Dec 22, 11
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  • This is my theory of salad fingers (SF) which I compiled with the help of a .
  • Oct 31, 2011 . Many scientists tried to investigate the inner meaning of the movie. Most of them
  • new meaning to salad fingers · Explore more tags · block notes reblog.
  • In this episode, Salad Fingers receives a gift from an old friend. .
  • Sep 1, 2011 . This a fan made video on the David Firth Videos ''Salad Fingers' Salad Fingers
  • Jun 1, 2009 . Perhaps, Salad Fingers is the loneliest creature in the world due to his admiration
  • Salad Finger meaning , Definition of salad finger , meaning of salad finger , Salad
  • I find David Firth's work utterly stunning! In Salad Fingers' case, there is not a
  • It features Salad Fingers and his friends in a pecu. . on David's work, and I am
  • Is this your theory, or is the the legitamate backstory? It sounds pretty good.. but
  • A big part of my fascination with Salad Fingers is trying to figure out what it all
  • Jan 18, 2010 . The beloved main character, Salad Fingers, first comes off as an . sense of awe
  • Also, some of his episodes/shorts can have quite complex meaning, which .
  • Salad Fingers is a movie known best on, adored by the .
  • Salad Fingers is a post-apocalyptic psychological horror Flash cartoon series
  • May 3, 2011 . I have been putting cartoons on the internet for over a decade. One series in
  • I've been following the analysis of Salad Fingers, and while I don't really . .
  • Salad Fingers meaning , Definition of salad fingers , meaning of salad fingers ,
  • Dictionary slang - Salad Fingers - Salad Fingers is not only the creepiest . I am
  • The toons!:
  • Sign UpI Found the Meaning of Life In Salad Fingers is on FacebookSign up for
  • May 26, 2011 . Salad Fingers receives a letter. . If your review is found to be mean, offensive, or
  • Nov 17, 2008 . I've watched Salad Fingers now for a couple years and every time I see it I can't
  • "Does Salad Fingers have symbolic hidden meanings? Will you tell me what they
  • Oct 11, 2009 . Halloween Special: Salad Fingers likes kids . your offended, i warned you,
  • He got the name from when his friend said he had "salad fingers" when he
  • Mr. Salad Fingers is a precious lover of rusty spoons. . the obvious picture,
  • It is one of the only characters in the series who speaks clear English, meaning it
  • Jun 26, 2011 . "You mean Percival?" Muriel just smiled "I'll need that tap back please." She said.
  • My mates are totally obsessed with salad fingers, they think its the best thing ever
  • I heard somewhere that's it about a normal guy who is mentally ill and lonely. His
  • A series of cartoons on the internet. You guys already know the factual
  • Jan 29, 2004 . A really creepy salad fingers. But it doesn't look like Salad fingers is going to last
  • Does the Salad Fingers series carry a hidden meaning as well? This is the best
  • Apr 16, 2011 . Salad Fingers was mentioned in class in the context of Drusilla, the creepy . and
  • new meaning to salad fingers · Explore more tags · block 2 notes3 notes4 notes
  • Sign UpI Found the Meaning of Life In Salad Fingers is on FacebookSign up for
  • Mar 14, 2008 . Salad Fingers: Does this Emo Cartoon Have a Deeper Meaning? The first time
  • im sure theres some sort of relevance or meaning behind salad fingers, if not that
  • I know for a fact that there is a meaning behind Salad Fingers. Regardless of how
  • 2 days ago . Analysis of Salad Fingers episodes - Discuss here about all the different aspect
  • Jul 15, 2011 . Everyone needs Salad Fingers in their life! And rusty spoons. If you don't know
  • Salad Fingers, the creation of David Firth, has got to be one of the strangest . .
  • Making this thread to discuss what the fuck Salad Fingers is on about. Seems
  • View definition and meaning of salad dressing .
  • Salad Fingers is a movie known best on, adored by the masses
  • It's Friday, and that can mean only one thing, it's time to do some work. Devvo
  • In Salad Fingers' case, there is not a meaning as much as a slow story, with .
  • Jul 30, 2011 . [quote author=Salad Fingers Meaning board=flash thread=391 post=589 time=
  • Your sentence "who names there flash salad fingers thats just gay" leads me to

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