Dec 5, 11
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  • Apr 23, 2010 . The majority of bacterial genes initiate translation soon after the ribosome-
  • RIBOSOMES AND TRANSLATION. Annual Review of Biochemistry. Vol. 66: 679-
  • Translation takes place in the ribosomes, which are found in the cytosol of all
  • Nov 1, 2011 . It is essentially a translation from one code (nucleotide sequence) to another
  • Apr 3, 2008 . We have followed individual ribosomes as they translate single messenger RNA
  • the Griffiths et al, current edition · Ribosome Model.
  • Ribosomes, Buffers, Translation Factors, and mRNAs. Tight-coupled 70S
  • Although much research has been focused on the molecular mechanisms behind
  • The decoding of information in a cell's DNA into proteins begins with a complex
  • Translation is catalyzed by a large enzyme called a ribosome, which contains
  • Aug 10, 2001 . The code is actually translated on structures that are also made in the nucleus,
  • Ribosomes are protein-making factories, themselves composed of RNA and
  • Protein synthesis is accomplished through a process called translation. In
  • The ribosome molecules translate this code to a specific sequence of amino
  • The basic mechanics of protein synthesis are also the same in all cells:
  • Jan 20, 2011 . Guarding the 'translation apparatus': defective ribosome biogenesis and the p53
  • During translation, specific tRNAs (def) pick up specific amino acids, transfer
  • A summary of Ribosomes in 's Molecular Biology: Translation. Learn exactly what
  • A movie of translation in bacteria, showing initiation, elongation and termination
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  • Jun 17, 2011 . In this work, we have investigated the role of mRNA association with the
  • Description, Ribosome mRNA translation en.svg. English: diagram showing how
  • The end of translation occurs when the ribosome reaches one or more STOP
  • Nicholas Ingolia. Article: Genome-Wide Analysis in Vivo of Translation with
  • Apr 29, 2011 . Historically, the ribosome has been viewed as a complex ribozyme with
  • What Role Does the Ribosome Play in Translation?. Translation is the first step in
  • The partitioning of mRNAs that accompanies such compartmentalization arises
  • Synthesis and folding of proteins require concerted interactions of the translating
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  • Apr 3, 2008 . Lost in Translation. The first direct observation of individual ribosomes translating
  • Trans-translation requires two specific factors, a small RNA SsrA (tmRNA) and a
  • We have followed individual ribosomes as they translate single messenger RNA
  • Apr 21, 2011 . Length-dependent translation of messenger RNA by ribosomes. Angelo
  • It carries genetic information from the gene (DNA) out of the nucleus, into the
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  • Taking into account the stochastic nature of the translation process and the
  • Ribosomes help coordinate the binding of tRNA anticodons with mRNA codons
  • This process is known as translation; the ribosome translates the genetic .
  • Translation initiation in prokaryotes is a complex process involving the ribosome,
  • NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics. Computational
  • ribosomal small subunit (40S). Part 1 of 9. start. end. Translation is the process of
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  • Ribosomes and translation. Green R, Noller HF. Center for Molecular Biology of
  • Feb 10, 2010 . position of active ribosomes bound to target mRNA. Using nucle- ase digestion,

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