Other articles:
May 11, 2011 . I need to be able to remotely test that I've set up the Reverse DNS at . To check
Jul 22, 2009 . How To Properly Setup and Configure Godaddy DNS Settings . It was working,
Aug 3, 2011 . We have reverse DNS setup correctly. How can I tell OpenVAS to do a reverse
Once you have tested that DNS is set up and working correctly ie forward and
May 12, 2005 . All major companies should have reverse DNS setup correctly, only the home
Apr 29, 2011 . I need to configure Reverse DNS for each domain. Is this possible and what is
Just the other day I had the reverse DNS fixed and now I think all the settings are
Aug 12, 2007 . Some mail servers are not letting me connect and I think this is due to reverse
Aug 11, 2011 . We have reverse DNS setup correctly. How can I tell OpenVAS to do a reverse
I have the latest simple dns plus, I have it setup correctly, I see in the arpa records
Sep 22, 2010 . how to verify if reverse dns is setup correctly? Because I've tried configure
Feb 6, 2009 . I dunno how to setup SPFTake a look here: http://old.openspf.org/wizard.html. Is
In South Africa registering domain names with the .co.za extension requires that
Setting up PTR's (aka Reverse DNS). Bottom Line: If you have a PTR record for
How To Setup IP Reverse DNS Record in Windows Server 2008/2003? 1. . Host
How do I create a correct > reverse DNS record to my exchange server? > >
Apr 22, 2009 . Summary: Today I want to let you know about another free resource that we offer
Oct 24, 2007 . A reverse DNS lookup does the opposite. . It's just that non-matching or generic
If it's local, well, you'll need to set up your DNS server properly, with reverse
Feb 25, 2008 . I'm getting the following error when checking my domain at dnsstufff.com (
Reverse DNS is setup by configuring PTR records (Pointer Records) in the DNS
Enter a domain name or IP address to lookup reverse PTR record . a series of
How do I verify my Reverse DNS Settings? . To determine if your IP Address
Domain Name System (DNS) is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) . a
Mar 19, 2012 . DNS is so simple! Unfortunately it seems like it's simple to screw up also, here's a
I have had a look online and found some information on DNS setup, but . I have
Strange, because I have the reverse DNS setup, and it seems to be working
Pretty sure I have my DNS setup correctly. If i turn off . Reverse dns is _not_
If so there is a good chance that a reverse DNS or a PTR record does not . . The
I have reverse DNS setup correctly (through my ISP) and am having no real
DNS Toolbox makes checking your domain quick and easy. If you need to check
It blocks many legitimate emails because not everyone has their reverse DNS
newbie. need definitive way to check reverse DNS- DNS. Visit Dev Shed to . If
Mar 24, 2008 . If reverse DNS for that IP address is not setup correctly, then NSLOOKUP cannot
Reverse DNS turns an IP address into a hostname -- for example, it might .
[Archive] Problems with reverse DNS Networking. . having to do with SOA and
I'm wanting to setup my reverse dns and ptr records correctly, but i don't think they
Nov 19, 2009 . This is a good method to check whether your provider has setup the rDNS
Jul 23, 2011 . What I want to do is to setup my Mac as a DNS, DHCP, OD, Web Server in . .
Thread: how do i check if i have reverse DNS PTR set up properly? . command
If you use a third-party DNS server to support Active Directory, you must . to
As title suggests I'm looking to make sure my hosting is set up to respond . webhosting.bigresource.com/How-to-setup-RDNS-Reverse-DNS--TJYxgqJi. html - Cached - SimilarReverse DNS records (Network Steve Forum)This company has a bit of a mess with DNS records and I want to make sure I get
Jun 12, 2009 . Should I make the reverse DNS point to bidrodeo.com instead? . . How to
Nov 19, 2009 . In South Africa registering domain names with the .co.za extension requires that
In computer networking, reverse DNS lookup or reverse DNS resolution (rDNS) is
The proper way to setup your reverse DNS entry is to ensure you have your
Ok, just today I've tried to send emails to 2 of my clients who both have adam
If this isn't set, Reverse DNS will not match and in turn your mail server will be
Jan 23, 2009 . You might think your reverse DNS is right but it might not be. There are two things