May 15, 12
Other articles:
  • Factors Influencing Spawning and Pairing in the Scale Worm Harmothoe. The
  • Biol. Mar. (2000) 41 : 47-54. A new species of scale-worm (Polychaeta:
  • Scale worms are a well-defined taxon, Aphroditiformia, within Annelida due to the
  • Three species of scale-worms inhabiting chaetopterid tubes have been found . .
  • Rotary screen harvested vermicompost, composed of worm castings .
  • Biol. Bull. 147: 499. Abstract. 11. Herrera, A.A., J.W. Hastings and J.G. Morin,
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  • Tubeworms, palmworms, scale worms and limpets thrive in warm, diffusely .
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  • Reference: Biol. Bull. 199: 50-58. (August 2000). Factors Influencing Spawning
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