Other articles:
https://www.illinois.gov/dcfs/safekids/reportingCachedDCFS has the primary responsibility of protecting children through the
www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/ap/childabusereportingguide.aspCachedSimilarInformation for school personnel and those who work in our children's schools to
https://www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/child-abuse-and-neglect.htmCachedProvides resources for identifying and reporting child abuse. From the Rotary
https://www1.nyc.gov/site/acs/child. /keeping-children-safe.pageCachedReport Child Abuse & Neglect. If a child is in immediate danger, call 911. If you
https://cfsa.dc.gov/service/report-child-abuse-and-neglectCachedCFSA takes reports of child abuse and neglect 24 hours a day, seven days a
https://danecountyhumanservices.org/. /Child/reporting_child_abuse_and_ neglect.aspxCachedSimilarFeb 17, 2011 . Child Abuse & Neglect. Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Concerns. If you
https://pll.asu.edu/p/class/reportingchildabuseandneglectCachedIn this module, teachers will learn about their responsibilities as mandated
www.state.nj.us/education/students/safety/. /abuse/training/CachedSimilarTraining: Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect, What School Personnel Need To
https://cyfd.org/child-abuse-neglect/reporting-abuse-or-neglectCachedSimilarMandated Reporting Every person who knows or has reasonable suspicion that
chfs.ky.gov/NR/rdonlyres/. /ChildAbuseandNeglectBooklet.pdfCached11/1/2010. TO REPORT SUSPECTED. CHILD ABUSE, NEGLECT OR.
teaching.monster.com/. /1929-reporting-child-abuse-and-neglect-mandatory -reporting-factsCachedSimilarAll 50 states have requirements for the mandatory reporting of child abuse and
https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/reportabuseCachedTo report a case of child abuse or neglect, contact the county or tribe where the
kids.delaware.gov/fs/fs_iseethesigns.shtmlCachedSimilarMandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect in Delaware. The Delaware
https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/responding/reporting/CachedSimilarEach State has a system to receive and respond to reports of possible child
dcf.vermont.gov/protection/reportingCachedSimilarReport Child Abuse in Vermont. mandated reporters widget. If you suspect that a
https://www.tn.gov/dcs/article/report-child-abuseCachedSimilarCall the Child Abuse Hotline to report child abuse or neglect in the State of
www.nj.gov/dcf/reporting/how/CachedSimilarIn New Jersey, any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has
www.michigan.gov/. /0,5885,7-339-73971_7119_50648_7193---,00.htmlCachedSimilarIn addition, the Child Protection Law requires certain professionals to report
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/childabuseandneglect/CachedSimilarThe policy guides Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) procedures and
dcfs.lacounty.gov/contactus/childabuse.htmlCachedSimilarTo report child abuse in Los Angeles County, California, contact the Child
www.dcfs.la.gov/abuseCachedReporting Child Abuse or Neglect. How can I report child abuse or neglect? Call
https://www.dshs.wa.gov/. /child. /how-report-child-abuse-or-neglectCachedSimilarOffices within local communities are responsible for receiving and investigating
www.mdhs.state.ms.us/report-child-abuseneglect/CachedSimilarReport Child Abuse/Neglect. Mississippi Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/abuse. /howtoreportCachedSimilarTELEPHONE. Press 1 to report suspected abuse, neglect or abandonment of a child. Press 2 to report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of the elderly or a vulnerable adult. Press 3 to verify the identity of a child protective investigator who recently visited you.
www.oregon.gov/dhs/children/child-abuse/. /Reporting-Numbers.aspxCachedSimilarReport child abuse to a local office of the Department of Human Services . This
dhr.maryland.gov/child. /reporting-suspected-child-abuse-or-neglect/CachedAll Maryland citizens should report suspected abuse or neglect to the local
https://www.in.gov/dcs/2971.htmCachedThe Hotline serves as the central reporting center for all allegations of child
www.purdue.edu/sexual_assault/howtohelp/minors/CachedSimilarAnyone over the age of 18 must report suspected child abuse or neglect (of any
policy.ucop.edu/doc/4000603CachedSimilarJun 13, 2013 . The California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (“CANRA”), . University
https://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Contact_Us/report_abuse.aspCachedGuide to Reporting Suspected Abuse, Neglect or Financial Exploitation of Adults
https://www.childwelfare.gov/organizations/?. rols:main. CachedSimilarState Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Numbers. State toll-free numbers for specific agencies designated to receive and investigate reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. Click on the website above for information on reporting or call Childhelp® (800-422-4453) for assistance.
dfcs.dhs.georgia.gov/child-abuse-neglectCachedSimilarChild Protective Services staff investigates reports of child abuse or neglect and
https://dss.sd.gov/childprotection/reporting.aspxCachedSimilarTo report child abuse or neglect, please call 1.877.244.0864. Intake Specialists
https://www.dss.virginia.gov/files/. /B032-02-0280-00-eng.pdfCachedSimilarA Guide For. Mandated Reporters In. Recognizing And Reporting. Child Abuse
dss.mo.gov/cd/can.htmCachedSimilarThe Children's Division Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline (CA/NHU) is a toll-free
dhr.alabama.gov/services/Child. /Abuse_Neglect_Reporting.aspxCachedReport Child Abuse and Neglect to Your County Department of Human
https://www.txabusehotline.org/CachedSimilarThe Department of Family and Protective Services provides this secure website
www.ct.gov/dcf/cwp/view.asp?a=2556&q=314388CachedFAQs about Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Abstract: To make a child abuse
www.dcf.ks.gov/services/PPS/. /ReportChildAbuseandNeglect.aspxCachedSimilarThe Child Abuse Report Guide is intended to help by providing you with a
https://dcs.az.gov/report-child-abuse-or-neglectCachedSimilarArizona Child Abuse Hotline. 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445). A report of
humanservices.arkansas.gov/dcfs/pages/childprotectiveservices.aspxCachedSimilarChild maltreatment means abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation or
https://jfs.ohio.gov/ocf/reportchildabuseandneglect.stmCachedSimilarWhat information do I need to make a report? The name and address of the child
www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/abuse-hotlineCachedSimilarThe one hour course is titled "Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
dhss.alaska.gov/ocs/Pages/Publications/ReportingChildAbuse.aspxCachedIncluded on this page is a list of those who are required by law to report known or
www.dss.cahwnet.gov/cdssweb/PG20.htmCachedInformation on how to report child abuse or make complaints. . Services: CPS is
www.maine.gov/dhhs/ocfs/mandated-reporters.shtmlCachedSimilarProfessionals who frequently encounter children in their work are in the best
dhs.elpasoco.com/Pages/CAPS.aspxCachedSimilarCHILD PROTECTIVE INTAKE SERVICES assesses and checks into all child
www.mass.gov/eohhs/gov/. /child-abuse-neglect/reporting-abuse.htmlCachedSimilarReporting Child Abuse and Neglect. If you need to report suspected or known
dcfs.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dcfsnvgov/. /ChildAbusePrevention.pdfCachedSimilartection of Children from Abuse and Neglect, re- quires any . curred to make a