Jan 30, 12
Other articles:
  • Dec 19, 2004 . In most circumstances, you should use Scope_Identity() rather than @@Identity.
  • Oct 19, 2010 . Use the Scope_Identity() function. . 2012 from twitterfeed; [SQLTeam] How to
  • Posts Tagged 'SCOPE_IDENTITY()'. How NOT to retrieve IDENTITY value. May 6
  • ::The safest way is to use this T-SQL syntax after the INSERT query: :: ::SET @
  • @@IDENTITY VS SCOPE_IDENTITY() in TSQL. 2 years agoProgramming /
  • Oct 17, 2007 . If you haven't used T-SQL stored procedures before with SQL Server . The
  • - I have a table where I created an INSTEAD OF .
  • According to Microsoft's T-SQL docs: IDENT_CURRENT is similar to the SQL
  • See the bottom of the post for the TSQL to create these procedures. Create an .
  • $tsql = "INSERT INTO [sampledb].[dbo].[tbUsers] (UserId,NameSurname)
  • May 6, 2011 . Filed under: TSQL. It is a common business case . One way to deal with the
  • This feature should be similar to scope_identity() in T-SQL, or last_rows_affected(
  • I have seen various methods used when retrieving the value of a . It depends on
  • T-SQL Merge . Some of your may know that @@Identity or Scope_Identity() don'
  • Techies-- I have a stored procedure that saves data, once the data is saved I
  • Mar 25, 2007 . can we use scope_identity() for selecting the last inserted value in different server
  • Aug 30, 2009 . Itzik discusses solutions to the T-SQL challenge from last week. . DECLARE @
  • How to apply the scope_identity function in an INSERT sproc? Execute the
  • My code does not update the thread field. It is null. Anyone have any . "When
  • I have a table where I created an INSTEAD OF trigger to enforce some . Use @
  • Returns the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope.
  • Nov 10, 2008 . T-SQL: How To Obtain SCOPE_IDENTITY() From an Object With an INSTEAD OF
  • I need to compose some TSQL to insert the correct auto number into . You can
  • table Represents normal school statement T-SQL for the insertion of a record in .
  • T-SQL: The difference between @@identity, scope_identity(), and ident_current()
  • T-SQL SCOPE_IDENTITY() in Stored Procedure Development. . I am writing a
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  • . SQL Server 7.0 or earlier), you'll likely get good value from watching this video
  • In your query, SCOPE_IDENTITY() is going to return the last entered identity
  • Nov 22, 2011 . TSQL: Stored Procedure not returning IDENTITY_SCOPE() value . I need the
  • Nov 15, 2006 . Conditional Select & Casting in T-SQL » . Always use SCOPE_IDENTITY() to
  • Jun 1, 2011 . SCOPE_IDENTITY() as the name suggests is limited to the same scope in .
  • May 12, 2008 . SQL Home > T-SQL Programming > Identity Columns. Av rating: . . As stated
  • Sep 27, 2005 . T-SQL: Automatic Output . select @err = @@error, @newIdent =
  • Mar 1, 2007 . A technical article on the new T-SQL capabilities in SQL Server 2005. . INSERT,
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  • May 26, 2011. it didn't seem particularly painful — it was a fair amount of TSQL code, . Lo
  • SCOPE_IDENTITY() and @@IDENTITY Demystified. On Friday, February 09,
  • It is common practice to use scope_identity() to return the identity value of a
  • Using the SCOPE_IDENTITY() Function : SCOPE_IDENTITY « Sequence
  • Jul 9, 2000 . The reason SCOPE_IDENTITY() is preferred over @@IDENTITY is that if .
  • Nov 15, 2006 . Cursors aren't usually required, instead some complex TSQL can do the .
  • Sep 6, 2009 . The scope_identity function can sometimes return a null value and . . Adam
  • May 31, 2008 . SCOPE_IDENTITY. tsqlLine number Off | Hide | Select all. SELECT
  • VFPSQL - TSQL - Mapping - Wiki for Microsoft Visual FoxPro .
  • Advantage of SCOPE_IDENTITY() over @@IDENTITY; Author: Robin_Roy;
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