Other articles:
forums.cpanel.net/f5/case-84173-error-installing-ruby-377831.htmlCachedSimilarif it's any help my server is CENTOS 6.5 x86_64 kvm WHM 11.40.0 (build 26)
superuser.com/. /how-do-i-install-sass-on-centos-5-9-with-ruby-1-8-7CachedSimilarFeb 27, 2013 . I have CentOS 5.9 on an x86_64. I've installed ruby 1.8.7. Whenever I try to install
serverfault.com/. /how-to-setup-ruby-and-rubygems-on-centosCachedSimilarOct 29, 2010 . I'd like to install Ruby 1.8.7 (current patch level) and RubyGems . You can install
www.random-ramblings.net/install-ruby-on-centos/CachedSimilarJul 26, 2013 . In the Centos repos only version 1.8.7 is available. This will get your Ruby to 1.9.
geekery.amhill.net/2012/09/21/rails-3-on-centos/CachedSimilarSep 21, 2012 . Ruby 1.8.7 was nice, and we're all thankful for its contributions to . CentOS is
https://www.deep-silver.com/install-ruby-1-8-7-on-centos-5-9-using-yum- repository/CachedFeb 3, 2013 . Use this method to install Ruby 1.8.7 on CentOS 5.9 add support for Sass and
www.raleche.com/content/centos-54-guidelines-setup-ruby-ruby-187CachedIf you want to manually install the latest Ruby version: [Run this command if it
docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/platforms.htmlCachedSimilar(Note that RHEL 5 requires an updated Ruby ≥ 1.8.7 from our yum repo.) . that
tecadmin.net/install-ruby-1-9-3-or-multiple-ruby-verson-on-centos-6-3-using -rvm/CachedSimilarJul 15, 2014 . How to Install Ruby 1.9.3 ( or Multiple Ruby Version ) on CentOS, RedHat .
www.xelacomp.com/. /install-ruby-187-rubygems-and-passenger-centos5-64 -bitCachedSimilarFeb 9, 2011 . Here's a quick tutorial on how to compile and install Ruby 1.8.7, Rubygems, and
serverfault.com/questions/131418/centos-ruby-1-8-7-repositoryCachedSimilarApr 11, 2010 . Does anyone know of any repos with ruby-1.8.7? centos . Did you install ruby
www.rpmseek.com/rpm-pl/ruby.html?hl=com&cx=0::CachedSimilar3, ruby- .el6_4.i686.rpm, CentOS 6.4 Updates,, 12.el64
https://omf.mytestbed.net/projects/omf54/wiki/RCInstallCentOSCachedInstall Ruby 1.8.7 or higher and Ruby Gems (if not already installed) . source
blog.carbonfive.com/2010/03/29/how-to-install-rails-on-centos-5-4/CachedSimilarMar 29, 2010 . Download ruby source wget http://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.8/ruby-1.8.7.tar.gz
jasonoakley.com/. /rolling-back-ruby-to-get-puppet-to-work-again/CachedApr 23, 2014 . A friend has offered me an old laptop which I'm going to install CentOS on. Now I
www.question-defense.com/. /install-ruby-1-8-6-on-centos-5-x-using-a-yum -repositoryCachedSimilarSep 7, 2010 . Even though Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9.X are available I simply needed to get
https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=7126CachedMay 21, 2014 . centos-6.example.com 15:23:25$ yum install -y puppet . Processing
arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1239329CachedSimilaryum install scl-utils scl-utils-build ruby193 ruby193-rubygems . LoadModule
https://www.chiliproject.org/boards/1/topics/2628CachedThe only installation instuctions I see are for centos 5, but I figured that was . /usr
gomix.fedora-ve.org/projects/ruby/wiki/CentosCachedSimilarsu -c "yum install rubygems" . # gem -v 1.3.7 # gem env (con roo) RubyGems
https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/CHEF-2413CachedSimilarJun 10, 2011 . Labels: None. Environment: CentOS 5 i386 ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel
blog.servermania.com/installing-redmine-on-centos-5/CachedSimilarRuby 1.8.7; RubyGems; MySQL 4.1 or higher (recommended); openssl + openssl
https://www.openproject.org/topics/113CachedSimilarSep 13, 2013 . However, I've spent more than a day trying to install Ruby 1.8.7 (which is now
www.coldfusion10.com/installing-scout-realtime-on-centos-6-4-64bit/CachedSimilarMar 11, 2014 . First thing is that Ruby is a requirement. I did a yum install ruby however the
rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/3/srodzaj/1/search/ruby-rdocCachedSimilarRPM PBone Search. . .psu.edu/pub/linux/distributions/mandrakelinux/devel/
dbruno.org/ruby-centos/CachedNov 14, 2013 . A versão atual do Ruby nos repositórios do CentOS 6 é 1.8.7, e provavelmente
stackoverflow.com/questions/. /installing-rubygem-on-centos-5CachedSimilarI then tried to install gem with yum yum install rubygem. The response is .
https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/installation/CachedSimilarCentOS, Fedora, and RHEL use the yum package manager. You can use it . OS
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/pdxruby/QQXPcy5BdGoCachedSimilarHi there, I need to upgrade my ancient ruby 1.8.6 on a CentOS 5.8 server. I'd like
www.danidemi.com/mainwww/2010/03/ruby-on-centos/CachedSimilarMar 17, 2010 . In these days I'm trying to install Ruby on Rails on our CentOS production . ln -s /
ask.xmodulo.com/upgrade-ruby-centos.htmlCachedOn CentOS 6.5, the default version of Ruby installed is 1.8.7. Some Ruby
https://github.com/rodjek/librarian-puppet/issues/228CachedJun 13, 2014 . dkowis changed the title from Can't install in ruby 1.8.7 any longer :( to Can't
heatware.net/linux-unix/how-to-install-ruby-1-8-7-centos-5-5/CachedSimilarFeb 10, 2011 . Have you tried doing yum install ruby in CentOS 5.5? If you have the default
rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=RubyCachedruby-1.8.7.p358-1.3.mga2.i586.html, Object Oriented Script Language, Mageia .
projects.theforeman.org/issues/4455Cached[root@foreman ~]# yum install foreman-installer foreman -y throws lots . [ INFO
dev.mygrid.org.uk/blog/. /ruby-1-9-3-on-scientific-linux-centos/CachedFeb 20, 2014 . The default Ruby on Red Hat (Enterprise) based distros is still 1.8.7 which is
www.redmine.org/wiki/1/HowTo_install_Redmine_on_CentOS_5CachedSimilarftp> Anonymous # USERLOGIN ftp> 'none', just hit Enter # NO PASSWORD ftp>
support.rightscale.com/. /How_do_I_downgrade_Ruby_to_1.8.7_on_ RightImages_13.2_and_13.3%3FCachedSimilarMay 16, 2013 . For CentOS and RedHat: yum erase ruby ruby-libs yum install ruby-1.8.* yum
https://www.rosehosting.com/. /how-to-install-ruby-1-9-3-and-rubygems-1-8 -24-on-centos-6-2/Cached Rating: 4.9 - 298 votesAug 9, 2012 . The version of Ruby that ships with CentOS 6.2 is 1.8.7. If you need the latest
https://monovm.com/post/43/How-to. Ruby. CentOS/Fedora-VPSCachedRuby 1.8.7; RubyGems 1.8.15; Rails 3.1.3; Sqlite3. This tutorial is intended for
www.vagrantbox.es/CachedSimilarCentOS 5.6 64 Packages (puppet 2.6.10 & chef 0.10.6 from RPM, VirtualBox 4.2.
centos.karan.org/el5/ruby187/CachedSimilarThis yum repository contains Ruby-1.8.7 built for CentOS-5/RHEL-5 based on the
blog.nexcess.net/2011/05/27/ruby-1-8-7-on-centos-5-with-rvm/CachedSimilarMay 27, 2011 . We use CentOS almost exclusively here at Nexcess.net and while it's very stable,
articles.slicehost.com/2009/4/7/centos-ruby-on-railsCachedSimilarApr 7, 2009 . sudo yum install ruby ruby-devel ruby-irb ruby-rdoc ruby-ri . . Server data:
rvm.io/rvm/installCachedSimilaruser$ rvm list known # MRI Rubies [ruby-]1.8.6[-p420] [ruby-]1.8.7[-p374] . If you
https://plone.lucidsolutions.co.nz/. /ruby/centos/making-ruby-enterprise-v1.8 .7-binary-rpms-for-centos-v5Cached. CentOS v5. $ rpmbuild --rebuild --define 'dist el5' ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-1.el5.
ihazem.wordpress.com/2013/05/23/install-ruby-1-8-7-on-centos/CachedMay 23, 2013 . Installing Ruby 1.8.7 on CentOS 5 # wget ftp://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.8/ruby-
www.linuxscrew.com/. /install-ruby-1-8-7-from-sources-in-centos-5-5/CachedSimilarFeb 22, 2010 . Centos 5.5 official repository is rather outdated for today so the latest Ruby
https://packages.endpoint.com/rhel/5/ruby-enterprise-opt/x86_64/CachedSimilarruby-enterprise-1.8.7-4.ep.x86_64.rpm, 30-Jun-2010 22:34, 3.4M. [ ], ruby-
https://inuits.eu/blog/upgrade-puppet-330CachedBefore the upgrade we had the puppet-client & server (2.6.18), puppetdb (1.4), (