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Mar 27, 2007 . Below are the rules that govern the very existance of the internet. These rules are
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official rules of the internet . There are no real rules about moderation either -
Thread: 79919002, Board: /b/, Category: stories & copypasta . . PROTIP - Read
Sep 26, 2011 . When the architects of our *chans wrote the magnificent words of the Rules of the
Oct 29, 2011 . Copy/pasta automation MASCHINE Area. . Forum Rules & FAQ. New to the
Nov 13, 2011 . This is NOT copypasta. . . it with out any repercussion. we're not a fucking group
Gaz Bev Moo exists, and so do the 8 negative Internet rules, so where is the porn
May 4, 2011 . internet, 4chan Rules of the internet. 1. . There are no real rules about posting 9.
Logo /cp/ - Copy Pasta . Read the rules and faq before posting! . . I'M SO COOL
Rule 1: The internet makes you stupid. . Rule 14: As long as there is internet
Rules of the Internet From Rules Of The Internet: . Copypasta is made to ruin
There are no real rules about moderation either enjoy your ban. 10. . There are
Current status. Mudkip is forever associated with his meme. Like all things cute,
This is an archive of high-quality copypasta, sorted by theme. . .. By the laws of
Nintendo's colorful designs are a major exception to this rule, and has been . .
May 4, 2010 . Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality. 23.Copypasta is made to
8. there are no real rules about posting . 22. copypasta is made to ruin every last
Sep 15, 2008 . Rules of the Internet · images.encyclopediadramatica.com — 22. Copypasta is
Jul 31, 2011 . Copy Pasta · 20GB Data Storage In 1989 vs. . . Ten Rules For Being Human by
The Official SatanicToothpaste Rules of the Internet . Copypasta is made to ruin
I saw a long time ago a funny ass paragraph of copypasta that is . litany of laws
FBI copy pasta is as follows: NOTICE TO . *Your IP address has been logged by
LP Copy Pasta FAIL . Welcome to the WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum -
Jan 20, 2009 . This is almost certainly the greatest story ever told on the Internet. . Copypasta
The 47 rules of the internet. Here are the rules chumps, dig in. 1. Do not talk
For the Current Rules of the Internet, see User:Ipfreely555/uncyclo/rules. 1. Do
"According to Wikipedia, Rule 34 is generally thought to originate from “The
Rule #1: The internet makes you stupid. Rule #2: . Rule #8: The internet is
The Rules of the Internet are a popular piece of copypasta that can't be attributed
Reminder: It is required that you read the rules specific to this board. . I would
Nov 13, 2011 . I also have a t1 internet connection for downloading anything I want within
Full text of "Rules of the Internet." 1. Do not . There are no real rules about
Jun 18, 2011 . Or, at least this blog is, because I sure as hell intend this post to be more than an
Rule 14: As long as there is internet there will be drama. . Rule 22: Long stories
Jun 17, 2011 . Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality. 23. . The internet is
. which soon spread to various other boards, chans, and the very Internet itself.
Copypasta. It is delicious copypasta, you must read it! Copy-Pasta.jpg. Tweet.
Sep 12, 2007 . There are no real rules about… . Do you know the official rules of the internet? .
Old Rules Of The Internet . There are no real rules about moderation either-
rules of the internet #23. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
needed to be reposted. it is delicious copypasta. YOU MUST EAT IT. Rule #1:
24/9/2011 11:18 - The Rules of the Internet(z) (These rules are in no way
According to Wikipedia, Rule 34 is generally thought to originate from “The Rules
. this was the beginning of the meme, it is best known for its part in a 4chan
Oct 20, 2011 . According to Wikipedia, Rule 34 is generally thought to originate from “The Rules
Mar 5, 2011 . Rules of The Internet. rulesoftheinternet.com/ rulesoftheinternet.com. 2011-03-
Rules of the internet copypasta suggestions (Click to sort alphabetically).
Nov 8, 2010 . About “It's not gay unless balls are touching” is one of the Rules of the Internet, in
May 2, 2010 . Funny Facebook Fails - Copy Pasta Fail. . Did you call this “Copy Pasta Fail”???