Jan 16, 2012 . 4. /scripts/easyapache 5. /scripts/makecpphp. When we considering the minor
. them manually through these steps: Modify /var/cpanel/easy/apache/profile/
Aug 9, 2010 . Updating PHP used by cPanel. To update the PHP instance used by cPanel, run /
Open /var/cpanel/easy/apache/profile/makecpphp.profile.yaml.local file in vi
Aug 15, 2011 . Run /scripts/makecpphp . It should recompile internal php for CPanel. If you've
I have did /scripts/makecpphp 3.I have restarted apache, restarted server,
Apr 4, 2010 . but script file that is installed is not copied to the folder Users. Quote from: Aric on
So I have tried "run /scripts/makecpphp" but it didnt work. Any help would be
When you update PHP using EasyApache, it only updates the binary for the
Aug 2, 2011 . Save the change to the main.inc.php configuration file. Run the /usr/local/cpanel/
May 4, 2011 . #/scripts/makecpphp. After cPanel PHP has been rebuilt, simply run easyapache
Running /scripts/makecpphp will fix this problem so long as your cPanel
Dec 23, 2010 . cPanel Internal PHP /scripts/makecpphp. FrontPage Extensions /scripts/
1) Use the cpanel file manager to find exactly where /scripts/makecpphp is
Then probably you should run the following command to fix the issue. #/scripts/
Cpanel Important directories. /usr/local/cpanel /var/cpanel /scripts. /usr/local/
How do I execute a script on ssh? I need to execute: /scripts/makecpphp So I
3. Execute /scripts/makecpphp. Once the above script completes try importing the
Then, run '/scripts/makecpphp' from SSH and wait 15 minutes :agree: Edit: Also
Third you may want to rebuild cpanel's php with /scripts/makecpphp. Fourth you
Jan 28, 2012 . 1) Perform /scripts/makecpphp 2) Copy the PHP binary inside /var/cpanel/
Apr 6, 2012 . Run `/scripts/makecpphp`. before running the last command make sure the file /
How can I fix it? Run /scripts/makecpphp And run perl /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/
. /scripts/installpkg postgresql74-server /scripts/installpkg postgresql74-client .
Hi All, We have tried to rebuild cpanel php using the script /scripts/makecpphp.
Jan 25, 2009 . /scripts/mailtroubleshoot — Attempt to Troubleshoot a Mail Problem /scripts/
Jan 20, 2011 . You may receive an error while running /scripts/makecpphp. When I first ran it, .
Apr 18, 2011 . 2) Then next step is to logg into your server as root via SSH and run the following
Jan 10, 2011 . Enhancement: Show warning for internal cPanel php which use the same php.ini
Dec 9, 2010 . Please contact your provider to run /scripts/makecpphp to fix it. So i ran /scripts/
. EasyApache has completed, you have to rebuild the cPanel PHP binaries as
Apr 19, 2009 . /scripts/makecpphp http://www.netenberg.com/forum/index.php?topic=6795.0. If
/scripts/makecpphp. For step number 2, make sure that the script completes the
After get the license confirmation, SSH to your cPanel server as root and run
echo postgresql_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql initdb
Usually running /scripts/makecpphp will fix the above warning as long as as your
Edit /var/cpanel/easy/apache/profile/makecpphp.profile.yaml. ubah value :
You nedd to SSH and run /scripts/makecpphp for fix your issue. If it still doesn't
. you can do this as well:\n\n"; print <<EOM; /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/installpkg .
Jan 26, 2012 . and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly. Fix:
Jan 10, 2012 . /scripts/makecpphp. 2. Download the latest installer using the command below: #
Mar 20, 2012 . /scripts/perlinstaller --force Bundle::DBD::mysql /scripts/makecpphp. Verify that
Oct 10, 2011 . If you see try to access phpmyadmin but it's showing blank page, you may run the
Jul 1, 2011 . Update cPanel to the latest version: /scripts/upcp --force. Make sure cPanel have