Dec 19, 11
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  • Dec 11, 2010 . Ridges can mean your not getting enough to eat or you're not able to absorb
  • Ridges on fingernails can be caused by a vitamin deficiency or just dryness. You
  • Vertical nail ridges are fairly common and often become more prominent with age
  • There are a number of potential causes for ridges on fingernails. Vertical ridges
  • Ridges up and down may be caused by injury to the nail bed, eg from shutting
  • What are ridges on the fingernails supposed to indicate? I have some vertical . .
  • Jun 3, 2011 . Vertical Ridges In Fingernails - Nail ridges are one of the outer conditions of nail
  • The term onychoschizia includes splitting, frail, soft or thin nails and nails with
  • Ridges in fingernails can be caused by several different things from aging to
  • The cause of the massive ridges in the nails is due to the person having a habit of
  • [Archive] Ridges on my fingernails Nail Problems. . I have ridges on my
  • Mar 26, 2011 . Q: I have fine ridges on my fingernails? What nutrient am I lacking?
  • I have noticed horizontal ridges on some of my fingernails for several months.
  • Vertical ridges, which are ridges from the base of the nail to the end of the nail,
  • O's beauty director, Val Monroe, explains why vertical ridges develop on nails,
  • Nail textures: Vertical ridges that appear on the nail can indicate disorders as
  • Does anybody know anything about transverse ridges on fingernails? I got them
  • Your fingernails reflect your health -- Learn some warning signs --. Karen Kline.
  • What is the medical condition or disease which has "ridged fingernails" as a
  • Information on ridges in fingernails, a guide on ridged fingernails.
  • On the other hand, horizontal nail ridges may indicate the presence of an
  • What Causes Horizontal Ridges in Fingernails?. The appearance of fingernails
  • A question that often comes up is why fingernails have ridges (parallel lines) .
  • It is most commonly seen in the great toe but may be seen in other toes as well as
  • underlying health issues, and then even consult a dietician. I'm sure your hair is
  • Ridged nails. Ridges running either the length or width of the nail plate can have
  • Ridges in the fingernails are actually normal, and can simply be a sign that you
  • Top questions and answers about Ridges on Fingernails. Find 132 questions
  • Beau's lines are deep grooved lines that run from side to side on the fingernail.
  • But it is a widely accepted truth that in many cases the change in health is clearly
  • The causes of fingernail ridges vary from common and harmless to rare and
  • Aug 24, 2011 . Fingernail Ridges: Causes of Ridges in Fingernails. It has been scientifically
  • Mar 6, 2011 . Cause Of Vertical Ridges On Fingernails. According to the Mayo Clinic, the nails
  • Wondering if anyone knows anything about ridges in fingernails? I've had these
  • Nails problems - Health and Beauty - all in your hands.
  • The nail has raised ridges and is thin and curved inward. This disorder is
  • Mar 15, 2004 . Longitudinal striations are accentuated ridges in the nail surface that can occur
  • Nail Doctors - Professional fingernail products Depending on the ridges pattern
  • Potato chips aren't the only things that can have ridges. Nails that have even,
  • 2 days ago . NAILS; roughness fingernails; ridges, longitudinal: fl-ac. . Most common nail
  • Are they strong and healthy looking? Or do you see ridges, dents, or areas of
  • fingernails have ridges in them that run from cuticle to tip and feel bumpy when
  • Nov 8, 2011 . ridges in fingernails, low blood sugar, brain and nerves: Hi Jeanne, Ridges in
  • A vertical ridges must mean something is happening at a point in the nail .
  • Oct 21, 2011 . As people age, ridges appear on their fingernails because the nail cells get
  • An iron deficiency can cause the nail bed to be thin and concave and have raised
  • Nov 27, 2011 . Ridges on Fingernails. Posted by casey in 27. Nov, 2011, under Nail. common
  • Feb 6, 2008 . Ridges on the fingernails can be caused by several different reasons. The most
  • I have dents on all of my fingernails except one. They did not used to be there!
  • Vertical nail ridges are seen rather commonly and usually are not signs of

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