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public final class Scanner; extends Object; implements Iterator<String>. A simple
Metascan is a multiple engine scanning solution that utilizes antivirus APIs like
net.rim.device.api.barcodelib. Class BarcodeScanner. java.lang.Object extended
Get the world class leader in barcode scanning technology embedded into your
Dec 6, 2010 . Several comments I have read show that PhraseMeme Scanner is working
Im trying to write a program to interface to my scanner. The scanner is a SEAC
When it returns, you'll be shown some metadata about the item you scanned,
Jun 9, 2009 . After my last video about using a barcode scanner to add and search books in
Dec 28, 2010 . Red Laser appears to have a SDK for limited evaluation purpose only from what I
With the Software Developer Kit (SDK) option, you can provide third-party
Scanner: nextInt() : Scanner « java.util « Java by API.
Silver Bullet - Maker of Ranger check scanner software API connects any item
The scanner API provides basic input functionality for reading data from the
Jun 23, 2010 . As smartphone manufacturers improve on the hardware included in their devices,
Dynamic .NET TWAIN is a TWAIN component for .NET-based desktop scanning
The Yapps scanner can work in context sensitive or context .
Definition. PIOS Scanner API provides support for several features. These
Yes, you can use the Java API plug-in (SymJavaAPI.jar) to integrate with
Sep 7, 2011 . For Windows 7, WIA APIs have additional support to complement the already
Feb 3, 2011 . Issue 709: Publish Barcode Scanner "API version" with limited set of required
idscan ocr sdk for developers enables to quickly integrate id scanners and
Is there any free or commercial component written in .NET (no COM . In my
public synchronized boolean isConnected (). Since: API Level 1. Returns
Feb 13, 2011 . SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application programming
Jul 7, 2011 . NAVmobile/AXmobile provides standard abstract layer for barcode scanner
The API presents a uniform interface to the scanner. This means that the
Easily add barcode scanning technology into your own mobile project. .
Keep in mind that files sent using the API have the lowest scanning priority,
In Windows XP, support was added for Automatic document feeder scanners, .
I need a free barcode scanner SDK for iPhone 3G and iPhone 4, any . I would
This is a barcode scanner. This is fast and easy to use, only one method. This API
We highly recommend using one of our Microvision SDK's. If an SDK is not
How to scan data into applications with a USB Barcode Scanner or wand. .
Socket Mobile Software Development Kit, SDK, SDK Data Collection, Bluetooth
JTwain (a Java Twain implementation) provides you a set of clean and simple
Jul 27, 2011 . itouch, barcode, api, scanner, for, app. Would you like to comment? Create a free
SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application programming
Need help with a nasty malware infection or one of our products? The Emsisoft
When GFI MailSecurity is installed on the Microsoft Exchange machine, you can
Jul 17, 2011 . Microsoft Exchange Server has a long history of creating APIs that you can use to
Scanner API. Beaver defines a simple interface that it expect scanners will follow
Packages that use Scanner. java.util, Contains the collections framework, legacy
[FAQ]FingerPrint Scanner SDK for Apps Android Software Development.
Barcode Scanner API -- see mashups, code, news, reviews and resources. Plus
void, close() Closes the scanner and releases any resources it has allocated.
If the bar code scanner is a plug-in card (CompactFlash or Secure Digital cards),
Futronic's FS80 USB fingerprint scanner now available at discounted price. It
The RedLaser Software Development Kit (SDK) contains the same . in setting
. such as fingerprint scanners, access control systems for complete surveillance.