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Being able to trace biological samples using different labels—specifically,
Apr 23, 2010 . The majority of bacterial genes initiate translation soon after the ribosome-
RIBOSOMES AND TRANSLATION. Annual Review of Biochemistry. Vol. 66: 679-
Translation takes place in the ribosomes, which are found in the cytosol of all
Nov 1, 2011 . It is essentially a translation from one code (nucleotide sequence) to another
Apr 3, 2008 . We have followed individual ribosomes as they translate single messenger RNA
the Griffiths et al, current edition · Ribosome Model.
Ribosomes, Buffers, Translation Factors, and mRNAs. Tight-coupled 70S
Although much research has been focused on the molecular mechanisms behind
The decoding of information in a cell's DNA into proteins begins with a complex
Translation is catalyzed by a large enzyme called a ribosome, which contains
Aug 10, 2001 . The code is actually translated on structures that are also made in the nucleus,
Ribosomes are protein-making factories, themselves composed of RNA and
Protein synthesis is accomplished through a process called translation. In
The ribosome molecules translate this code to a specific sequence of amino
The basic mechanics of protein synthesis are also the same in all cells:
Jan 20, 2011 . Guarding the 'translation apparatus': defective ribosome biogenesis and the p53
During translation, specific tRNAs (def) pick up specific amino acids, transfer
A summary of Ribosomes in 's Molecular Biology: Translation. Learn exactly what
A movie of translation in bacteria, showing initiation, elongation and termination
IRES-Mediated Translation in Eukaryotes, a Parallel to Prokaryotic Attenuation
Model of Ribosome during Translation · Catalytic Site of Ribosome · Ratcheting
Jun 17, 2011 . In this work, we have investigated the role of mRNA association with the
Description, Ribosome mRNA translation en.svg. English: diagram showing how
The end of translation occurs when the ribosome reaches one or more STOP
Nicholas Ingolia. Article: Genome-Wide Analysis in Vivo of Translation with
Apr 29, 2011 . Historically, the ribosome has been viewed as a complex ribozyme with
What Role Does the Ribosome Play in Translation?. Translation is the first step in
The partitioning of mRNAs that accompanies such compartmentalization arises
Synthesis and folding of proteins require concerted interactions of the translating
MS2 RNA as messenger, and, conversely, E. coli ribosomes do not translate .
Apr 3, 2008 . Lost in Translation. The first direct observation of individual ribosomes translating
Trans-translation requires two specific factors, a small RNA SsrA (tmRNA) and a
We have followed individual ribosomes as they translate single messenger RNA
Apr 21, 2011 . Length-dependent translation of messenger RNA by ribosomes. Angelo
It carries genetic information from the gene (DNA) out of the nucleus, into the
The genetic code is the same in all living organism, and it has been
Taking into account the stochastic nature of the translation process and the
Ribosomes help coordinate the binding of tRNA anticodons with mRNA codons
This process is known as translation; the ribosome translates the genetic .
Translation initiation in prokaryotes is a complex process involving the ribosome,
NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics. Computational
ribosomal small subunit (40S). Part 1 of 9. start. end. Translation is the process of
Sep 9, 2011 . There, assembling ribosomal subunits encounter large pools of mature 40S and
Ribosomes and translation. Green R, Noller HF. Center for Molecular Biology of
Feb 10, 2010 . position of active ribosomes bound to target mRNA. Using nucle- ase digestion,