Other articles:
http://www.scoresheet.com/FOR_WWW/LR_diffs.txt Directly applicable
Apr 29, 2010 . Archive for the 'Scoresheet' tag . . of 38, had a crazy reverse platoon split, putting
Feb 15, 2012 . One of the features of simulation leagues is that many make use of batter/pitcher
procedures, scoresheets, training judges, formulation of maps and competition
Apr 1, 2005 . scoresheet-talk: This list is to discuss matters related to Scoresheet Fantasy .
Most simulation league and Scoresheet owners invariably tend to make one of
scoresheet-talk: This list is to discuss matters related to Scoresheet Fantasy
Apr 1, 2010 . scoresheet-talk: This list is to discuss matters related to Scoresheet Fantasy
Scoresheet Fantasy Sports - fantasy baseball, fantasy football, fantasy . N.L.
Mar 24, 2011 . Splitting the difference between PECOTA's projection and the Bill James
Scoresheet platoon splits on MainKeys. Scoresheet.com,Baseball Prospectus.mainkeys.com/scoresheet-platoon-splits/ - CachedPlatoon splits analysis at MainKeysPlatoon splits on MainKeys. . Search analytic for platoon splits . Scoresheet
Nov 2, 2000 . scoresheet-talk: This list is to discuss matters related to Scoresheet Fantasy
Nov 24, 2009 . The argument of whether platoon splits are worth accounting for is one . . Depth
This is a list of tips I've come up with for rookie Scoresheet owners. This is
Apr 21, 2009 . I tried to find a platoon partner for Loney at first, but my guy, Gaby Sanchez, .
Scoresheet PDF Download and Ebooks, Research Papers for . pdf.downloadzite.com/-scoresheet/ - CachedScoresheet platoon splits sites of the webScoresheet platoon splits on the HeatKeys. Scoresheet Fantasy Sports: Fantasy
Scoresheet Baseball statistics used for simulated games. . (A player's platoon
Brian DewBerry-Jones' Scoresheet Baseball Page - (10/22/2011) . Current AL
Jan 13, 2011 . I'm giving Scoresheet Baseball a shot for the first time, having been . Because of
Mar 28, 2010 . scoresheet-talk · This list is to discuss matters related to Scoresheet Fantasy
Feb 24, 2009 . Platoon Splits http://www.scoresheet.com/FOR_WWW/LR_diffs.txt. If any
www.scoresheet.com/FOR_WWW/LR_diffs.txt - SimilarScoresheet Winter (Old Timers) Baseball Platoon Splits UsedSCORESHEET OLD TIMERS BASEBALL: Platoon Splits Used. Old Timers Winter
SCORESHEET PLATOON SPLITS - Page 7. Scoresheet. ::download today's
Feb 29, 2012 . NL-BP-Indy Scoresheet League Seeks 1 Owner for Dispersal . from the week,
Mar 22, 2012 . I re-drafted him yearly in my Scoresheet NL league until he turned to the dark
Jan 9, 2012 . Using a hitter's platoon splits versus right- and left-handed pitchers is one .
Mar 1, 2010 . scoresheet-talk: This list is to discuss matters related to Scoresheet . To:
May 13, 2009 . JDM's Scoresheet Baseball . Platoon Splits for Three Types of Fastballs . A
Mar 17, 2012 . The R-TAv' and L-TAv' for batters on the Draft Aid are based on the Scoresheet
If Scoresheet Baseball is missing anything, it is missing the effects of catcher's
scoresheet.com The only Fantasy Baseball game with complete simulated .
Scoresheet Drafting Spreadsheet (includes SSL ID's, range, platoon adj, extra
Dec 11, 2011 . Here is an update to our 2012 Mets Offseason Score Sheet… . . of a
Apr 1, 2010 . I know that the scoresheet website has a link for platoon splits. ..is there a flie out
One is if the platoon advantages actually help your line up. You merely need to
May 26, 2010 . One of the things I love about Scoresheet is the ability to play platoon splits to set
Jun 22, 2010 . Jamey Newberg · JDM's Scoresheet Baseball . In fact, the majority of players
Jul 2, 2010 . JDM's Scoresheet Baseball . Musing on Pitch Type Platoon Splits . The platoon
Mar 31, 2011 . Simply put, Baker is one of the best hitters in the game against lefties, and his
Feb 25, 2011. Kings Scoresheet draft to discuss the value of outfielders and platoons. .
i.e. platoon splits, and have come up with a couple of corrections to the
Oct 31, 2011 . Scoresheet Fantasy Baseball - Batting and Bench Lineup Card . . Scoresheet
Feb 24, 2012 . Baseball Prospectus has become even more Scoresheet . for R- & L-TAv' or are
consider a player's 2005 defensive rating in Scoresheet fantasy baseball. We
Scoresheet Fantasy Sports - fantasy baseball, fantasy football, fantasy hockey .
Feb 25, 2011 . If he is valuable in fantasy, he's even more valuable in Scoresheet, as the lack of
Nov 2, 2000 . scoresheet-talk: This list is to discuss matters related to Scoresheet Fantasy