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The people portrayed on these photos are innocent men and women, NOT
Scamming the scammers. . Scamming the scammers. (20, 8, 07). Name: Natalia
Apr 29, 2008 . Many of you know that from time to time I highlight those phishing and scam e-
Nov 16, 2003 . But the Nigerian (insert other nation of origin here) money transfer scam is still
Dec 6, 2006 . Scamming the Scammers. . How Agents Foiled Casino Scam · Receiving Text
Jun 3, 2009 . Hmm, US military (scam alert 2 – playing off patriotism), car is overseas (scam
Feb 21, 2012 . More of scamming the scammers. What have those naughty Africans been up to?worldofsheds.wordpress.com/. /scamming-the-scammers-the-army-scam-and -reply/ - CachedScam Policy - Battle.net SupportFeb 17, 2012 . At Blizzard, it's our goal to promote an enjoyable World of Warcraft experience for
Jul 13, 2004 . "I'm sure he's not a prince at all," Mike says. "He contacted me with a standard
I was scammed once for and it really upset me. But I have since recovered my
Nov 16, 2007 . These guys are scum. I have to delete way too many of these kinds of emails
Anus Laptops: The Martins Cole Saga Your completed ScamBaits.www.thescambaiter.com/forum/showthread.php?t=109 - Cached - SimilarEbola Monkey Man: Nigerian 419 ScamPissing off Nigerian 419 Scammers one at a time. Watch the Ebola Monkey Man
Feb 11, 2008 . Some clever crusaders, however, are fighting back in kind and hilariousy
HotScam.com search and reports the hottest scam, news, videos and reports on
Sep 27, 2007 . If you've got an email address, you've been the target of a 419 scam. Named for
May 17, 2012 . This hilarious young man actually had the gumption to prank call one of those
Scamming the scammers – catching the virus call centre scammers red-handed. I
May 12, 2009 . Scam baiters are the vigilante enforcers who come together to waste hours,
Feb 20, 2012 . Ever have one of those calls from the other side of the world where the person at
Apr 26, 2004 . Welcome to your textbook eBay scam. At first, I was just going to reply with a 72pt
419 scams, frequently called Nigerian scams is a summary name for a large
WELCOME TO THE 419 EATER SCAM BAITING SECTION!419eater.com/html/letters.htm - CachedThe Incredible Shrinking Artwork - Welcome to the 419 EaterA slightly different twist on my now familiar artwork anti-scam. I manage to secure
maison-de-nichons: Scamming the e-mail scammers. Taking one's ya ya's out on
Jul 4, 2007 . Internet users are outscamming the scammers in a competition for who can be
Feb 18, 2007 . Almost everyone has received one of those Nigerian scam e-mails where the
I found this site on accident when googling pictures and finding the link from a
Jul 1, 2007 . Scam-baiters turn the tables and scam the scammers. They antagonize, humiliate
May 12, 2011 . You've probably seen umpteen numbers of e-mails that start something like this: I
Aug 29, 2006 . I received the following scam e-mail yesterday, and hopefully I can find a way to
Scambaiting or Scam Baiting internet scammers by creating scam baits that
The latest scam to hit my spam-trap, disgustingly uses the Tsunami victims in an
Apr 18, 2012 . EVEN while commenting here last week on the new Police uniform, I knew that
a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick
419Eater.com is a website dedicated to the fight against 419 and Internet scams.
If you have e-mail, you've probably gotten an message from a Nigerian scammer.
Russian women black list. Scam. Let's fight with scam! Stop all known scammers.
I found this link some time back when doing a search on a phone number that
Feb 23, 2012 . 93505663. An Australian woman plead guilty Thursday to scamming a group of
According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), there are over 24 million
Apr 1, 2010 . Scammers use decoy documents (fake invoices, bogus airline tickets, imaginary
Sep 14, 2007. Staff Blog |; More Blogs |; Top Leakers |; PREMIUM MEMBERSHIPS. Dr Phil
Oct 26, 2011 . Scamming the Scammers. I've been getting some strange phone calls recently. At
Be aware of Russian women and agencies scams in the internet! Are you the
In response to this scam, Jagex made trade declined notifications easier to see. A
n. a stratagem for gain; a swindle. vb scams, scamming, scammed. (tr) to swindle
Sep 22, 2007 . This has to be one of the funniest things I've ever read.http://www.kasperhauser.
Archive of the first 125 attempts at advance fee fraud received by the site authors,
Feb 21, 2012 . I'd asked around about other people having received scam calls and was given a