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I swear one of my mom's dogs, a Shepherd/Husky mix, is retarded. An
Top questions and answers about Mental Retardation in Dogs. Find 1849
As the phrase implies, Retarded people have reactions and instincts slowed
myretardeddog.com/ - Cached - SimilarKeystone Human Services - Comprehensive community based . Comprehensive community based services in the areas of mental retardation, .
(1981) Johnson. Australian Veterinary Journal. Read by researchers in: 100%
Mental retardation means that a person's ability to learn new things is slower or “
Mental retardation in cats is something that occurs from time to time, however.
Is it possible for dogs to be mentally retarded? If so, my dog is definitely mentally
The VOHC exhists to recognize products that meet pre-set standards of plaque
Yea, should have used 'mentally incapacited'. It's a dog. I'm a huge dog fan but I
277 +/- 7 g, P less than 0.01) in newborn dogs. Growth-retarded pups developed
Feb 12, 2012 . What could be signs of mental retardation in dogs? ChaCha Answer:
"VOHC exists to recognize products that meet, pre-set standards of plaque and
This fellow really may be backward or retarded. However, there may be other
What are the signs of dogs being mentally retarded? In: Dog Behavior [Edit
Early Retardation of 99mTc-DTPA Radioaerosol Transalveolar Clearance in .
Early retardation of 99mTc-DTPA radioaerosol transalveolar clearance in
Like almost any other animal, dogs can occasionally be mentally handicapped,
Rhomba is an absolutely gorgeous 3 1/2 year old girl. She is a sweetheart and
Nov 4, 2005 . Question - Mental Retardation in Dogs. Find the answer to this and other Dog
uterine growth-retarded pups. These data suggest that intra- uterine growth
Feb 1, 2012 . Can dogs have A.D.D and mental retardation and things like that? The KGB
Located: Mental Retardation | instantcheckmate.com . custom.life123.com/web?q=Mental+Retardation+in+Dogs. - CachedCan dogs suffer from mental retardation? : AskRedditSep 16, 2009 . Also most dogs that survive parvo are some retarded. I believe that it is mostly a
I think the first dog was retarded. posted by clh at 10:31 AM on January 24, 2006.
Mental retardation is generally caused by a genetic disorder. Sometimes, though,
I wonder how one could tell? Some dogs just seem bullheaded and slow to learn.
Just compare your pet to my dog, who suffers from MAJOR retardation! lol She's
Jan 16, 2001 . Talk show host Bill Maher has been criticized for remarks he made during a
Yes dogs can be mentally retarded either through a disorder, inbreeding, or
Veterinary Oral Health Council - VOHC exists to recognize products that meet pre
A dog with special needs 2. Evette 3. Latricia's dog. "Why the fuck did we get the
The cerebral metabolic effects of hypoglycemia due to intrauterine growth
Mar 4, 2007 . What are you saying that the mother or father is retarded and how do you . that if
Dogs can have neurological problems, but it is impossible for them to be '
May 16, 2011 . Signs of retardation in dogs? ChaCha Answer: Hyperthyroidism causes mental
Top questions and answers about Signs of Retardation in Dogs. Find 1825
Journal of Clinical Investigation. Vol. 43, No. 2, 1964. Retardation of Sodium
Three types of mental retardation in both humans and probably all animals, but
VOHC exists to recognize products that meet pre-set standards of plaque and
It sounds to me like you need to talk to your local vet; they will be able to tell you
sory. no idea. stil il try to find n let u knw.uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. - CachedHyperbole and a Half: DogJul 6, 2010 . I Googled "how to tell if your dog is retarded" and after a bit of . But damn it, I was
Apr 23, 2011 . Maher Compares Dogs to Retarded Children. Bill Maher reads from "The
I'm not sure how you could measure actual mental retardation in a dog, but most