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Hunting Forums - General Hunting Discussion: rifle caliber for whitetail to elk.
Your options are to either go up in rifle weight and/or down in rifle caliber/power.
my main ELK rifle is usually a weatherby fibermark stainless in caliber 340 mag
I have shot all three of these many times. I used 270 with 150 gr Nosler Partition
Most importantly, it was availabe at a very reasonable price when I went
Why should it be any different when it comes to deer rifles? Through the . Some
It sounds like about the best chance to hunt elk in the eastern US. I am thinking
popular calibers for Elk hunting are the .270, the 7mm mag , the .308, the . An
Choosing a big game rifle caliber for elk hunting should involve some research
We offer a few great hunting packages for all elk enthusiasts from late rifle bull .
Jan 4, 2011 . In the Rockies, a hunter might want a mountain rifle in a light caliber for . caliber
In this article, we'll cover the requirements of a good elk rifle; selecting the right .
"The caliber .375 H&H Magnum is. .a wonderful cartidge for use on elk, moose,
Jan 13, 2011 . All the information needed to select the rifle you need for big game hunting.
The Best Rifle Calibers for Hunting Elk. Elk are massive creatures with antlers
Wanted to know what minimum rifle calibers would be. . If you enjoyed reading
Sep 17, 2008 . I am looking for a rifle and caliber that is big enough to take down a deer (maybe
Wayne van Zwoll examines cartridges and rifles that are suitable for hunting and
Jul 15, 2011. rifle for western big game hunting - best calibers for elk - best calibers for mule
We have made over 700 rifles in this caliber and probably rebarreled at least that
I know shotguns but not rifles and am looking for help finding our first rifles. . .
Apr 6, 2011 . Ask Your Question Here: Does anyone have a favorite rifle caliber for hunting Elk
Sep 6, 2008 . I have decided to list my choices of the five most useful rifle calibers . The .300
Teddy Roosevelt with large-caliber rifle and dead elephant. As Europeans made
For an elk rifle, life begins at .30 caliber. The venerable ought-six is, in our view,
I am by no means an expert on elk killing rifles, but as a guide who has seen a
Apr 11, 2004 . Bring an elk rifle for an elk hunt. The bare minimum caliber for elk hunting is the
Selecting the "caliber" of rifle is probably less important than picking the . If it
Expect long shots, since we hunt fairly open country. Recommended rifle calibers
The .270, 7mm and .300 Magnum calibers are also common, particularly with
Hey Fellas, My father and I are thinking about Elk hunting (hopefully) next year in
Rocky Mountain Ranches Tips on Sighting in Your Rifle Scope. . furbearers with
Sep 23, 2010 . But for me, ideal elk rifles start at .30 caliber and go up to the .35s. The .35
Recommendations are provided for caliber and bullet weights of rifle . Deer,
That is all the accuracy necessary in an elk rifle. Accuracy was therefore not a
Ideal elk rifles start at .30 caliber & go up to the .35s. The .35 Whelen and its
I've hunted elk for 21 years now, harvesting 15 bulls. The rifle I have settled on is
Jan 13, 2011 . The .270 Winchester as a rifle to use for elk hunting. . Many hunters and guides
Jul 9, 2010 . A big-game rifle, which will be used sparingly, is far more appealing and
Jan 6, 2009 . There are many calibers that will work fine for Elk. The key to me is a quality
If you had to buy a deer rifle - and wanted a gun that you felt was the . Elk, and
Elk are big animals, and they're extremely tough. While shot placement is key,
There are others who enjoy using larger calibers like the .300 Winchester or even
Jun 18, 2009 . Call it human efficiency, or human laziness. People that gravitate to those
On the other hand, the calibers well suited to harvesting elk are powerful and a
Well I was wondering what is your favorite choice for an elk rifle and . The
Feb 4, 2009 . Ask Your Question Here: what is the best all around elk hunting rifle? . A good
Heading out west for an elk or moose hunt? Don't overlook . If so, relief in the
I don't want to buy a new larger caliber rifle just to go elk hunting one time. Today,
Those folks must start from scratch when considering an elk rifle. [pagebreak] Is