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PDF about Remission Antonym. You can download Remission Antonym PDF
Definition of remission from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio .
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non·re·mis·sion, noun. Can be confused: remission, remittance. Synonyms 2.
Sep 19, 2011 . "remission" definitions: an abatement in intensity or degree (as in the . sense-
Are these words quiet - agitated antonyms or synonyms? . quiet-temperateness-
Nov 18, 2011 . What is's the opposite of remission? ChaCha Answer: Some antonyms for the
Find the opposite of remission of sin using this online dictionary of antonyms.
the act of absolving; specifically : a remission of sins pronounced by a priest (as
Find the opposite of remission using this online dictionary of antonyms.
Antonyms: 1. Absence 2. Distraction 3. Remission Contextual Examples: Your
noun. The action of making something less severe. Thesaurus: moderation, relief,
remission. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email. American Heritage
Find visual synonyms of remission. remission Thesaurus, remission Antonyms.
History Vocabulary: What are Missions? -- In History they used missions as a
Find visual synonyms of remission of sin. remission of sin Thesaurus, remission
What is the antonym of the following terms-amnesty-pardon-remission-
partial remission meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also . v-
Remission Antonym. www.acquacentrum.com/remission-antonym. 2011-02-25
In Remission Antonym. No results, sorry. Try less words? ie. In Remission Try
Definition of remission meaning of remission – Webster's Dictionary Thesaurus .
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Apr 19, 2011 . a suspended action , temporary inactivity. synonyms: recess, remission, deferral.
Synonyms: absolution, amnesty, forgiveness, remission, remittal . Near
Jul 30, 2011 . Tags: remission game, remission definition, personality types, lymphoma
What is Antonym of remission - penalty,punishment,retaliation,retribution,
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Meaning of remission of sin. Pronunciation of remission of sin. Translations of
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Synonyms: pardon, absolution, amnesty, forgiveness, oblivion, acquittal,
Therefore, if remission is the antonym of active disease, then the presence of one
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Jan 21, 2012 . Remission Synonyms, Remission Antonyms | Thesaurus.com. thesaurus.com/
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Synonyms: pardon, absolution, amnesty, forgiveness, oblivion, acquittal,
Meaning of remission. Pronunciation of remission. Translations of remission.
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Definitions of remission, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of remission,
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Cancer Remission, Define Remission, Leukemia Remission, Lymphoma
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remission - Word Definitions / Meanings, Synonyms and Antonyms, Reference