Other articles:
www.instruction.greenriver.edu/bahl/e127/scholarly.htmCachedSimilar. as encyclopedia entries, websites with statistics, etc., with scholarly ones that .
newcomb.tulane.edu/blogs/reprohealth/. 2/scholarly-websites/CachedScholarly Websites. Amnesty International's “Maternity Health is a Human Right”
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www.besthistorysites.net/index.php/researchCachedSimilarYou may freely reproduce any part of this website. . pertinent collections,
www.danah.org/papers/JCMCIntro.pdfCachedSimilarWe then present one perspective on the history of such sites . The purpose of
blog.historians.org/. /aha-statement-on-scholarly-journal-publishing/CachedSimilarSep 24, 2012 . The American Historical Association voices concerns about recent . and inspire
www.oxfordjournals.org/CachedSimilarWe use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. By clicking 'continue
doingdigitalhistory.wordpress.com/. /publishing-scholarly-websites-using- google-sites-pt-2-automating-the-process/CachedFeb 13, 2010 . In my previous post on scholarly publishing projects, I summed up the . For
faculty.marianopolis.edu/. /quebechistory/Howtorecognizeascholarlysource. htmlCachedSimilarMéthodologie de l'Histoire du Québec / Quebec History Methodology . This is
www.archives.gov/research/alic/reference/womens-history.htmlCachedSimilarAccess to information on American history and government, archival . women,
answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. CachedSimilarI am taking a Mexican-American History class and for certain assignments I need
www.trentu.ca/history/workbook/scholarlysources.phpCachedSimilarYour history essays must be based on trustworthy, academic primary and .
www.scholarly-societies.org/history_soc.htmlCachedLinks to websites of scholarly societies in History are given below. The URL-
faculty.washington.edu/qtaylor/a_us_history/us_hist_resources.htmCachedSimilarUnited States History – Research Guides and Websites . Websites also go out of
associationdatabase.com/aws/RSA/pt/sp/resourcesCachedSimilarThe following websites provide useful resources for students and scholars of
childhood.camden.rutgers.edu/scholarly-journals/CachedSimilarSep 12, 2013 . A forum for discussing the history, science, and culture of play. The Journal aims
www.uncp.edu/home/acurtis/NewMedia/. /SocialMediaHistory.htmlCachedSimilarBeverly Hills Internet (BHI) started Geocities, which allowed users to create their
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libguides.lib.msu.edu/content.php?pid=70725&sid=650116SimilarJan 31, 2014 . FREELY AVAILABLE SCHOLARLY WEB SITES, ARRANGED
library.columbia.edu/locations/global/virtual-libraries/. /educ.htmlCachedSimilarAn illustrated website, with audio files from recordings and photos, about the
personal.ashland.edu/~jmoser1/papers.htmlCachedDepartment of History and Political Science . Scholarly writing has its own set of
www.gse.harvard.edu/library/educator_resources.htmlCachedSimilarPlease tell us about websites we should consider adding. . Gifted and Talented;
libguides.fiu.edu/content.php?pid=333735&sid=2729512Dec 16, 2013 . Resources for information on Art, Art History, & Museum Studies! . and reviews
eguides.barry.edu/content.php?pid=404962&sid=3314851Oct 30, 2013 . PHO 421 / PHO 521 - History of Photography, Film and Art . Scholarly Journals
www.teachthought.com/. /100-search-engines-for-academic-research/CachedSimilarNov 24, 2012 . Academic Index:This scholarly search engine and web directory was . . History
www.nla.gov.au/australiana/australian-history-selected-websitesCachedSimilarAustralian history - lots of links to websites containing primary and secondary .
library.pnca.edu/research/scholarlyjournalsCachedSimilarTheir website includes additional articles not appearing in the print version. .
www.brill.com/CachedSimilarSite Logo Over three centuries of scholarly publishing . Discourse Analysis &
www.academicindex.net/CachedSimilarAcademic Index Research Guides. Abraham Lincoln U.S. History, Art History,
www2.iath.virginia.edu/bpn2f/victorian/bibliog.htmlCachedSimilarAn Annotated List of Scholarly Websites . Spartacus Educational has assembled
https://www.uhd.edu/library/guides/journals.htmlCachedStart with the Databases & Articles section of the library website. . Criminology,
muse.jhu.edu/CachedSimilarMUSE books and journals, from leading university presses and scholarly . 2013
utas.libguides.com/content.php?pid=26839&sid=194184SimilarJul 8, 2013 . Subject Guides. History. Useful websites. . The History Guide is a subject
www.jstor.org/SimilarHistory (7662 titles) . academic community use digital technologies to preserve
guides.lib.udel.edu/content.php?pid=164057&sid=1397759SimilarResearch Guides. History. Websites for World History. . H-Net began as a small
www.oah.org/CachedSimilarThe Journal of American History is the leading scholarly publication in the field of
https://www.h-net.org/reviews/CachedThe reviews of books of historical importance and the roundtable . H-Net
www.neh.gov/grants/research/scholarly-editions-and-translations-grantsSimilarScholarly Editions and Translations grants support the preparation of editions .
www.journalofamericanhistory.org/CachedSimilarPublished by the Organization of American Historians, the Journal of American
www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/society/chronology_soc.htmlCachedSimilarHistorical Data / Chronology of Scholarly Societies [Websites]. Inventory of the
https://history.hanover.edu/courses/handouts/footnotes.htmCachedNov 28, 2011 . Use this model for scholarly articles you have read online only if the . and if it
historymatters.gmu.edu/browse/wwwhistory/CachedSimilarHistory. This feature is our annotated guide to the most useful websites for
zeroland.co.nz/directory/visual-arts/art_history/CachedSimilarArt history online: top art history websites. Art historians . art history. A free,
en.wikipedia.org/. /List_of_academic_databases_and_search_enginesCachedSimilarAfrican Journals OnLine (AJOL), Multidisciplinary, Scholarly journals . . women's
www.sharpweb.org/scholarly-societies/CachedSimilarThe descriptions are drawn from their websites, where more complete . Its goal
www.blackpast.org/aah/research-guides-websitesCachedWebsites also go out of existence, so, for scholarly work, they are not reliable
library.richmond.edu/information/scholarly-search-engines.htmlCachedSimilarCheck out the following sites to supplement the scholarly material you have .
www.library.illinois.edu/ugl/howdoi/scholarly.htmlCachedSimilarScholarly sources (also referred to as academic, peer-reviewed, or refereed) are
www.gilderlehrman.org/CachedSimilarPromotes the study and love of American history. Their website serves as a portal
gdc.gale.com/gale-literature-collections/literature-resource-center/CachedSimilarFull-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines are combined