Dec 12, 11
Other articles:
  • revenue meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'Inland
  • Definition of unearned revenue: Payment received before a good is sold or a
  • noun. the return from property or investment; income. an item or source of income
  • Average revenue per user or average revenue per unit (ARPU) is an expression
  • Define revenue. What is revenue? revenue meaning and more by Macmillan
  • Definition: Companies incur unearned revenue when customers prepay for a
  • Revenue definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
  • This deferred revenue definition. Investor Glossary Homepage Simply click the
  • Revenue Meaning and Definition. (n.) The annual yield of . Hence, return;
  • Revenue is what business earns for its operations during an accounting period.
  • Deferred Revenue - Definition of Deferred Revenue on Investopedia - A liability
  • Nov 16, 2000 . CHAPTER 7. REVENUE. Contents and Abstract: 7.1 Revenue Definition: 7.11
  • The objective of IAS 18 is to prescribe the accounting treatment for revenue
  • Revenue - Definition of Revenue on Investopedia - The amount of money that a
  • We explain the definition of Net Revenue, provide a clear example of how it
  • Under the accrual basis of accounting, the Service Revenues account reports the
  • revenue - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and .
  • See Exhibit 13.1.3-1, Acronyms and Definition of Terms, for commonly used
  • Revenue management definition and fundamentals according to Xotels. Selling
  • Definition of revenue: The income generated from sale of goods or services, or
  • Capital and Revenue Receipts, Payments, Profits and Losses. Definition
  • Operating Revenue - Definition of Operating Revenue on Investopedia - Income
  • For its definition in United States law, see Income (United States legal definitions)
  • Understand the definition of accounting revenue and its main features, which are
  • Gross Revenue. "Raw" sales income; the amount customers actually pay the
  • A liability account that reports an insurance company's premiums received from
  • Supported Capital Expenditure (Revenue) as per is Capital
  • Cost of Revenue is found in the income statement under operating expenses.
  • glossary definition of management term Gross Revenue. . Definition: Gross
  • Definition of sales revenue from QFinance - The Ultimate Financial Resource.
  • Definition of revenue from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary
  • Sales Revenue. Income from sales of goods and services, minus the cost
  • marginal revenue - definition of marginal revenue - The revenue associated with
  • (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Britain and New Zealand) a government
  • Definition of government revenue in the Dictionary. Meaning of
  • Policy Title: Revenue Definition and Recognition - #4007. POLICY DETAILS.
  • Definition of Revenue: By 'revenue' of a firm is meant the total sale proceeds or
  • UNBILLED REVENUE is revenue which had been recognized but which had not
  • Recurring revenue is generating revenue over a period of time, for example a
  • in R.S. 47:301(16) and describe items included in and excluded from that
  • the total income produced by a given source <a property expected to yield a
  • The income of a government from all sources appropriated for the payment of the
  • marginal revenue ( ′märjənəl ′revə′nü ) ( industrial engineering ) The extra
  • Nov 16, 2009 . Go to for the complete lesson on Revenue
  • Noun, 1. tax revenue - government income due to taxation. tax income, taxation,
  • In business, revenue is income that a company receives from its normal business
  • revenue - definition of revenue - For a company , this is the total amount of money
  • Ancillary Revenue - Definition of Ancillary Revenue on Investopedia - Revenue
  • Definitions and translations of public revenue. . Uprava za javni prihodi 1
  • Main Entry: net revenue. Part of Speech: n. Definition: the proceeds from the sale

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