Other articles:
Southeast Iowa Technical Society. What's Inside your Astron? All rights reserved.
May 29, 2008 . Here's the url for the Repeater Builder web page,which has a lot of good
Oct 14, 2004 . Schematics and service information on Astron power supplies.
Jun 20, 2010 . 60 cyc hum! --- On Sun, 6/20/10, Leroy A. M. Baptiste <leroybapti. @spiceisle.
Repeaters: Are you a ham radio operator and operate.
Jun 20, 2005 . www.repeater-builder.com: www.repeater-builder.com,: www.repeater-builder.com/
Jun 20, 2005 . http://www.repeater-builder.com/astron/pdf/astron-rm-35m-bb.pdf. Greek Fire:
Repeater Builders has most of the documentation you require. http://www.
My personal opinion, which a number of my repeater-building friends share, is
Xmarks site page for repeater-builder www.repeater-builder.com/astron/astron-
http://www.kbt-dc-supplies.com/index.php > > Astron schematic diagrams > http://
A couple of things to check, First got to http://www.repeater-builder.com and
Schematics and service information on Astron™ linear and switching power
May 18, 2011 . These are the service manuals for a number of Astron power supplies. . <br><
http://www.repeater-builder.com/astron/astron-index.html. ARRL QST magazine
http://www.kbt-dc-supplies.com/regpix2.php. Here are those web links: Repeater
I found out about this while reading through the web side www.repeater-builder.
Jul 11, 2011 . Those of you who own large (500 watt and higher) Astron linear power supplies,
Schematics and service information on Astron™ power supplies. Compiled by
Here is a quote from the very informative and well written "REPEATER'S
Jul 5, 2009 . See more useful information on Astron supplies here. http://www.repeater-builder
www.repeater-builder.com · Download. http://www.repeater-builder.com/astron/
A Battery Back-Up Modification of Astron Power Supplies. This modification
http://www.repeater-builder.com/astron/pix/astron-vs35m.jpg. I modded one of
Nov 12, 2011 . Converting Motorola Part Numbers to Astron Model Numbers.
Results 1 - 10 of 4652 . 6. astron, 4, 90500, $0.95, 1.34, 1.14, 4, 2410000, http://www.repeater-builder.
Everyone should bookmark this page http://www.repeater-builder.com/astron/
Oct 10, 2011 . This circuit will automatically reset an Astron power supply that has been tripped
I was recently repairing my newly acquired Astron RS-12A power supply . be
I have 2 Astron power supplies running under my desk in my shack. . http://www.
You can download diagrams for popular Astron models at repeater builder. I
KC9PQA - Chalmers/White County Repeater - This is a repeater located in
Many Astron power supply schematics. . http://www.repeater-builder.com/astron/
Introductory Information on Astron™ power supplies http://www.repeater-builder.
Astron SS-30 power supply - adding Anderson PowerPoles . helpful editorial
Schematics and service information on astron linear and switching power supplies
[Repeater-Builder] Astron Power Supply Alert. Eric Lemmon Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:
Jun 20, 2010 . Yeah. exactally what i said in s nutshellll!!!!! Oscillation in thelinear
Hi, there is good Astron information on the repeater-builder site, note that each
repeater-builder.com/astron/ pdfs/seits-astron-article.pdf. Related Topics: power
Dec 15, 2005 . I have scanned it an provided it as a donation to the http://www.repeater-
One source for photos, illustrations and drawings of astron.
Astron Power Supply Papers and Research , find free PDF download from the
http://www.repeater-builder.com/astron/pdf/astron-rm-35m-bb.pdf. Greek Fire:
You may wish to also poke around this page on repeater builder site Index of
This is discussed on the Astron section of the repeater Builders TIP web page.
This circuit will automatically reset an Astron power supply that has been tripped
Sep 16, 2006 . (BTW, a schematic was not shipped with my SS-30M) http://www.repeater-builder