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Sep 8, 2011 . Progressive disease is defined in clinical trials as tumor growth of more . Even if
Mar 19, 2012 . Remission: Disappearance of the signs and symptoms of cancer or other disease
This is analogous to certain cancers, where cure is defined as complete
You, the citizen, are supposed to assume that "remission" means a person is
Cancer-Remission-Definition - How to Cope During Cancer Remission : Focus
May 17, 2006 . Is cancer ever really cured? What is remission? If you've asked these questions,
An example of remission is being free from previous cancer symptoms.
definition. View thesaurus entry for remission; What are red words? Using the
The disappearance of all signs of cancer in response to treatment. This does not
Definition of remission in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning . Definitions of
Independent Cancer Research Foundation Inc. - This article deals with cancer
Feb 7, 2012 . Complete remission in AML has been defined using the following . rate in adult
BACKGROUND: Spontaneous Remission (SR) of cancer is defined as “the
Instead, the latter two definitions only define “control” or “remission” of prostate
The Definition of Remission The first goal of breast cancer treatments is to halt
The aim is to induce a lasting remission, defined as the absence of detectable
Definition of complete remission in the Medical Dictionary. complete . All I know
Relapse and remission. The "cure" concept has a serious disadvantage. Its
Jul 26, 2004 . A period during which symptoms of disease are reduced (partial remission) or
Oct 24, 2011 . After treatment is complete, if no signs of cancer can be found, the disease is
The spontaneous regression and remission from cancer was defined by Everson
Oct 20, 2009 . Definition: Remission is a term that indicates how a disease is responding to
Part of Speech, Definition. Noun, 1. An abatement in intensity or degree (as in the
Top questions and answers about Cancer Remission Definition. Find 292
Remission and Goals of Cancer Therapy Depending on the type of cancer, and
If the cancer has spread beyond the cervix, remission is less likely but still .
New definition of remission in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia . . CA
remission meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'remiss','
In breast cancer, many use a definition for cure that has been termed . remission
Sep 25, 2011 . The majority of patients treated with optimal surgical tumor removal and
William Boyd2, in his 1966 text The Spontaneous Regression of Cancer, defined
Complete Remission: This is defined as whether or not there are any active
Remission definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
An example of remission is to grant a prisoner a pardon. An example of remission
remission Definition, Definition remission, Remission - Definition for Remission at
A partial remission may be defined for cancer as 50% or greater reduction in the
A decrease in or disappearance of signs and symptoms of cancer. In partial
Definition of remission in the Online Dictionary. . an abatement in intensity or
Oct 13, 2005 . A look into the definition of the word remission, realting to cancer. Remission is
A decrease in the size of a tumor, or in the extent of cancer in the body, in
A decrease in or disappearance of signs and symptoms of cancer. In partial
Feb 1, 2006 . The treatment course for advanced ovarian cancer is marked both by . . epithelial
May 2, 2003 . definition of remission?. . .. Non-Hodgkin's Peer . There is a definite difference
Kid's Cancer Definition. Pedsc JFK Header. Cancer is a scary word. Almost
Definition of Remission induction chemotherapy. Remission .
Jul 13, 2006 . Many people seem to have a distorted and incorrect definition of the word "
Endometrial Cancer medical glossary includes a list of Endometrial Cancer
Synonyms for remission at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms,
May 8, 2006 . Sydney, Australia; 19St Vincent's Comprehensive Cancer Center, New York, NY,
PAUL Bradfield was not a man who took something for nothing. Eight days ago