Sep 29, 14
Other articles:
  • www.theverge.com/. /senate-bill-978-youtube-video-game-lets-play-videos- illegal‎CachedJul 6, 2011 . Thus, S.978 is designed to "harmonize" the law and give prosecutors . .
  • productforums.google.com/d/topic/youtube/aM2fMdImykU‎CachedThis topic is no longer open for new replies due to inactivity. If you'd like to post a
  • roosterteeth.com/forum/viewTopic.php?id=2233503‎CachedBill S.978 needs to be stoppedHere would be the slackers way of saying no to
  • www.vibe.com/article/justin-bieber-could-go-jail-if-s978-bill-passed‎CachedOct 25, 2011 . S.978" is a new bill that would make web streaming of copyrighted content a
  • forums.steampowered.com/forums/archive/index. /t-1971549.html‎Cached[Archive] Bill S.978 Off Topic. . And if it passes, i believe there was something in
  • act.demandprogress.org/letter/ten_strikes/‎CachedTHIS WEEK Senators will be voting on a "Ten Strikes" bill to make it a felony to
  • gamepolitics.com/2011/07/06/minecraft-creator-sounds-bill-s978‎Cached"I've received a few emails about Bill S.978, a new bill proposed in the . If the bill
  • forum.uberstrike.com/discussion/25512/bill-s-978‎CachedJul 3, 2011 . Anyone heard of the Bill S.978? . also if this bill gets pass i rage quit the internet!
  • Bills making appropriations to pay specified war claims (see bills S. 978, 1108,
  • thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c101:S.978:There are 5 versions of Bill Number S.978 for the 101st Congress. . American
  • www.copyhype.com/. /fears-of-felony-streaming-bill-overblown/‎CachedSimilarJun 7, 2011 . Bill S. 978 (referred by some as the “Commercial Felony Streaming Act” .
  • chrissmoove.com/. /cod-black-ops-bill-s-978-copyright-explained/‎CachedFeb 8, 2014 . If the bill passed, repeat offenders (10 times), meaning people that continue to
  • S. 978. A bill for the relief of homestead and pre-emption settlers on the public
  • freebieber.org/‎CachedSimilarYep. If this bill passes, he could get 5 years in jail. . Thanks to S. 978,
  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_S.978‎CachedSimilarBill S.978 or the Commercial Felony Streaming Act is a bill that is pending . a
  • https://www.techdirt.com/. /tons-youtube-users-putting-up-videos-protest-to- s978.shtml‎CachedJul 6, 2011 . And after the law passes the chicken s. oops littles will come claiming . The list
  • H. 1243 (S. 875) : An Act to change the Williamston Township line in Anderson .
  • The Struggle for National Repatriation Legislation, 1986Š1990 C. Timothy . out
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  • www.opencongress.org/bill/s978-112/show‎CachedSimilarIllegal streaming of copyrighted content is defined in the bill as an offense that. .
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  • www.thunderboltgames.com/feature/take-a-stand-against-bill-s-978‎CachedSimilarJul 5, 2011 . As mentioned, this bill details the legal repercussions that would ensue . To
  • Following the trail blazed by S. 1722, more such bills were introduced in the .
  • Mr. Buckley, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported that the committee
  • www.minecraftforum.net/. /1786792-a-question-about-bill-s-978‎CachedIf Bill S.978 comes into play the way it is written, will this affect anything having to
  • The following Bill was taken up, read the third time, passed and ordered returned
  • forums.uesp.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=23053‎CachedApparently the US congress is trying to pass this law that makes it illegal to show
  • forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=918190‎CachedIf you haven't heard of Bill S.978, its basically going to deny and remove . and
  • https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. ‎CachedThe Senate is on a one-month recess. This went without a vote before the recess
  • www.spyroforum.com/viewtopic.php?pid=350457‎Cachedhttp://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtex … l=s112-978. If this passes then i think
  • www.wowhead.com/forums&topic=191772.2/bill-s-978‎CachedWhat they then do is use the bills passing to show the rest of the world that a law
  • www.halotracker.com/Forums/ShowThread.aspx?ID=59907‎CachedThere is a new bill in the process of being passed by the U.S. Government. This
  • open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S978-2013‎CachedSimilarBill S978-2013 . TO ASSEMBLY; May 20, 2013: PASSED SENATE; May 8, 2013
  • S. 978. An act for adjusting the claims of the State of New Hampshire; S. 1168. .
  • www.joystiq.com/. /lets-play-videos-may-soon-make-you-a-felon-thanks-to- senate-b/‎CachedSimilarJul 2, 2011 . Update: This Is My Next's Nilay Patel has published an extensive break-down of
  • www.minecraftforum.net/. /386542-bill-s978-can-not-be-passed-lps- livestreaming-will‎CachedYou mean that's why you are posting a duplicate thread of something that is
  • www.forbes.com/sites/. /10/. /will-bill-978-put-bieber-behind-bars/‎CachedOct 25, 2011 . So says freebieber.org, a website that went live today offering a petition to sign to
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  • us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2786819174‎CachedThis bill, if passed, was meant to target individuals that upload whole movies and
  • S. 978. A bill for the relief of homestead and pre-emption settlers on the public
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  • 295) passed 4647, 4986. . Resolution in Senate to print paper of Pitman Pulsifer
  • shoryuken.com/2011/06/29/trolling-the-stream-by-ultradavid/‎CachedSimilarJun 29, 2011 . David “UltraDavid” Graham (for Shoryuken.com) explains why, if bill S.978
  • forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/14363‎CachedJul 4, 2011 . Senate Bill S.978 in its simplest form states that if passed it will be a . of
  • www.sega-16.com/forum/showthread.php?. Bill-S-978. passed!‎CachedNot sure if this is posted in the correct place, so feel free to move this if it doesn't
  • forums.xonotic.org/archive/index.php?thread-1949.html‎CachedAnyone hear of bill S.978? If not, just Google or YouTube . I personally think it
  • https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/s978‎CachedSimilarMay 12, 2011 . The “S.” in S. 978 means this is a Senate bill. A bill must be passed by both the

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