Other articles:
Nov 13, 2004 . In other words, the repeater-builder web site and this Motorola web page is what
The Motorola Saber is one choice among firefighters and law enforcement. .
Jan 25, 2010 . If anybody actually has moved a Saber to 52 MHz or to 220 MHz then Repeater-
Oh, and one more good source of information on the Saber is The Repeater
(Saber series of parts and accessories file) http://www.repeater-builder.com/
I bought a Motorola Saber UHF radio on Ebay and I'm trying to find the manual.
The Repeater Builders Technical Information Page - a library of hands-on
Players now have the ability to construct their own lightsaber by choosing the hilt
The Saber I, II & IIIs come in many different configurations. . to see if the radio is
Oct 28, 2011 . Sabre 27 yachts for sale - used boats for sale in the UK and abroad. . Garmin
If true you could run the 286 12mhz Saber or R100 RSS in a virtual machine on
Xmarks site page for repeater-builder www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/saber/
MaxTrac 900 MHz Model Information By Repeater-Builder Staff - a break down of
On the other hand, the RSS for some radios such as the Saber handheld works in
The Motorola Saber is one choice among firefighters and law enforcement. .
Dec 24, 2007 . Never having used 99% of this RSS, repeater-builder can't vouch for the . RVN-
. Accessories CHARGERS Single Unit Chargers Provides quick and accurate charge
There are several series of handheld radios in Motorola's Saber line. . ..
Sep 22, 2010 . The I/O Microcontroller on the Control Board uses the logic on the LCD Board to
The Portable Clinic Your Motorola Portable 2-Way Radio .
As said on the front page of this web site, Repeater-Builder is NOT responsible
SABER™. Handie-Talki eо Portable Radios. Theory/Maintenance Manual .
If someone wants to do an Astro writeup (i.e. Spectra, Saber, etc) we will be
www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/saber/pdf/saber-parts-and-accessories.pdf -
FREQUENCY RANGE: 146-174MHz. BANDSPLITS: 136-150.8MHz. 146-
(STX/Spectra/Syntor/Saber) I'm not including "consumer" radios (frs etc.) Genesis
Results 1 - 10 of 594 . 5. saber motorola, 1, 6600, £1.33, 1.82, 2.53, 1, 962000, http://www.repeater-
Got a SABER w\ model number H44TUK5170CN . Does anybody . the modules.
RE: [Repeater-Builder] OT: Programming Help Needed - Saber. Eric Lemmon
Adding Channels 13, 14, and 15 to the Motorola Saber.
[Repeater-Builder] Motorola Saber Batteries. Aristotle Zoulas Mon, 16 Aug 2010
Results 1 - 10 of 20 . 1. repeater-builder.com http://www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/saber/saber-
Re: [Repeater-Builder] Motorola Saber Batteries. Kris Kirby Mon, 16 Aug 2010 05:
Find detailed information about Repeater-Builder.com - like contact info, .
A Hams's overview of the Motorola Saber handhelds.
Found this. has much good information about the Saber lines: »www.repeater-
I have 2 Sabers II's (H43QXJ7139CN) 136-174mhz (25/30khz) and would like to go
The astro saber is widebanded, VHF covering 136-174 and the UHF being either
Read on the repeater-builder website that the 8505816K21 VHF antenna will .
Repeater Builder Products - Radios and Accessories for Sale 40W UHF 8 . .. fs is
In other words, the repeater-builder web site and this Motorola web page is what
Sep 2, 2004 . Linksys' WRE54G Wireless-G Range Expander [reviewed here] is a WDS-based
Aug 30, 2007 . http://www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/saber/saber-index.html. Entered, "
The Saber portable radio is a product of Motorola USA, Inc. The Saber is a
Dec 26, 2009 . The very first 900 MHz repeater stakeholders meeting at NearFest May 3, 2008.
SYSTEMS SABER SECURENET Handie-Talkie Portable Radios 146-174 MHz Service Manual
Jul 7, 2009 . All sales are decisive Motorola! (Saber series because parts catalog and
Sep 15, 2011 . http://www.repeater-builder.com/motorola/saber/saber-index.html. Whаt dο уου
Hex editing the Saber RSS to allow out of band programming.
Apr 30, 2010 . The Repeater Builders Technical Information Page - a library of . System,