May 17, 12
Other articles:
  • Jun 18, 2010 . This one cost me at least an hour of frustration. So apparently the Rails router has
  • Jan 9, 2012 . This post deals with generating RESTful routes in Rails 3. If you want to look at
  • Jan 8, 2008 . I finally found out how to do this, from the Rails Routing shortcut by David Black.
  • Sep 13, 2010 . Renaming routes in Rails 2.* is straight forward. It goes something like this. ##
  • Apr 3, 2012 . Rails like routes.rb for Backbone. . this problem, I immediately thought of the
  • Nov 11, 2007 . RailsCasts - Ruby on Rails Screencasts . This more advanced episode will
  • Ruby on Rails latest stable (v3.2.1) - 4 notes - Class: ActionController::Resources
  • Using routes in models in Ruby on Rails. Posted on 13 July 2008. To use routes
  • Feb 7, 2010 . You probably all have heard that “Rails lets you route to Rack applications
  • Rift, routes, rails (9782070760237): Abdourahman Ali Waberi:
  • In Rails 3 we can do this by adding a constraint. /config/routes.rb. Bloggit::
  • Jun 2, 2011 . Writing routes that are conditional upon whether a user is logged in is easy with
  • Because Routing is such an important part of Rails we dedicated a whole chapter
  • The Rails routing code is complex and has many moving parts. It will probably
  • Rails 3 has a new routing interface. In this episode we show how to translate the
  • Dec 14, 2007 . This chapter introduces you to the principal techniques for defining and
  • Feb 15, 2010 . Rails 3 introduced a new routing DSL that is a little bit different from the Rails 2
  • Well, I've got good news and I've got bad news. As of Rails 3.0.1, using
  • Feb 24, 2012 . rails-translate-routes hosted on GitHub. . Rails >=3.1 routes translations based
  • The District Councils Collaborative of Saint Paul and Minneapolis (DCC) is
  • Ruby on Rails 2.1 Routes System - Learn Ruby on Rails in simple and easy
  • Best of all, Rails' Routing works with any web server. Routes are defined in config
  • Aug 12, 2010 . The task rails:upgrade:routes (comes with the rails_upgrade plugin) converts
  • Dec 9, 2010 . Guides, travelogues and suggestions for each Amtrak route. Photos of scenery,
  • Resource routing in Rails is most often used for nesting related ActiveRecord .
  • I have written about basic routing in Rails 3 over on the EngineYard blog before.
  • Aug 2, 2010 . There is a slight problem when using REST for routing: most web browsers only
  • routes?(). Source: show | on GitHub. # File railties/lib/rails/engine.rb, line 628 def
  • Jul 20, 2010 . Add routes at runtime on Rails 3. Posted in : rails and rails 3. Sometimes you just
  • Jan 5, 2012 . This post deals with the basics of routing in Rails 3. If you want to look at the more
  • Dec 20, 2009 . While much of Rails 3 is seeing an internal rewrite, the Routes DSL has seen a
  • Jul 18, 2010 . These four tutorials will get you up to speed quickly on the ins and outs of
  • I want to list all defined helper path functions (that are created from . rake routes.
  • Sep 21, 2011 . Either I'm doing something wrong, or there's a bug with Rails 3.1 engine routes
  • I know how to set the routes root of my rails app to a controller and an . Had this
  • Mar 17, 2011 . While looking for accessing rails template tags to be accessed on rails console in
  • Nov 13, 2008 . Just added to Edge Rails is the ability to exclude and include the default
  • Apr 3, 2012 . There's been some talk online about how Rails is losing its focus on beginners or
  • Mar 15, 2008 . Rails has generated three routes for us, these are the routes our application is
  • Aug 19, 2011 . By default, Rails generates seven RESTful routes(new,edit,create,destroy,index,
  • Mar 2, 2011 . Create a new rails app: rails new ouch; Edit the Gemfile to use rails 3.0.4; Run
  • Jan 5, 2011 . I have a set of routing rules that should only be applied when the host is set to
  • Mar 30, 2010 . Today's blog post is by a guest community contributor, Rizwan Reza. Rizwan is
  • Jan 5, 2012 . translate_routes - Rails plugin to translate your URLs and routing helpers on an
  • Mar 1, 2010 . Rails 3 sports a new routing interface. In this episode I show how to translate the
  • Jun 24, 2011 . After going over the must read guide on Routing in Rails, I started to use . Not
  • In Rails, a resourceful route provides a mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs
  • Routes in rails are really cool but they can be confusing to newbies and, as they
  • Sep 20, 2011 . In this Ruby on Rails Tutorial we'll learn the basics of resource routing in rails for
  • This page is about off-road bike trails, bike paths, greenways, and rail-trails.

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