Other articles:
www.rubyinside.com/the-ruby-1-9-walkthrough-how-to-go-from-ruby-1-8- 7-to-1-9-2-and-1-9-3-5409.htmlCachedSimilarSep 20, 2011 . In a presentation about Ruby 1.9.3, Yuki Sonoda notes that Ruby 1.8 has .
https://chocolatey.org/packages/ruby/1.9.2CachedRuby - A dynamic, open source programming language with a .
superuser.com/questions/. /updating-to-ruby-1-9-2-on-windowsCachedSimilarMar 27, 2011 . How do I update to ruby 1.9.2 so ruby 1.9.2 replaces 1.8.7 so that . Browse other
https://github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/issues/2801CachedApr 25, 2014 . I think rvm should use the latest version from git whenever no specific version of
makandracards.com/. /1104-upgrade-from-ruby-1-8-7-to-ruby-1-9-2-on- ubuntuCachedSimilarNote that you cannot currently use Ruby 1.9.2 with Rails 2 applications that use .
https://blog.heroku.com/archives/. /a_patch_in_time_securing_rubyCachedSimilarDec 5, 2013 . When multiple people or systems do this, it becomes a distributed . give you a
bpellow.tumblr.com/. /easy-upgrade-rails-3-from-ruby-1-8-7-to-1-9-2CachedSimilarNotes Easy Upgrade - Rails 3 from Ruby 1.8.7 to 1.9.2 . ruby -v => ruby 1.9.
www.benjaminoakes.com/. /extended-maintenance-for-ruby-1-8-7-and-1-9- 2/CachedDec 19, 2013 . While ruby-core will no longer resume maintenance of 1.8.7 or 1.9.2, Terence
api.mongodb.org/ruby/1.9.2/CachedThe driver works and is consistently tested on Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3 as well as
https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/stackCachedSimilarAug 6, 2014 . Base Technology, REE 1.8.7, MRI 1.8.7, MRI 1.9.2, MRI 1.9.3, MRI 2.x, Node.js,
It's possible that your system already has it; try running $ ruby —v ruby 1.9.2 to
kramdown.gettalong.org/installation.htmlCachedSimilarSince kramdown is written in Ruby, you just need the Ruby interpreter, version
docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/platforms.htmlCachedSimilar(Note that RHEL 5 requires an updated Ruby ≥ 1.8.7 from our yum repo.) This
www.cvedetails.com/. list/. id. /Ruby-lang-Ruby-1.9.2.htmlCachedSimilarSecurity vulnerabilities of Ruby-lang Ruby version 1.9.2 List of cve security
https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/. /maintenance-of-1-8-7-and-1-9-2/CachedSimilarDec 17, 2013 . Effective immediately, 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 will be supported for security . While ruby-
guides.rubyonrails.org/3_2_release_notes.htmlCachedSimilar1.1 Rails 3.2 requires at least Ruby 1.8.7. Rails 3.2 requires Ruby 1.8.7 or higher.
https://twitter.com/LamontGranquist/status/498936581533597696CachedAug 11, 2014 . Username or email. Password. Sign in. Remember me . Lamont Granquist @
www.redmine.org/wiki/1/redmineinstallCachedcurrent trunk, ruby 1.8.72, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.01, jruby-1.7.6, Rails 3.2. 2.4 2.5, ruby
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/sinatrarb/OJ0n5v51rqQCachedSimilarAug 13, 2012 . I am about to migrate one of my Sinatra apps from Ruby 1.8.7 to Ruby 1.9.2. Are
https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2014/. /eol-for-1-8-7-and-1-9-2/CachedJul 1, 2014 . Extended maintenance of Ruby versions 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 will end on . of Ruby
www.xyzpub.com/en/ruby-on-rails/3.2/rails3-install-ubuntu.htmlCachedThen you can run Ruby 1.8.7 with Rails 2.3.8 and in parallel Ruby 1.9.3 with
ruby-whois.org/manual/installing/CachedSimilarCompatibility. Whois >= 3.0 requires Ruby 1.9.2 or newer. Whois >= 1.5 requires
rubyinstaller.org/downloads/CachedSimilarFor use with Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3: . If you would like to use the 7-Zip archived
https://blog.engineyard.com/. /upgrading-from-ruby-1-8-7-to-1-9-2-on- appcloudCachedMar 15, 2011 . Try Engine Yard for your PHP or Ruby app. . At rubyx we recently performed a
https://www.facebook.com/codeship/posts/806740356011941CachedThe End for Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2: Extended maintenance will end on July 31st,
https://www.digitalocean.com/. /how-to-install-ruby-on-rails-on-an-debian-7 -0-wheezy-vps-using-rvmCachedJun 17, 2014 . In this guide, we will discuss how to install Ruby and Rails using the Ruby
https://sethvargo.com/chef-12-drops-support-for-ruby-18/CachedAug 11, 2014 . Chef has long supported Ruby 1.8.7 and REE, even beyond the . The continued
code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ruby-on-a-mac--net-21664CachedSimilarSep 7, 2011 . If you've been itching to try out Ruby and/or Rails, if the Terminal is somewhat
ruby -v ruby 1.9.2 to see the version number. Rails 3 requires Ruby 1.8.7 or later
rayhightower.com/blog/2013/05/16/upgrading-ruby-with-rvmCachedSimilarMay 16, 2013 . Ruby Version Manager (RVM) is one of my favorite tools in the Ruby . macruby-
rubydoc.info/stdlibCachedSimilarRuby Standard Library (links without frames). core (2.1.0, 2.0.0, 1.9.3, 1.9.2, 1.8.7
https://cooperpress.com/19walkthroughCachedSimilararticles I found were either out of date (a lot has changed) or only skim the basics.
www.isrubyfastyet.com/CachedSimilarPractical, comparative benchmarks of Ruby implementations. Thanks to . 1.8.7.
askubuntu.com/. /how-do-you-uninstall-ruby-1-8-7-and-install-ruby-1-9-2CachedSimilarDec 31, 2011 . . know how to properly uninstall Ruby 1.8.7 and install Ruby 1.9.2 on . Press
fog.io/CachedSimilarWhether you need compute, dns, storage, or a multitude of other services, fog .
www.akitaonrails.com/. /testing-a-rails-3-0-3-with-ruby-1-9-2-and-ree-1-8-7CachedSimilarJan 8, 2011 . Many micro-benchmarks show that Ruby 1.9.2 eats 1.8.7 for lunch. But the reality
https://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=23979CachedI need 1.9.2 and I am trying to upgrade to it but no luck. . any solutions to
https://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/422458CachedSimilarI have this case statement: case n.hll_normalize when "common name" @
www.rubyinside.com/ruby-core-speaks-on-ruby-1-8-8-1-9-3-and-2-0-4172. htmlCachedSimilarJan 7, 2011 . So it may be released in 2011-12-25 or 2012. . Ruby 1.9.0 came out 3 years ago
https://practicingruby.com/articles/ways-to-load-codeCachedSimilarIf you've been using Ruby 1.9.2, it may or may not appear to be the natural thing
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2129313CachedA few questions: -Why Ruby 1.8.7 and not 1.9.2? -I've installed 1.8.7, 1.9.2 & 1.9.
programmers.stackexchange.com/. /should-i-use-ruby-version-1-8-7-or-1-9- 2-to-start-developing-rails-appsCachedSimilarI'm diving into RoR and I see that the current version of Rails (3.0.5) . I'm
blog.phusion.nl/category/ruby-enterprise-edition/CachedSimilarFeb 12, 2014 . Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7-2012.02 released; End of Life . Ruby interpreter,
stackoverflow.com/. /what-is-the-difference-between-ruby-1-8-and-ruby-1-9CachedSimilarAug 22, 2008 . Is there an "easy" or a "simple" explanation of the differences and why it is so . I
rvm.io/rvm/installCachedSimilarTo install without rubygems-bundler and rvm gems (and also remove those gems
abhilekh.wordpress.com/2009/10/22/ruby-1-8-7-vs-ruby-1-9-1/CachedSimilarOct 22, 2009 . Some times before i started looking for What's new and changed in Ruby 1.9.1
ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.2/Process/Status.htmlCachedSimilarExtended maintenance of Ruby versions 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 ended on July 31, 2014.
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/RVMCachedSimilarJun 30, 2014 . 4.1 "data definition has no type or storage class"; 4.2 Ruby 1.8.x won't . . jruby-
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_MRICachedSimilarMatz's Ruby Interpreter or Ruby MRI (also called CRuby) is the reference
docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/ruby/CachedSimilarRuby 2.1.1, 2.0.0, 1.9.3, 1.9.2 and 1.8.7; JRuby 1.7.11 (1.8 and 1.9 mode); Ruby